21 day fix

nywhaley Posts: 4 Member
This is my first week of starting this program. Its certainly been challenging preparing all the food that I have to eat through out the day. Its more volume than quantity I must say. Is there anyone else out there that is doing the 21 day fix?


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Why not just eat regular food at a deficit?
  • angelwise925
    angelwise925 Posts: 2 Member
    nywhaley wrote: »
    This is my first week of starting this program. Its certainly been challenging preparing all the food that I have to eat through out the day. Its more volume than quantity I must say. Is there anyone else out there that is doing the 21 day fix?

  • angelwise925
    angelwise925 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing most of it:)
    I am 64 y/ young :)
    Drinking my morning Shakrelogy:)
    Exercize , about 5-6 times a week.
    I do prepare a lot of food , but find it easier in the long run!
    How do track walking on fitness pal , anyone know ?
    Or Zumba ?
    Love this Ap , still learning to use it :)
  • Steph1015
    Steph1015 Posts: 119 Member
    Trying to!
  • mimimags
    mimimags Posts: 1
    what is the 21 day fix?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited March 2015
    I lost weight the old fashion way, eating at reasonable deficit and workout equal to 121 pounds weight loss!!.....and it's sustainable!! Been maintaining now for almost 6 months. ;)

    Diets never work.
  • NikiMG1681
    NikiMG1681 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm so sick of negative nancy's!

    The 21 day fix, although I've never done it, is perhaps a great way for someone who has never learned how to "eat at a deficit" or "reasonable" in a manor that suits their lifestyle.

    If it inspires someone to start on the healthy train and develop great habits down the road, for the long run, why on earth would anyone at a community called "my fitness pal" be anything but positive!!?!!

  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I'm so sick of negative nancy's!

    The 21 day fix, although I've never done it, is perhaps a great way for someone who has never learned how to "eat at a deficit" or "reasonable" in a manor that suits their lifestyle.

    If it inspires someone to start on the healthy train and develop great habits down the road, for the long run, why on earth would anyone at a community called "my fitness pal" be anything but positive!!?!!

    Who is being negative?? People are offering their insight on something. This is a public forum. If you are this sensitive maybe you shouldn't be on the internet.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Is this the one with all the tupperware containers? Why don't you just weigh and measure your own food?
  • Cryptonomnomicon
    Cryptonomnomicon Posts: 848 Member
    A LOT of diet books; too many frankly. Most follow a fairly standard organization, with very very few exceptions, most will tell you that ‘calorie restricted diets don’t work for weight loss’ and that whatever magic they are selling is the key to quick, easy (and of course permanent) weight loss.

    Whether it’s insulin, dietary fat, the protein:carbohydrate or insulin:glucagon ratio, partitioning or whatever other BS, they will make it sound like caloric intake is not the key aspect in whether or not someone gains weight.

    In almost all cases, the idea that food intake must be restricted in any fashion is dismissed; if it is mentioned it is generally as a short aside late in the book that nobody pays any attention to.

    This is purely a psychological ploy; it sucks to have to consciously restrict food intake and this causes mental stress. Simply knowing that you can’t eat what you want when you want it blows; I hate it as much as the next person. Many people will feel hungrier simply because they know that they can’t eat what they want when they want it.

    Yet the fundamental fact is that the body will NOT have any need to tap into stored body fat unless the individual is burning more calories than they are taking in. Of course this means that either energy expenditure has to go up, caloric intake has to go down, or both have to occur.

    So how can these books make this claim? It’s simple: they all hide basic caloric restriction in whatever they happen to be proposing. Basically, this is Lyle’s Rule #1 of Diet books:

    All diet books tell you that you won’t have to restrict calories, and then trick you into doing it anyway.

    ETA: Same with diet fads such as shakeology, the need to eat or avoid certain foods etc

    You will find the most successful members on this site follow a very simply method: CICO (calories in vs calories out). Of course they also pay attention to their macro and micro nutrient needs but nutrition is a whole other story. A calorie deficit is key for weight loss alone.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    I'm so sick of negative nancy's!

    The 21 day fix, although I've never done it, is perhaps a great way for someone who has never learned how to "eat at a deficit" or "reasonable" in a manor that suits their lifestyle.

    If it inspires someone to start on the healthy train and develop great habits down the road, for the long run, why on earth would anyone at a community called "my fitness pal" be anything but positive!!?!!

    Never tried it.
    Thinks it's great.

  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I'm so sick of negative nancy's!

    Welcome to the internet. Sorry to hear that after 20 posts, you are sick of it.

    To the OP: 21 day fix is just that. A short term fix. It is not sustainable over the long term, and will not lead to permanent results.

    Eat less, move more. It's a surprisingly simple equation. Measure & log all your foods, eat less than you used to, exercise more than you do now. Do what you will stick to. Some of us lift, some of us Zumba, some of us do it all. No one camp has all the answers, because the answer is as simple as do what you LIKE and will KEEP DOING. Be patient, you will be successful.

  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    Why not just eat regular food at a deficit?

    Since you keep saying this... here's my question of you, what is "regular food" and "at a deficit"? It seems you aren't familiar with 21 Day Fix.

    redheaddee wrote: »

    To the OP: 21 day fix is just that. A short term fix. It is not sustainable over the long term, and will not lead to permanent results.

    I agree with this post. I also think there are people who need to do something that will get them into eating less than they do now. It's not just as easy as "eat at a deficit" for people who are used to overeating.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    mscheftg wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    Why not just eat regular food at a deficit?

    Since you keep saying this... here's my question of you, what is "regular food" and "at a deficit"? It seems you aren't familiar with 21 Day Fix.

    redheaddee wrote: »

    To the OP: 21 day fix is just that. A short term fix. It is not sustainable over the long term, and will not lead to permanent results.

    I agree with this post. I also think there are people who need to do something that will get them into eating less than they do now. It's not just as easy as "eat at a deficit" for people who are used to overeating.

    The thing is that it really is that easy when you stop wasting time with quick fixes and realize that CICO is as simple as it is.
  • TheBoss425
    TheBoss425 Posts: 1 Member
    Oh my goodness. My first day back on the forum, reading my first post and I remember why I got off. 21 day fix is just what everyone here is suggesting that she should do! Real food in the quantities that are healthy. It's another way of measuring without using a scale. To each their own - it's a measuring system. It's a Beachbody system, none of which are a "diet". Any conversation that starts with, Why don't you, or you should just.... sounds kind of preachy. She asked if anyone else was doing 21 day fix, didn't ask for advise on what you think she should do.

    To NY Whaley, Good Luck! I have friends doing that program but they're not on this site.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Oh my goodness. My first day back on the forum, reading my first post and I remember why I got off. 21 day fix is just what everyone here is suggesting that she should do! Real food in the quantities that are healthy. It's another way of measuring without using a scale. To each their own - it's a measuring system. It's a Beachbody system, none of which are a "diet". Any conversation that starts with, Why don't you, or you should just.... sounds kind of preachy. She asked if anyone else was doing 21 day fix, didn't ask for advise on what you think she should do.

    To NY Whaley, Good Luck! I have friends doing that program but they're not on this site.

    Welcome back... :laugh:
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I've done the 21 Day Fix and the 21 day fix Extreme. I was already a pretty healthy eater anyhow, but it does help with portion control. I think it would be great for someone who isn't use to eating healthy.

    Eating at a deficit isn't the point of the program. It's to teach you what type of foods to eat and how much. I can eat 5 cookies for the day and that's all and be at a deficit, but that's not healthy and I'm not getting the nutrients my body needs. Also, when people start a "diet" they tend to cut their calories way down and skip meals. This program is about EATING and eating the right types of food, not just starving yourself to be at a deficit for the day.

    Also, it's not a quick fix. It teaches you how to continually eat healthy and you can continue to do program well after the 21 days are up. Some people honestly don't know how to eat healthy. It also includes daily exercise videos which are fun and only 30 minutes.

    And no I'm not a beachbody coach, I just know it works.
  • livenletlive09
    livenletlive09 Posts: 2 Member
    nywhaley wrote: »
    This is my first week of starting this program. Its certainly been challenging preparing all the food that I have to eat through out the day. Its more volume than quantity I must say. Is there anyone else out there that is doing the 21 day fix?

    I have been thinking about it. Even using myfitnesspal I find myself making bad choices. 21 day fix is the only program I've seen that focuses on a healty balanced diet. I'm thinking it's a great program for beginners to learn. Personally I would definitely commit to it long term not just 21 days. Hope you will post updates :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MFP does this for free...

    why pay someone to do what MFP already will do?
  • Jsykar
    Jsykar Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on day 10 of the 21 day fix, but I am not following the workout. I'm doing insanity. I think its great for putting food into perspective. Hope it goes great for you. x