Amaris1973 Member


  • Moikka, on hiljaista, laittakaa ystava pyyntoa jos taalla viela joku pyorii...
  • Hello everyone!! Please add me and my partner DarkFantasy404, we have both joined to lose some weight and to improve our health and fitness. Its hard work so good group of motivating friends is good, this is my 3rd time here and have found that when you make it more social you are more likely to succeed for sure.
  • Me too, please add me :)
  • oh single too....
  • ANything by Paolo Coelho :)
  • If you want to go the lower carb route, try to include some fruits, vegetables, and whole grain carbohydrates every day. They contain a host of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that are essential for good health and that you…
  • I find it strange that there is so much hype about salt being bad, it is very vital for us staying alive. Without it we would be dead, quite literally. However, the white salt sold is not what I am talking about, it has been stripped from all minerals that our body DESPERATELY need and this is the stuff we are having too…
  • OMG, what s sex? Someone enlighten me...been that long LOL Maybe I should have an add min the paper : looking for calorie burning sexual partner, you like the humping, I can do the calorie counting! ~quite literally pissing herself with lauging~
    in SEX! Comment by Amaris1973 March 2011
  • Yeah I guess it can vary so much with different people, I think with me I have had lots of flab and in the beginning the weight just melted off with just by being more sensible, I am guessing my next 15 pounds will be lot harder too and I really have to crack down more. But for me this is also about change of lifestyle as…
  • I had a sneaky peek at your diary and noticed that most days you are way below 1200 but you are also burning 600-700 calories with excercise and you are not eating those exercise calories. Lot of people here will eat their excersise calories and are still losing weight (including me 28 pounds down in just 8 weeks) and…
  • 300 calories? That is one mega potato. 4oz of potato (113grams) is 125 calories.
  • Can I ask fellow MFP members to add my sister as a friend to get her into the groove of things!
  • Thursday Goal 1 - Log all food - Done Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water -Done Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - 75 mins Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Done Goal 5 - do something for yourself - read a book
  • Welcome sis! You will find lots of nice people who will cheer you on :) Glad you came along!
  • I have to laugh, tonight my weight is 94kg, 15 pounds more than this morning, even bigger difference this time. I am very intrigued to see what tomorrow morning will say? And then probably go and by some real scales!!!
  • As a kiddo it was ryvita crisp breads with ketchup as spread, mind you I used to put ketchup into everything then, including soups. Could eat a whole packet.
  • Wednesday Goal 1 - Log all food - Yup! Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water -Always, this is piece of cake, probably had around 16 glasses! Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Did 75 mins today Wohoo! Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Yup! Goal 5 - do something for yourself - Watched a few episodes of Merlin :D
  • Yeah it is carpet as my living room has full carpet throughout. But if it is always on tjhe carpet then surely should not effect it? I am gonna try again, do both tonight and tomorrow morning and just see what readings I get. The truth is that I have lost 2 inch from my waist and bum in the last week, so really I should…
  • I easily drink about 2-4 litres of liquids, coffee, water, white tea each day, so I know I have lot of liquid weight going on in the evening. I havent got real scales, I use my wii fit board for weighing and it has been pretty good so far. Maybe I will check the batterie son it, I assume it works like a digital scale. I…
  • I am laughing so hard I think I just pee'd a little :DDD
  • Tuesday Goal 1 - Log all food - Yup! Goal 2 - drink at least 8 cups of water -Always, this is piece of cake! Goal 3 - work out for 30 minutes per day - Just scraped 30, last 2 days training has wiped me out. Goal 4 - stay under your calories - Yup! Goal 5 - do something for yourself - I managed to have 1.5 glasses of white…
  • Monday Logged all food DId 75 mins excersise Was under calories Drank 2.5 litres of water Watched a few episedes of Merlin :) 5/5
  • cant find it either...
  • I am having mine with philadelphia garlic and herb light cream cheese, very yummy.
  • Very simple breathing technique is just lay down comfortable, breathe through your nose and on each out breath repeat in your mind 'letting go' by this we are refering to the pain of course. Alternatively you could visualise the pain in your mind as a black dark cloud. While breathing slowly, imagine yourself shining a…
  • I hear you sweetie. I can only do this if I can have some treats Friday and Saturday. Today mine have been sausage and egg buttie (sandwich if your not from Yorkshire) and a bottle of white wine. I can keep going for 5 days if I know I can reward myself. I try to keep some tabs on it, so today I am over my calories by 250,…
  • I have discovered popcorn is great, I used to love my crisps and on my Diet Chef diet they do popcorn and you can have quite a lot for example 100 cals. Salted that is. Ryvita crisp breads with a little low fat cheese spread are great tasting too. For sweet tooth, white grapes, light chocolate mousse...these are mine…
  • Avoid the deep fried stuff, have boiled rice instead of egg fried and have lots of veg as well to fill you up. The chicken soup is also very good for you and low in cals
  • Me too!!:flowerforyou: