Daily Chat Thread



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I'm thinking a Spa day is in order :) I am really not sure about my scale weight anymore. I wanted to get to 22% BF by the time I turn 30 in November. According to the calculators it puts me at roughly another 20 lb loss. I NEED to lose at least 10lbs to be in my "healthy weight" range. But I am now at the top of the healthy BF% range.

    ETA: I'm actually happier now with my body than I was when I weighed much less. I still have lots of fat left, but there's so much muscle underneath, I don't "jiggle" like I used to. I had someone at work yesterday call me "skinny". How cool!
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Sure, luv, you can enter the challenge (except for Week1, which has just passed). Here's the "scoring":

    To be "accountable", let's post, here, what our "weekly calorie alottment" is, and if you stay within THOSE calories, for the week, GOLD STAR.

    If you are UNDER those calories, for the week, PLATINUM STAR.

    If you are OVER by 1 - 500 calories for the week, SILVER STAR.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    And, if you are OVER BY 1,001> calories for the week, NO STAR.

    Beeps, put me down for 12,250, which should be 1,750 per day. I had a super bad Monday, so this will be a challenge.
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Sam - that is such a bummer that no one in your family noticed your new look. :(

    LB - I think you'll still get great results doing NROL4W 2x per week. Have fun doing your sprints tonight!

    lcu - sounds like you're making great progress in Stage 3. I love it when I can increase weights.

    Beeps - I love INXS. One of the best bands ever. I did just order the Strong Curves book. It'll be here tomorrow. Excited to read it. I've been thinking of incorporating hip thrusts into the NROL4W routine, but don't want to over do it, so I'm waiting before I add anything. Big Bret Conteras fan here - I'm a numbers person and I get all geeked out on his research and numbers.

    cowgirl - congrats on being so close to your initial goal. I'm with on you on not being so focused on weight. I'm super close to fitting into pants that I bought when I weighed 10 pounds less. I could seriously care less how much I weigh since I feel strong and I know I'm building strength and muscle.

    QOTD: Favorite move - tough call between BB Squat and the deadlift. I'm only in Stage1, so don't have a lot to go on. I love how strong and bad *kitten* I feel when I do these. Favorite band of the moment - probably Need to Breathe.

    I did 1B6 last night and pushed it pretty hard - I always challenge myself with more weight as long as I have good form, and I really feel it today. I was supposed to lift on Monday, but life with the kids got too busy, so it had to wait until last night. I don't mind the soreness, but I've been cutting short on sleep thanks to the horrible sleeping habits on my 20-month old, so I am just dragging. I did 120# on my deadlift. My 135# goal is in sight. I may repeat the last two workouts of Stage 1 just so I can make sure I can do 100# squats (Thursday I'm going to start with 85#).

    ETA: fixed up some grammar
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    It's very true that "fat over muscle" is WAY more attractive than "fat over fat"....so, yep, I hear you on that!

    I'm eating chocolate-covered almonds today....this will mess with my weekly calorie goal, lol!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I'm thinking a Spa day is in order :) I am really not sure about my scale weight anymore. I wanted to get to 22% BF by the time I turn 30 in November. According to the calculators it puts me at roughly another 20 lb loss. I NEED to lose at least 10lbs to be in my "healthy weight" range. But I am now at the top of the healthy BF% range.

    ETA: I'm actually happier now with my body than I was when I weighed much less. I still have lots of fat left, but there's so much muscle underneath, I don't "jiggle" like I used to. I had someone at work yesterday call me "skinny". How cool!
    That is AWesome Cowgirl!! I am way smaller and I'm heavier. My trainer friend who does fitness comps is 5'4'' and weighs 165 of nothing but muscle (7% BF) She is TINY. So glad you are going by BF and not scale weight. Scale weight is so over rated.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    There were a couple questions floating around.

    My favorite move is back squats. I use the heaviest weight to do them and that makes me feel Bad-*kitten*.

    Favorite singer is Pink. Her new album is just amazing. I've loved her since she was 16. She has a raw R&B style too though she's promoted as straight pop.

    Someone asked about lifting 2x vs. 3x a week. 3x is plenty especially if you are focussing on something else like running. I'm actually having a lot of luck with 2 weight session and one cardio session, and it's fun. I don't have a goal right now, so my goal is fun.

    It's been so hot the last couple days the hair has been tied back. No A/C at work so shorter is definitely better. That being said I had three people ask me today is I lost more weight. Nope, just BF and another pant size. Boo Ya!

    Mad props to the runners. Running hurts. I don't do it. Go get 'em Mary and SUe

    Beeps, My math was really bad when I set my cal goal. I think my cals per week should be no more than 15,000. The phone app actually tells you where you are, and takes into account daily exercise. I just used their math. I don't like math (which is what I love to teach go figure)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I lift tomorrow! I'm getting to bed early tonight, tomorrow is my 3rd 5B and I want to bump weights!

    I was following a discussion today on stronglifts for women about rows, and wonder whether you all do Pendlay rows or the barbell rows. I watched a YouTube video where Glenn Pendlay discusses the difference. So which do you do?

    I have too many favorites in music seriously. My all time favs are Janis and Jimi, but I love Nickelback and Halestorm and Pearl Jam and well you see my issue! And I have just as many country favs too! Oh well!

    Cowgirl a spa day sounds delightful! I'll have to remember that when I get to goal. Long way away for me yet! I will tell you all that I regret all those years of doing nothing. I don't have the same metabolism I had back then, even with all the lifting. Beeps, I'm similar to you in that eating more doesn't reset my metabolism at all, it just makes me fatter. I know I'm making muscle these days, and I do see big changes, but you know I haven't lost any weight since I started the program and although I'm wearing some clothes in a smaller size, others not so much. I'm tempted to jump back on the cardio wagon, except that I really hate it so much that I know I'd fail and quit. I just have to be patient! Yea that's my strength - NOT!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    cowgirl! I'll join you in spirit! :smile:

    My lunch wasn't until 3pm and in a 4 hour time span I INHALED 1000 calories. I think that's why I am so exhausted. No food until 3. Started errands around 11 thinking I'd be home in an hour or so..... I wasn't hungry during that time though.

    Tomorrow my plan is to walk/run those hills tomorrow. That is if my booty will allow it from the squats today.

    Sam, you are killing me! My metabolism is shot. I eat like a bird and you eat like a horse ( you know what i mean :wink: ) and you look awesome. The fat melted off of you. I didn't realize there's almost ten years between us either. I'm in the peri-menopause stage. maybe that has something to do with it. .......
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Are Pendlay rows the kind using dumbbells? I like that New Rules lets you do both throughout hte program. I actually really like the barbell row. I can lift way more too.

    Mary - have fun on those hills today.

    Sam - congrats on another pant size and the compliments!

    Running on Charlotte's beautiful greenways today. Then spinning tomorrow. Yesterday I lifted (my own routine) and had a deadlift PR of 155. My new goal for DLs is 200lbs. I also am up to 95 with squats...going a little more slowly on those because I'm trying to get my form down.

    Have a great one ladies!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    kmsai - that sounds AWESOME! Congrats on the deadlift PB!!!

    manic - I would really have a hard time with an IF approach to life...I get to the starving point and then its hard to stop eating. I definitely think hormones have a lot to do with how hard it is to lose weight now. I turn 47 this summer and am menopaused...sigh.

    sue - getting enough sleep is so smart. It really matters for bumping the weights! I just googled pendlay rows. That is definitely what I try to do, but I feel myself cheating by the last rep or 2.

    cowgirl - wow, spa day...sounds fabulous!!

    I love all of the responses on favorite artists/bands...This is a great group!!

    I needed a sleep in day this am, so I did not make it to spin class...maybe at lunch. Tonight is date night, so I need to burn some calories!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning

    So I stopped NROL4W - I was a little sad about that, but it was needed.
    Today was day 2 of Stronglifts. I am enjoying it . NROL4W definately made me stronger. I deadllifted the starting weight of 95lbs this morning - I didn't think I would be able to. I am also confident, this is also thanks to NROL4W.

    The Pros -
    I workout with the Husband, its good to have someone telling me where I am going wrong.
    We get up a little later.
    I get to do 30 mins of cardio on lifting days.
    Its simple and easy to follow.

    The Cons -
    So far only this - you start at low weights - 45lbs on most moves. This is because you add 5lbs each time if you can. Although I know starting low will help me, I do walk away feeling like I have had less of a workout than when I was doing NROL4W.
    My husband assures me this will change very quickly.

    Have a good day everyone.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Rachie, you will have to keep posting updates for stronglifts. I am VERY interested in starting something like that once race season is over.

    Also, thanks to everyone for the advice on 2 vs 3 workout days/week. I think it's the right decision.

    I didn't end up doing sprints last night. I had a hot caffeinated beverage early in the day and it just messed with my stomach badly. I will never do that again. Tonight is also a no workout day because we are hitting up a baseball game with friends (free tickets!). I'm going to try very hard to be good food-wise. Tomorrow will be a lifting day since I will be missing tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Samntha - I've recorded your weekly calories in the STAR challenge spreadsheet.

    Sue - I'm glad to read that you are in smaller clothes! That's certainly a "win".

    manic - if you can KEEP your calories to 1,000 per day (total), including that long fast you've described (i.e. not eating until 3 pm), I bet you'd drop 5 lbs this month! Keeping calories 'low' is tough, I know....

    kmsai - congrats on your PR! that's awesome!!

    rachie - good luck with stronglifts - it certainly is a popular program on mfp!

    No exercise for me, today. So, will have to be extra-cautious on the calories side. I got up early this morning and am H-U-N-G-R-Y. Which is strange....I guess I had too many carbs at my supper-time last night. So, I'm going to be chugging the coffee to try and keep my promise not to eat until noon!
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Luv - you should go back and look. You might be surprised and if you've been logging, the data is there. Today I read an article on getting enough protein in the NY times and went back to see how I was doing. Kind of cool to be able to look!

    Lcu - I went back and looked. Forgot about the weekly view on the app. I am usually. Around 32-35 for protein, 40 for carbs and 25-28 for fats. Makes me think I need to make sure I get enough good fats in for the day. Me and too low fat diets don't agree - I usually end up binging. Made sure I had some avocado yesterday to help. Great suggestion to go back!
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Luv - how do you manage to make your fiber macro? I'm having the hardest time getting my fiber in.

    Ralph - my fiber really just adds up from small amounts throughout the day. It's mostly from fruit (apples, oranges, pears, berries), veggies, nuts, avocado, and sometimes oatmeal, high fiber bread (healthy life whole wheat which is 70 cal for two slices and 5g fiber), old fashioned oats and whole wheat pasta. I also think I might star adding some unflavored Metamucil to my smoothies - I'm thinking I won't notice it, but will boost my fiber intake.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Kmsai - woot woot on that PR!!

    Sam - P!nk is my fav too!! I've loved her since I was kid!

    I have been taking it super easy this week (no lifting). Did a nice cardio workout last night on the elliptical and discovered some residual pain in my back and hip (dear lord I sound old). So I am doing more cardio tonight to stay loose and then hitting up some bikram yoga tmw night (this was always the best thing to do for my cross training - my body really fights me on the running). and then I am going to try and do bikram once a week again.

    I am starting stage 5 on Monday (only 3 weeks after I said I would...) but I am sticking with it! Then I think I'll try stronglifts so I have time to lift and run.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Emgel - if you complete Stage 5, you might as well finish New Rules. Come on woman - you're close to the end!! Stages 6 and 7 are very short.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Rachie - you've made a decision that works for you now...you may love it, you may need to readjust...but its a positive move!

    Emgel - totally agree about yoga. I went to hot power last night! The problem is that I wanted LOTs of stretching and movement to work my kinks out, but the instructor took the "power" thing seriously...it was TOUGH! I felt great when I was done, though!

    luv - I dont know about the nutritional content of psyllium husks, but you might want to consider wheat germ or flax seed in your smoothies instead.

    lb2ll - have fun at the ball game!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I agree with kmsai on emgel thing.....emgel looks like you're sliding back into "cardio' mode!

    IT WON'T GET YOU THE BEST BODY IN TOWN, that's for sure!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    I am not sliding!!!

    I am committed to FINISHING NROL4W (and I thought I might stop and try something else) but I WILL finish it, even though it is taking me way longer than it is supposed to. However, it is race season and my body really rebels against my long distance running so I need to find a good balance of cross training. I am going to aim to FINISH new rules lifting 2x a week and running 3x a week, yoga once a week, and using my elliptical at home.

    I do love lifting =D
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    ok, whew....yep, I *do* agree there isn't anything wrong with lifting 2 x per week.

  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Plus I have the most adorable/bad *kitten* bicep now that I like to flex in the shower (but only on my right arm...)...I don't want to lose that!

    I tend to be very extreme in my work outs - I either run every single day, or only lift, or end up doing bikram 3x a week....I am trying to find the balance both for effective cross training and so I don't burn out.

    Just took a somewhat unintentional 2 week break from lifting so back in the gym Monday am!

    My interest in stronglifts stems from its simplicity - only doing 3 lifts each day gives me time to run as well.

    Also instead of focusing on work I just found some great looking recipes that incorporate protein powder! This was both good and bad.... haha
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    luv - I dont know about the nutritional content of psyllium husks, but you might want to consider wheat germ or flax seed in your smoothies instead.

    I was using the psyllium husks previously based on the recommendation of my Dr. to help lower my LDL cholesterol (both cholesterol and triglycerides are high and I have horrible family genetics when it come to heart disease). I'm still nursing, so I can't be put on medication, but I'm trying to wean (she's a super tough nut to crack). Anyway, it's because of the soluble fiber content. 1 tsp of the Metamucil has 25 cal and 2g soluble fiber, where as the ground flaxseed that I have is 60 cal for 2 tablespoons, with 2 g soluble fiber (I wasn't sure of the soluble fiber content of flax, I had to look it up). The plus side of flax is the good fats. The downside is the calories. I'm supposed to be having the Metamucil 2-3x per day, so if I did that with the flaxseed to get comparable soluble fiber, it would be way too many calories. Everything in moderation I suppose. I already have the Metamucil, so I'm going to finish using it up and go from there. I stopped for awhile because it was hard on my stomach and I was trying to get as much soluable fiber through food as I could. My guess is that since starting MFP, I'm too low on soluble fiber and need to get back to tracking that better, rather than total fiber.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I have nothing to add today. Haven't been to the gym in three days and I'm eating everything not nailed down.
    Here's a QOTD: What's your guilty pleasure?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I am with you on the hunger. I wish TOM would just come already!
    Guilty pleasure? I will have to think about that.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I CAN'T STOP EATING!! TOM won't be back for over a week. What's my excuse?

    and an inadvertent week off sigh!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    guilty pleasure: FOOD! nuff said :ohwell:

    Walked / ran the hills today. I downloaded an app on iphone that tracks distance, time, and calories. I can't run just yet . It still took me 15 minutes to do a mile. I can only run a tenth of a mile and it took me .25 to recover. My last sprint I ran .15. I know I'll eventually get better. I can feel a new me trying to get out.

    I lost a pound this week! :blushing:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, maybe your body just needs it?

    Mary, congrats on a lb lost!

    Next week is going to be a maintenance/week for me. We will be with the in laws with no access to a gym. I love them, but they eat very small amounts of high fat protein and lots of carbs. 3 meals a day is it....no snacks. I always feel like i am starving even though i am consuming plenty of cals. I will be packing protein bars and may find myself eating them for every meal....
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I need help! I pushed myself really hard on Monday, for my 9th B workout (doing the 12-version of stage 1). I was nearly in tears the rest of the day. I could barely move after that, but was a "good" sore the next day. On Wednesday when it was time for my A workout, I was terrified. I did a half-hearted workout at home. Tomorrow I'm headed to the gym again for B10 and am scared silly. Mentally, I feel like I want to give up, like this is over my head, etc. WTH is wrong? I've loved it until now! I know I can back the weights down, so why am I off balance? I feel like I've completely lost my momentum. Part of me wants to do the same weights as Monday, hoping it won't be nearly as bad and that my body will step up and really transform for these last couple of weeks. But I can't end up immobile and fending off an emotional outburst in fetal position the rest of the day...

    Did any of you go through something like this? It's so weird!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Cph - I wonder if perhaps something else was happening (low blood sugar, hormones, etc). The last thing you want to do is a half hearted workout. Be brave! I would identify one move that you can point to that really sent you over the edge and dial that one back. Then, for the others you can keep the same weights as Monday. Remember, you are stronger today than when you started Monday's workout as you have had 3+ days to recover.

    Manic - that sounds like a huge success. Hills are not easy. Keep it up! Congrats on your weight loss.

    sam - my only advice when you are wild with hunger is to fill your stomach with good choices. You don't have to feel guilty if you are eating lean meats, veggies, whole grains, etc!

    luv - sounds like metamucil is a good choice for you at this point. good explanation.

    emgel - your right bicep is noticably bigger than your left, or you only admire your right one? keep striving for balance...we are definitely aligned on our workout passions!

    My guilty pleasure: all the time I spend on MFP during work hours!