21 day fix



  • ritchiehl
    ritchiehl Posts: 64 Member
    I never purchased the program but I do know what it is. I semi-follow it based off of things I have googled/pinterested as well as weighing and logging on MFP. I guess what I needed was a guideline of how many servings of each food group I should get a day. I found the amount of each container and multiplied by how many of that container...then I weigh the food and put it into my own tupperware. I also wasn't very interested in their home DVDs as I am currently training for a marathon. And I definitely never bought into their pills/shakes/whatever they push. So I guess I'm trying to say there is a ton of free resources out there if you need guidance on portions or servings like I did. It literally takes some googling and a spreadsheet.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited April 2015
    baileyh_ wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    baileyh_ wrote: »
    The Beachbody hate on these forums is kind of ridiculous.

    You understand that's because beachbody is an MLM, and the below par dietary supplements and meal replacements they advertise as magic super foods....right??

    Uhh, no... I don't understand. I'd like to see the evidence that supports your claim that their dietary supplements and meal replacements are subpar. If you can show me definitive proof that Shakeology DOESN'T have superfoods in it, I would most definitely read it and believe you.

    But, until then, I'll keep drinking my Shakeology and doing my Beachbody workouts. The workouts work for me, deliver the results I'm looking for, and I like Shakeology. Tastes good. Other protein powders make me sick. Don't know why, don't care.

    To start, "super foods" is purely a marketing term.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    LOL. Not many people answered OP but started preaching and bunking.

    the answer is that it is not necessary ..I believe that was covered on page one
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    mimimags wrote: »
    what is the 21 day fix?

    A BeachBody "program" to sell more really expensive meal replacement shakes. You do eat regular food too....but you get a bunch or containers to "portion" your food in.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    baileyh_ wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    baileyh_ wrote: »
    The Beachbody hate on these forums is kind of ridiculous.

    You understand that's because beachbody is an MLM, and the below par dietary supplements and meal replacements they advertise as magic super foods....right??

    Uhh, no... I don't understand. I'd like to see the evidence that supports your claim that their dietary supplements and meal replacements are subpar. If you can show me definitive proof that Shakeology DOESN'T have superfoods in it, I would most definitely read it and believe you.

    But, until then, I'll keep drinking my Shakeology and doing my Beachbody workouts. The workouts work for me, deliver the results I'm looking for, and I like Shakeology. Tastes good. Other protein powders make me sick. Don't know why, don't care.

    To start, "super foods" is purely a marketing term.

    What he said, so very much what he said :)

    Yes, kindly explain how a superfood works, feel free to compare and contrast it to...errr...let's say a turkey, lettuce, tomato and mayo sandwich
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I have gotten lots of good advice in the forums. And I believe that I have offered good advice as well. Part of being an adult is the ability to process ideas and opinions that may not match our own preconceived notions. Veterans of the forums generally agree that fad diets, extreme diets, the cutting of food groups, and the labeling of food and bad or good, generally isn't wise. And most of us are not interested in paying for someone to tell us how and what to eat.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I hate (75% of) the MFP community - it's the worst! Innocent people ask for your experience on a specific program, and here come the trolls with zero experience with the program, who apparently know it all. This leaves the innocent folks with their simple questions having to sift through the BS to find real answers from people who actually have done the program. This is why people join MFP and then stop using it a short time after, because they are nothing but discourages and overwhelmed.

    I think it's a good idea. Do I think it's something you can try to acheive on your own? Yes. But some people need more structure when starting out. Why is that bad - look at some of the people who have posted their results - that's great for them. Why can't some of you pull the stick out of your rear, and just be supportive and happy for folks? EVERY single conversation on these boards turns into a battle. It's exhausting!
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    edited May 2015
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I lost weight the old fashion way, eating at reasonable deficit and workout equal to 121 pounds weight loss!!.....and it's sustainable!! Been maintaining now for almost 6 months. ;)

    Diets never work.
    that is fantastic, I agree diets don't work, it's all about a lifestyle change.
    I know a few people on the 21 day fix and they are doing well, if it works for you, than I say keep going. I hope this kick starts your journey and you keep making healthier choices. It's all about balance and what works for you.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Disagreeing with this program doesn't equal troll! Just mean people! But some of those coming in here on this calorie counting site touting non-calorie counting techniques, may be trolls. Or maybe into sales. There are so many of these threads, every day, very strange if it's just ordinary people, trying to get information. Why don't they ask on the product's page?

    But I'd like to stress that I think the 21 day fix is not a stupid program, not really too restrictive, just unnecessarily rigid and expensive, and it has an unlucky name, leading people to think "quick fix".
  • erinnichols91
    erinnichols91 Posts: 10 Member
    Everyone is so quick to be critical of something that is working for someone else. Whether it's The 21 Day Fix, Veganism, Whole 30, etc., it seems as if people don't want to give credit where credit is due. Before you jump me for that statement, I'm referring to giving credit to the person not the program. The program requires effort and a change in eating habits, so how is that so different from the treadmill junkies who do IIFYM, or the the walkers who have put their effort into increasing distance and cutting calories?

    Where did encouragement go? No one is the same or will get the same results. You don't know this woman's backstory, her struggles, or her circumstances. Working out from home on a plan that she paid for is just the same as your gym membership. I for one live in BFE and we have one gym that opens at like 7 am and closes at 8. I work from 7:30 to 3:30 and then I have to pick my daughter up from daycare. There is my "why". There is the reason I know that home based program will work better for me and provide better results than buying a gym membership that I will rarely use. Don't be so quick to judge or make assumptions.
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I did the 21 day fix and thought that it really worked for me. I overindulged during the holiday months and needed a guide to balance my diet back. I followed it for the first week and then let my body do the rest. If I felt that it wasn't enough food, I would add more protein or vegetables here and there. You get to eat like 5-6 meals during the program and it was high in protein and veggies. The workout was great. I don't go to the gym so these programs fit my lifestyle. I still do the workouts at home but don't follow the "diet" anymore.
    Do what you think will help you in the right direction to a healthier and fitter you. What works for others may not work for you. You have to determine how to get there, whether its paying for a gym membership or do these types of programs at home. Please don't take a offense to me saying this but even though I don't know you, I'm proud that you're looking at different options of getting healthy. Asking questions are always good and everyone will have an opinion but as long as you keep moving and take it one day at a time, you'll get there. Best of luck to your healthy journey.