Thankyou :) yeah I think I have to start eating bigger breakfasts, average lunches and small dinners. Feel annoyed that I have to make myself eat it all! But, as you say, food is fuel! I just ran out of protein shake this morning :( but thankyou for the advice!! :)
Yes I still feel hungry; wouldnt eat otherwise. But I need to start eating the full 1200 cals apparently. :)
Whats pb2? :)
Yes havent oats in ages ha! Thanks :) I never think of these things on my own!
That sounds good, thankyou :)
Haha I am addicted to sugar though! Trying to keep away from it as much as I can at the moment. Apart from the sugars in carbs etc. :)
My boobs have definately got smaller also...but in a way its better as my band width has reduced, meaning ive lost back fat and inches, and I use weights and do a lot of chest strengthening excercises so they're a nice perky shape haha, palmers bust cream is good for stretch marks and firming them :) well done on your…
Awesome-thanks! :)
Thanks guys, yeah I'm thinking of either getting a fish ramen or a bean and glass noodle salad...tortured myself a little by looking at the dishes I used to eat like the firecracker chicken....tops 1100 calories!!! jeeeez!
I know how you feel on this one, but it really is a refreshing way to exercise and great after a gym session. I actually was a pretty bad swimmer at first, so that got me down as well, but after a while i just jumped in and focused on the lengths. I am a much better swimmer now, you can do it!
But i do have experience; it may only be a few years compared to decades-but at least dont judge a book by its cover.
Thanks for your debating, people. A few good points have been raised here. A lot of prejudice/judgement going on about my age/how much i know. Of course i dont have years of weight loss experience, i know that. There are a lot of conflicting views about everything, i dont really know who to believe about what. Sorry as i…
ok. firstly, i started tracking calories about two months ago with mfp-but this doesnt mean i havent been exercising and doing hiit for a while. so please dont try and say i dont know anything. thankyou for your advice.
haha okay then well; as previously written i have apologised as i didnt read that post thoroughly enough obviously. so are you trying to judge a book by its cover and say i dont know anything about weight-loss also? that isnt intended as rude i just would like to know.
I think because many of us have been doing this for so long we know what works, what doesn't, what has been said to us by nutritionists etc etc etc....everything conflicts. That's why I find that when someone is having trouble with losing weight or whatever its hard to put your opinion across.
I just felt the way you replied was rude; i may have skip-read the post because obviously i was wrong. meh, im wrong either way tbh. all i know is what i am doing is working so im trying not to let the other **** get to me.
That said, this site (in particular) is rife with misconceptions about diet and exercise (including generous portions of fad-diet proselytizing and broscience) that will leave newbies feeling confused and overwhelmed. Many of them will probably just give up on diet and exercise altogether...and that's certainly NOT what we…
haha no, unfortunately not my first time on the internet. maybe im too nice.
That's fine, but who knows who has the wrong information and who doesn't? its just silly bickering, I joined this site so I would be able to have support from other people and help others, now i think i might just leave the topics altogether.
NO... 1) You don't gain any appreciable muscle while at a deficit of calories; building muscle requires a surplus. You cannot be anabolic and catabolic at the same time. 2) You most certainly don't put on 5 Lbs of muscle in three days...a male with decent genetics who has a spot on diet and spends a good deal of time in…
I'm feeling the same. I love exercise usually, I love the buzz it gives me. Could you be feeling stressed? Maybe you haven't found something you really enjoy? I have found that I really enjoy boxing and kick-boxing but I can't afford to go to classes at the moment :( Find a friend to workout with maybe?
Muscle weighs more than fat, so it could be that you've gained a bit of muscle mass and lost some fat over the past couple of days. have you eaten much protein?
Alcohol is pretty much liquid fat. It is definately going to sabotage your weight goal. I am giving up alcohol for three weeks (its not that hard but in the summer weather I love a mojito)! But I just keep reminding myself that; 1. The cocktails I love all contain copious amounts of sugar and fat. 2. The cider and lager I…
I don't think my cup size has reduced, but I think my band width definately has so everytime I look down at them I feel like they're just too small! :( sad times haha
Hi there, i too find it really hard to give up my sweet treats. i am constantly finding myself reach for the biscuit tin. research has shown that when you're craving sugar, what your body actually craves is magnesium. sugar will make you lathargic, so try to eat foods like nuts, seeds and wholegrain, which will boost your…