rachietuk Member


  • I have a US code Z73NVPCHP
  • Thank you emitinpink, I used your code. I am excited
  • I just watched this, so helpful.
  • I dropped back to the bar when I switched from NROL. It really helped me concentrate on form. I really enjoy SL. I also work out with my hubby, he has helped me , pushed me and even saved me a few time.
  • Finished session 10 last night. I have not really increased my weight on anything but deadlift. I have been concentrating on form. I was struggling with squats until I watched a video on girlsgonestong.com. It was so helpful, I am now much more confident and will be increasing the weight. I have to do a seated OHP as our…
  • I'm in week 3 and I love this program. I hope you have luck in convincing the people around you that this is a great idea. I'm sure once they see your results they will quickly change their minds. Good luck.
  • I do Sl at home, utI was doing NROL4W at the gym. I went early mornings so it wasn't tht crowded. At first I kept my head down and hoped nobody was looking at me. But then I decided that I should be proud. Proud that I was doing this. So I started smiling at the guys, just a quick hello. That made it much more comfortable…
  • To log or not to log??? I try and log throughout the week, but I never log at weekends. After a year or so of being obsessed with calories, then beating myself up because I went over that magic number, I am really trying to concentrate on lifting and exercise first. I know what I should be eating, I know about portions. I…
  • I want legs like yours. Hopefully one day it will happen. I love squats!!!!
  • I cook 5 portions of chicken on Sundays and a lot of veggies. Each morning I grab a portion of chicken and some veggies. This keeps me full longer. I also like beets and feta for a side.
  • I did my third workout yesterday, I am really enjoying this. Increased all weights. My squats are ok, better than the first time I tried. I watched a load of vids and read everything I could find. They are my fav by far, them and deadlifts. Even with my little weights, I feel strong when I do them. I rest today and…
  • Hi, I'm a newbie too. I have only done 2 workouts so far, but loving it already. I was following NROL4W, but it was too long and way too many complicated moves. I am looking forward to making some new friends and seeing some great results.
  • WOW, you ladies are great. Really nice, encouraging words from you all. It made me re-think my scale tantrums I have every week. Whats the point??? I need to stop. I am going to weigh in once per month and concentrate on measurements and clothes. I have only done 2 workouts so far, but love it. So simple, doesn't take…
  • I try and get in at least 3 cardio workouts throughout the week.
  • Good morning So I stopped NROL4W - I was a little sad about that, but it was needed. Today was day 2 of Stronglifts. I am enjoying it . NROL4W definately made me stronger. I deadllifted the starting weight of 95lbs this morning - I didn't think I would be able to. I am also confident, this is also thanks to NROL4W. The…
  • Hi I'm a newbie to SL. I started yesterday. I had been following NROL4W, but decided to stop for a few reasons. My husband is doing SL and loves it, he has great results. I didn't feel I was getting that much stronger with NROL4W, plus the workouts were too long to fit into my life. So, even though I have only done this…
  • I would love an invite please.
  • Thank you. I was thinking of starting with just the bar, I just wanted some expericneced advice.
    in Newbie Comment by rachietuk April 2013
  • New week, new food!!!! I spent a lot of time this weekend thinking, reading and talkng about where I am going, what I'm doing. Food - this is changing. Although I usually keep under my calories, it not always the best choice. This weekend I bought fruit and veggies, all fresh. I spent a lot of time yesterday preparing…
  • I have a lot to think about and consider this weekend. I am not happy with my results. In the 3 months I have been following NROL4W I have not lost any scale weight, my body fat goes down a little but then back up. I have lost maybe 2 inches from my waist and a little from other places. I still have a lot of fat to lose.…
  • I wear gloves, I hate the smell of the metal on my hands, and it hurts without gloves. I have never had comments, and if I did, I wouldn't care. Wear your gloves and rock them!!!!
  • Beeps - feel bvetter. LB2LL - I hope you fight it and have a great run tonight. I took another rest day, my back is so much better, but I can still feel a little pain. Who would of thought I would be mad because I couldn't work out....oh how things have changed!!! QOTD - I just read A discovery of Witched and Shadow of…
  • He is now my fav in that show, I want his babies!!!!!
  • LB2LL - Good luck with the hill run on Thursday. My back is still really sore. I lifted some boxes at work yesterday morning, I am wondering if that was it. I just put in an accident report, I may go to the Dr. to get it checked out. QOTD - I have a few, The Walking Dead, True Blood, Bones, Big Bang. We got rid of cable a…
  • 20 mins is about right for the first stage. HAHA, the jackknife thingys are horrid, I have no balance and still fall off. I am on stage 3, and loving it. Good luck
  • Hapy Tuesday. Lifted this morning. Everything felt fine in the gym, but now my lower back is killing me. I hope I didn't do anything too bad. Tomorrow is cardio so I will be good for Thursday lifting!!!! jcjsjones - I love stage 3, A is my fav. Good luck and have fun. QOTD - the last plase I flew was home to England,…
  • Today is a rest day, tomorrow is Stage 3 A3. I really like A better than B, but I am still enjoying this stage so much. This weekend was not too bad, I refsed all chocolate, although I did have a great brunch, and overate. I met my husband online. I was living in England, him in USA. 1 month later he flew over to London. I…
  • I am on stage 3 of NROL4W and following ipoarm. I am all about measurements and bodyfat these days, the scale is not for me anymore.
  • Oh God, I just spit my coffee out!!!!