achapman01 Member


  • I try to always eat something with protein about an hour before working out. Greek yogurt w/almonds, meat/veggies (about 1/3 of my lunch, for example). Just about everything has a few carbs in it, so I don't seek out starchy stuff like bread. I have low blood sugar issues, so I can relate to feeling dizzy if I have not…
  • No, don't count barfed up food. You would not have absorbed/digested many calories or nutrients.
  • I think there are good protein powders out there that cost a lot less and work as well. Vitacost or Pure Protein, for example. That said, Shakeology chocolate is sure yummy! Just be aware that it has "probiotic" properties that kick in about four hours after you drink it! If you decide to try it, find a Team Beach Body rep…
  • Leftovers from almost any healthy dinner make great meals for the next day. I love to cook in the crockpot, since it's easy and healthy. if you cook a roast or chicken tenders in the crockpot (maybe on your day off, start something in the morning while you're off doing other things?) you can portion out the meat/veggies…
  • Yay, 5'4" inchers! I am 47 and weigh about 148. I'll be thrilled to get below 140, then 135 would be great. I'm not willing to work as hard as I did in my 20's to be super thin. Looking to lose about 10% body fat, get toned muscles, and keep my blood glucose levels even. Being healthy is the most important thing to me. :)
  • Thanks for sharing this! Always looking for something to substitute for bread. Ground flax seed powder mixed with egg works pretty good for wraps too! :)
  • Please see a dermatologist ASAP. Your general doctor probably does not have the expertise to help you. My dermatologist gave me antibiotics and a topical gel that worked wonders. I got acne in my mid-20's. Good luck!
  • 110 in Las Vegas. :)
  • I do a saline rinse with a neti pot before I go to bed, which seems to help with allergies quite a bit, especially if you've been exposed to something during the day, like smoke or dust. I found that if I do the rinse in the morning, it can cause nasal drip during the day. Hence the suggestion to do it right before bed. It…
  • I believe that it does, indeed, matter very much where calories come from. Eating donuts all day long would certainly be tasty, and provide LOTS of calories, but your body wouldn't get the nutrients, protein, etc. that it needed. Suggest checking out marksdailyapple(dot)com for lots of excellent food information. :)
  • Prepared food has WAY too much sodium and usually not very much protein. If you can, make large meals on the weekend or when you can, and package several lunches from the leftovers. Then you know exactly what's in your food, and it's in a convenient container just like a "lean cuisine". :)
  • Oh, don't get me started! There are the ladies who go into the restroom section of the locker room to change, so the rest of us can't get to the toilets; there's the one who changes in the shower so we can't get to that either! The guy who takes a nap in the sit-up area; the guy who slams weights as loud as possible, then…
  • Organic peanut or almond butter, unsalted almonds, peanuts (or other nuts) are great. If you like yogurt, try the greek style version. Fresh & easy and Trader Joe's have very good Greek yogurt. If you are in maintenance, you may be able to eat the regular version rather than the non-fat. Both are high in protein too.
  • Informative and helpful post. Thanks!
  • Thanks for sharing! I love crockpot meals. I make turkey chili with 4 types of beans, as well as stuffed bell peppers in the crockpot too!
  • CONGRATULATIONS! Your dedication and hard work paid off! Good for you!
  • Try adding a few more calorie-dense, yet healthy items to your diet. For example, peanut or almond butter, raw nuts, healthy protein drinks, non-fat greek yogurt, etc. Each of these add about 200 calories and are low carb. Black beans are good too and will add a few more carbs than the other items. Good Luck to you!
    in Trouble Comment by achapman01 June 2011
  • Stick with your own goals, even if it takes a bit more effort! Maybe you can bring some of your own food with you to eat while he eats fast food. Nothing wrong with that! Most fast food, like taco bell, is just salty and unhealthy. My husband is a bit overweight, and doesn't eat healthy a lot of the time. It was hard for…
  • I love the Trader Joe's unsweetened vanilla almond milk. It is really good in coffee and in protein shakes, and very low calorie. I do not personally care for the Diamond brand, it seems somewhat bitter to me.
  • The calories will depend on how many pounds per week you input as your weight loss goal. Mine is also around 1400, which is quite low. If you burn off an extra 300 to 400 with exercise, then you will be able to eat 1700 calories and keep the same goal. If you lower your desired pounds lost per week, then your calories will…
  • I have found that protein shakes do help with my weight loss, and with building lean muscle rather than only losing fat. I like to drink them right after my workouts to "eat back" some of the exercise calories. I've also read that your body uses the protein more readily right after a workout. Good Luck to you, and I look…
  • First, good job putting the effort in to improve your health! You may need to list more info on what you are actually eating in order to get better answers. That said, I would recommend a high quality protein drink, which adds about 170 cals and 30 grams of protein to your diet. If you are eating meat, eat at least four…
  • I have a Gaiam watch style HRM. it was $99 and works great. Good luck with your fitness goals and good job!
  • I have the Gaiam watch version and like it a lot. It has lots of settings so that your personal profile is customized to fit you. My calorie counts are quite different than the machine readings, and somewhat different than MFP's numbers. The counts are generally lower with my HRM, so I use those. I have not tried the HRM's…
  • Stick with it and ignore the naysayers! I don't think I'd recommend (openly to them) that your family change their eating habits, even if that makes sense. It sounds like they have plenty of self esteem issues of their own and don't want to be reminded of them. Surround yourself with supportive people whenever possible and…
  • Fruit juice, "whole grain" anything/bread.
  • I weigh in once a week, preferably in the morning before you have anything to eat. Try to weigh yourself at the same time of day too. :smile:
  • I have a Gaiam HRM. It is like a watch that you wear on your wrist. It works great once you get the hang of it. Cost about $99 and helps a lot with the accuracy of your calorie burn counts. Best of Luck!
    in HRM Comment by achapman01 May 2011