Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My daughter did G-R-E-A-T! I was totally blown away, actually....because, I was kind of expecting her to poop out 20 minutes into it and pull a "whine-y". But, we introduced ourselves to the instructor at the beginning of class. I put daughter in front of me on the lowest step and I was behind her (on the highest step - I'm tall). Luckily, not too many people were in the class - it's spring break here!

    Anyway, whether it's her dance training, or what, she PICKED UP ON THE STEPS with GREAT EASE! I was FLABBERGASTED!

    We did 45 minutes of the class....she stopped once to go to the washroom and I just kept on going. When the instructor moved to the hand-weights, daughter and I left the class - but properly thanked the instructor, first.

    So, daughter is TOTALLY STOKED. And, I'm really proud that she gave it a go! I think this could be a really good thing for her - particularly in the off-season from ice hockey. And, for me, well, if I end up having to do "double-time" at the gym for awhile, it's okay....in 6 months, she can hit the weight room with me and, boy, WON'T THAT BE FUN!!??!!??!
    THat is AWESOME. my kids are way to young, but 'd love to see my older son doing some weight training. He'll be doing gymnastics this year and it wold come in handy.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    To answer the question, I'm a white wine girl. And I like girly fruity drinks. Since the hypoglycemia I can't handle my liquor anymore :( One drink and I'm done when The bottle of vodka used to not be enough in my younger years go figure. Or maybe I'm just getting old...er.
    OK I need to get back with the program Starting April first, but I ain't no fool.

    Beeps I guess put me down for 15,000 per week, that gives me just over 1900 per day with flex for exercise cals. (I WILL LOG and I WILL do three a week at the gym though APril. See I just need you all to keep me accountable :)

    This is my "not hungry week. I'm surrounded by chocolate and only had a couple pieces (last week I would eaten at least a pound) normally I'm a chocolate snob. ANything less than 60% cocoa I can't be bothered. No Hershey or Mars for this girl, I need Swiss or Belgium.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    OMG I am so sore! No, no, it's a good sore. I have been working really hard lately! I finally feel like I'm really getting somewhere lifting. Second 5A today and again up in all weights except the rows. I still have a difficult time finishing the pull at 75 so I am not going up until I can do 4 full sets. I'm really pleased with my workouts lately! I feel like I'm getting form and when I miss it, I know it immediately. I can feel the muscles working, and I love it! I'm so enjoying lifting!

    All you runner don't inspire me at all, I'm so not a runner, but I sure do applaud you! I can't wait to hear how you all do!! Good luck!

    Beeps working out with your daughter sounds like such fun. Hooray for you both!

    No easter candy for me. If I start I cannot stop!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Yesterday was pretty much a complete rest day again. I didn't go to the gym to use the treadmill but between all of the walking I did I think I got in about 40 minutes. I can't complain about that. I'm feeling a bit better today and I'm skipping the Ibuprofen to see how I handle it. I'm hoping to get a run in tomorrow and take tonight easy again.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi All!!

    beeps - so excited about your workout with your daughter! i plan to get out for a hike today with my kids...it is so gorgeous!

    kmsai - I KNEW that would be your answer. enjoy a treat after your long run!

    cowgirl - glad to hear supercharged is really challenging you!

    samantha - it is so much better to only go for the good stuff!

    sue - GREAT job. way to push yourself!!

    lb2ll - glad to hear that you are taking the needed time off!

    so, this am I did 3A2. loved it! then i did hot yoga. mostly loved it.

    QUESTION FOR THE DAY (really, anyone can throw one out...even the night before): what color is your car? Mine is sage green.

    Happy day everyone!!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    QOTD: Silver!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    It's quiet here today. Everyone must be busy with their Easter plans.
    QOTD: white.

    Sue, I am glad you're liking the workouts. I can't wait to see your results at the end of NROL4W. You are one strong woman.

    My NSV for the week: hubby told me I am "getting that nice, big boobs and shoulders with a tiny waist look"! Little things like that keep me going when I am frustrated.

    QOTD: how did you and your SO meet?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    :D YEA workout DONE! I lifted, not NROL4W, but a nice variety. Chest press, SLDL again (owie!), one arm rows, leg presses. Then I did a spinning class. OMG this woman killed us! We were up off the seat 90% of the time, with the intensity cranked over 60% all of the time except for warm ups and cool downs! I already feel it in my glutes!

    Happy Easter everyone

    Oh yea, my car is dark metallic gray.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning all! Went to a great spin class today: first time I have ever had 2 instructors husband and wife team that did half RPM/half freestyle. It was really tough...very little recovery time.

    We are having a BBQ tonight. Wish me luck for keeping my calorie count down!

    My husband and I met in graduate school. Well, I was in graduate school. He was still an undergrad taking graduate level courses.

    Sue - sounds like an AWESOME workout!

    Cowgirl - i LOVE that compliment from hubby!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Spin class sounds so fun! I wish my gym offered it. I heard one of the personal trainers say that they have such a huge Zumba studio, they don't have room for a spinning area. Sigh. I might try one of their kickboxing classes sometime though.

    I forgot to answer my own QOTD: DH and I met at work. We worked together for about 2 years before we actually started talking and realized we had a lot in common.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oh I have a wonderful story how hubby & I met. We are true internet romance, long before all the online dating sites were even thought of. Back 19 years ago when I first stopped drinking, internet chat rooms were only just starting up - you might remember the AOL chat rooms - well there was (is still) also a more geeky interface called IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Mike & I met there, and became quite good friends. Several years later after a rather messy break up with his web design partner, I spent Christmas with Mike (I was to be in CA with his partner, who suddenly stopped speaking to me - I still don't know why) Mike knew I was without any plans and said "come here, there's always room for 1 more in my family. I agreed with the agreement that he would travel east the next weekend to share New Years in Times Square with me. We visited back and forth, first as friends, but of course one thing led to another and about 1 year later, we committed to each other and moved into a brownstone apartment together. That was the beginning of our 16 year relationship - we were married 8 years ago this August.

    Cowgirl, I honestly never thought I would enjoy a spin class, but I gave it a shot because I knew I needed more cardio. It's long (a whole hour) but it's the HIIT that I was missing from NROL4W. Each leader is different, and of course, you can make it as intense as you wish. It's fun, challenging and exhausting!!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    QOTD (from yesterday): The short version is that we met in college :)

    My rib has been feeling better so on Saturday I went on a 6.something mile run. It felt really good. I reached the spot where I could make it a 3 miler or go on and I decided to go on and I'm glad I did. It was a HECK of a run. Tons of rolling hills, steep hills, and very little flat ground. I want to run this one more time before my race Sunday because it is pretty comparable to the race terrain. I struggled a bit but felt pretty good for not having run in awhile.

    I've decided for this week to continue resting on the NROL front. I think it will be in my best interest to restart Stage 3 after the race Sunday. This stage was plagued with minor setbacks and I would really like to complete it on a better note. For this week I will just do some light weight training mixed in with some runs.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Hey, Ladies! Took a few days off to spend with the hubby and kids. Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter! Finished up Stage 2 during my time off, so tomorrow starts Stage 3!

    QOTD: To catch up: Easter was a cheat day, so C. Had to attend two dinners loaded with casseroles and sweets, and now I am feeling it! Very sluggish and have an upset tummy. I just can't eat like I used to.

    My car is royal blue.

    My hubby and I met in college.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Home this week. I plan on hitting the gym everyday, well week day at least. I get to take whatever classes I want woo hoo. Today is Zumba. tomorrow I start the first day of lifting for life. Early BD present to me and I got it on sale in store for $12.

    I met my husband walking down the street. True story. I was walking down the street with some girlfriends and I saw him coming out of a friend's house carrying his guitar (heavy metal bad boy personified) Our eyes met, but we never spoke and were never introduced. Strangely enough we both remember every second of that first sighting. Fast forward three months. Halloween night. I see him again coming down my street. We almost simultaneously drag our friends to the center of the street like tractor beams. We've been together ever since. It'll be twenty years this Halloween, married 15 already. Considering I was fourteen at the time, that's saying something lol. Nobody expects to meat their soul-mate at 14, but there you go. (I love that story)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sue great story. I met both of my best-friends online so I have a general idea about the strong connections you can make with people. You r devotion to each other is just awesome. Hope Mike is feeling better :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    My weekend was koo-koo. Long-story-short, I've come down with a head-cold, so have been unable/unwilling to exercise. Mind you, with the fever raging, I completed my first EVER >24 hour fast on Saturday (and that is while I cooked a full Easter menu for 10 people - 8 hours on my feet!). I ate NOTHING.

    I'm going to lift, today, and then will accompany my daughter to a cardio-step class this evening. I'm still really weak, so not sure how this is going to go, but I haven't worked out since Wednesday and I need to REV UP MY ENGINE!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    Please enter your weekly calories for the "star" challenge!

    How many calories did YOU ingest from Monday, March 25 - Sunday, March 31??
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    here's a *reminder* of the scoring system for the "STAR CHALLENGE":

    Post what your "weekly (net) calorie alotment" is, and if you stay within THOSE calories, for the week, GOLD STAR.

    If you are UNDER those calories, for the week, PLATINUM STAR.

    If you are OVER by 1 - 500 calories for the week, SILVER STAR.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    And, if you are OVER BY 1,001> calories for the week, NO STAR.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I actually GROSSED 9,557 calories....have no idea what my "net" was, but did get 5 work-outs in last week.

    This week, still aiming for 9,800 calories, but likely will have 6 or 7 work-outs.

    For the rest of the "challengers", it's totally fine to use "net" calories because that is what we have agreed on!
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Today is a rest day, tomorrow is Stage 3 A3. I really like A better than B, but I am still enjoying this stage so much.

    This weekend was not too bad, I refsed all chocolate, although I did have a great brunch, and overate.

    I met my husband online. I was living in England, him in USA. 1 month later he flew over to London. I visited him a month later. He came back to England twice more. The next April I moved to USA, we married 1 year to the day we met face to face. It was a bold move, but the best move ever. We will be married 7 years thiis month.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Please enter your weekly calories for the "star" challenge!

    How many calories did YOU ingest from Monday, March 25 - Sunday, March 31??
    No idea, I'm starting today.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Please enter your weekly calories for the "star" challenge!

    How many calories did YOU ingest from Monday, March 25 - Sunday, March 31??
    No idea, I'm starting today.

    oh, me too. starting today!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    My weekend was koo-koo. Long-story-short, I've come down with a head-cold, so have been unable/unwilling to exercise. Mind you, with the fever raging, I completed my first EVER >24 hour fast on Saturday (and that is while I cooked a full Easter menu for 10 people - 8 hours on my feet!). I ate NOTHING.

    I'm going to lift, today, and then will accompany my daughter to a cardio-step class this evening. I'm still really weak, so not sure how this is going to go, but I haven't worked out since Wednesday and I need to REV UP MY ENGINE!

    Beeps - take care of yourself! sounds like you may be pushing too hard with all of your workouts and lack of calories.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I guess since we are all chatting online, it should not be too surprising how many of us have met our SO on the internet, but still...

    I did not count calories Saturday or Sunday, but I did quite a bit of drinking Saturday at our BBQ and just needed to eat on Sunday. Not too much chocolate consumed...a few pieces here and there.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    RIGHT, this challenge starts today, lol.

    Sorry for the confusion....I started the "same" challenge, on another thread, one week earlier.

    CARRY ON....
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    haha whew! I thought I missed a whole week of the challenge! Glad I didn't =D

    Ran 9 miles on Saturday and could barely walk on Sunday because of my hip - I am pretty sure it is a muscle spasm. MUCH better today, but still sore. To make sure I am prepped for my race on Sunday no lifting for me this week - just elliptical and stretching so my hip feels ok for the race. I will start stage 5 NEXT Monday

    Km - you and I run the same! I never time my races - same finish line for everyone! finishing = winning! All my favorite running sayings are on t-shirst from "one more mile" company. My favorite is: toenails are for sissies. hahaha

    QOTD: my car is black. I don't celebrate Easter so no chocolate this weekend (although I did eat a cannoli which was delightful), and my husband and I met in high school! We went to prom together! Dated for 8 years then got married. We are just now buying a place and that added stress and time consumption is not helping anything!

    Yay for all the runners! Race season is upon us so kick butt!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ok funny story. I'm coming out of my Zumba class and I stopped to check my phone on the way to my car. On my FB I get, "Hey Sam was that you at LA fitness in the Zumba class." Freaky. "Why yes that was me. Dude don't tell me we go the same gym?" Ok so now I have a WO date with an old friend from HS lol. Even funnier is that we are both teachers and he's working in the town where I grew up but lives like five minutes from me now. Small freaking world.

    My car is silver. I drive a POS Toyota that gets 38MPH for my helacious commute.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I met my husband walking down the street. True story. I was walking down the street with some girlfriends and I saw him coming out of a friend's house carrying his guitar (heavy metal bad boy personified) Our eyes met, but we never spoke and were never introduced. Strangely enough we both remember every second of that first sighting. Fast forward three months. Halloween night. I see him again coming down my street. We almost simultaneously drag our friends to the center of the street like tractor beams. We've been together ever since. It'll be twenty years this Halloween, married 15 already. Considering I was fourteen at the time, that's saying something lol. Nobody expects to meat their soul-mate at 14, but there you go. (I love that story)

    I LOVE it Sam! Too funny about meeting an old friend.

    Emgel, get better soon! That sounds very ouchy.

    Beeps, take it easy! Hope you enjoy your class with your daughter.

    I just guestimated on what I ate yesterday. Really wasn't too concerned. I had a LOT of chocolate and dessert. It was yummy, but I am back at the protein and water today!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My weekend was koo-koo. Long-story-short, I've come down with a head-cold, so have been unable/unwilling to exercise. Mind you, with the fever raging, I completed my first EVER >24 hour fast on Saturday (and that is while I cooked a full Easter menu for 10 people - 8 hours on my feet!). I ate NOTHING.

    I'm going to lift, today, and then will accompany my daughter to a cardio-step class this evening. I'm still really weak, so not sure how this is going to go, but I haven't worked out since Wednesday and I need to REV UP MY ENGINE!

    Beeps - take care of yourself! sounds like you may be pushing too hard with all of your workouts and lack of calories.
    I second this. Please don't over do and give your body a chance to get well. I'm terrified of getting hurt again, so I never lift tired anymore.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Happy Tuesday all - will check in a bit later, but today's QUESTION: where was the last place you flew?