Work lunches... no more Lean Cuisine!

I am in dire need of some healthy work lunch options... I have been eating frozen meals, and not only am I totally sick of them, but I want to reduce the number of preservatives I'm eating. If anyone has any favorites, please share! Especially if they are on the easy side!


  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 223 Member
    I usually have leftovers from the previous night's dinner. If there aren't leftovers, I usually fix a salad. My go-to salad (and what I had today) is baby spinach with an apple, sunflower seeds, and Newman's Own Sesame Ginger dressing. If I have any leftover grilled chicken, I throw that in there too. Otherwise, I just make sure I have a snack for later in the afternoon.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    We buy mixed green by the pound. In the morning, whoever is up first gets out two large tupperwares, puts in a bunch of mixed greens in each, a handful of chopped up cauliflower, and an ounce feta. I then choose a protein based on my mood, tuna and sliced turkey breast being the most common, but leftovers are also used. His salad gets sliced turkey, black olives and craisins.

    Ironically, if I am bored with this, I just use the base as a side salad for my lean cuisine :~
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I make up my own frozen meals. I stocked up on the small tupperware type containers, and I'll batch cook on the weekends, and then portion out into individual servings, then freeze. Right now I have "italian chili" (essentially a meat sauce with tons of veggies in it so it's super thick), shredded chicken (so easy in the crockpot over night, the meat falls apart and shredding doesn't take much effort), and roasted veggies. And things like the shredded chicken are super convertable and can be used in tacos, omelets, salads, whatever.
  • I found at my local kroger grocery store as well as walmart have these to go items that are trays of veggies and fruits with nuts or peanut butter, pretzels, various dips. They range from 200-250 calories each. Not sure how much you aim calorically for lunch maybe a bit more but you could always add something else like a greek yogurt or an extra fruit to bulk it up. I really love them.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i make "1" extra with dinner the night before and have for lunch the next day with a salad and/or if we make chix brsts or steaks or pork chops i make an extra one to slice up and either eat on the side with a salad or on a salad....i make up a big salad at the start of the week and either bring a portion each day or bring the container/ziploc bag and keep in the fridge at work to plate/bowl up at lunch time....i also make turkey/veggie soup, beef stew and turkey chili about once a month and freeze single portions to bring for lunch to go with a salad or sliced cucumbers w/balsamic vinegar....i make tuna with lt miracle whip and either eat on a salad or with a salad....cook a turkey breast in a crockpot ans slice up the meat for sandwiches on sandwich thins or bagel thins or wraps or pitas or light bread or even lettuce leaves....pre-cooking pasta and storing in the fridge and then adding sauce with chix or meatballs works too....if you have a microwave oven and a fridge you are golden - pretty much anything you would eat for dinner you could/should eat for lunch...hope that helps...
  • JMJ1983
    JMJ1983 Posts: 170 Member
    I never eat Lean Cuisines:

    Leftovers are always great. We grilled up Carne Asada Sunday and I had it for lunch yesterday and today...Spaghetti as leftovers is always good, as well as chicken. Pretty much anything you can separate out from the night before and package up for lunch the next day.

    I frequently make a few cans of tuna and eat off that most the week either on wheat bread or a whole grain/low sodium crackers

    Low Sodium Turkey Breast on whole wheat with mustard and provolone cheese is also delicious, you can even add lettuce and tomato to it as well.

    Salad is a great choice too, just throw all your veggies in a container and s small separate container with a serving of dressing, or keep the bottle of dressing and a tablespoon at work to measure so the dressing doesn't make the salad soggy. You can even get some chicken and throw it on top of the salad for some extra protein.

    For side items I have a serving or two of fruit and some carrot sticks typically.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I cook 5 portions of chicken on Sundays and a lot of veggies. Each morning I grab a portion of chicken and some veggies. This keeps me full longer.
    I also like beets and feta for a side.
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member
    I have been eating a low carb wrap with either chicken or turkey and feta or someother type of cheese. Then I have an apple or non fat greek yogurt
  • Wow, thank you so much! Lots of great ideas!
  • shortie555
    shortie555 Posts: 37 Member
    i like to take a whole wheat pita (if from the fridge microwave it for like 20-25 secs so its more pliable) and fill it with egg whites, broccoli, edamame, or chickpeas, or really whatever and put some hummus in there. it feels both sides of the pita really well and keeps me pretty full. you can also then add a fruit or some sort of snack on the side :)