Daily Chat Thread



  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Rachie - I can understand wanting to up cardio to burn calories, but I don't understand why you want to shift to stronglifts if you enjoy NROLFW. Just so you are not at the gym as much? I, personally, have a really hard time getting to sleep after my Thursday night soccer and thus getting up and getting to the gym the next morning. I assume that when you say your body fat has gone down and back up that you are using your bathroom scale for that reading? Don't put too much credence in that...its not very accurate. If you have lost inches off your waist...that is REAL. I agree with cowgirl, its about the caloric deficit over all! (you can't out-train a bad diet!)

    QUESTION of the Day: what is your favorite dessert? I have never had it, but if I could, I would do a molten lava cake with salted carmel on top!!!

    this am I did workout 3A3. ran out of time at the end, so I skipped the final plank so I could do one BWM!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Beeps: 50 seconds

    Sam: Congrats on the size 6! That is an awesome achievement chica!

    Rachie: Losing 2 inches in some areas is nothing to brush off. That took a lot of hard work and is a great difference! Please don't get discouraged. You are awesome and if you put in the work and the correct diet I am CONVINCED you will succeed.

    Hey all. I'm really itching to get back into the lifting aspect. As many know I took the last week to week and a half off from Stage 3 and will repeat the entire Stage starting Monday. I got my last practice hilly run in and although it wasn't as easy as I would have liked I did it and my time wasn't great but wasn't terrible either. Tonight I'm planning on a really light run and doing some abs with LOTS of stretching. Saturday will be my first complete rest day in awhile to prep for Sunday.

    QOTD: Oh man. I love so many terrible things. I reeeally love carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Cream cheese frosting is a bad addiction of mine. A close second is anything of PB/chocolate mixture.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Rachie: I understand where you are coming from. I have spent the last month trying to find my motivation and I am having a horrible time. I've been eating terrible and seem to be forcing myself to go to the gym. I think it's just stresses and the crappy weather; however, I am feeling it in my jeans today! I'm hoping that the warm up and sunshine this weekend will get me back out there. I hope you find what works best for you! If it's not NROLFW, that's okay. We would still love to hear how you are doing!!

    I was so ticked off yesterday!!! I couldn't do my workout because I had to meet with my speech partner to go over our information speech due on Monday. SHE STOOD ME UP!! So not only did I not get my speech completed, by the time figured it out it was too late to workout too!! :explode: :mad:

    Anyway, it's supposed to be really pretty today so I plan to go for a run after work. Can't go to the gym on Fridays because they close at 2. Plan on finally starting Stage 3 tomorrow!!

    QOTD: If I had to choose one thing, I would say my Nanny's homemade pumpkin pie! She passed away when I was young and I have tried to replicate the recipe for years. Mine is pretty good, but it doesn't touch hers. I assume because it doesn't include the memories that go along with the taste! :smile:

    Everyone have a fantastic weekend!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I didn't down the diet coke in 45 seconds, but I did sip it fast enough that it AVOIDED all "binge" tendencies I was having. I ate a healthy dinner and that was it!

    Will weigh at the gym, today.

    I did NOT lose the fat until I dumped (nearly all) my cardio. That is what worked for me.

    Now that I'm in the "last 8 lbs club" (maybe the "last 5 lbs club" - will hop on scale today to find out!), I am trying to add some cardio back in.

    I think if you REALLY want "fat loss", you need to review what the dudes do - and the dudes just do the heavy lifting and forget any of the cardio. (I still do *some* cardio to keep my asthmatic lungs as healthy as I can...)

    It isn't the "lifting program" that is the problem....it is the # of calories you are ingesting PLUS expending energy on the cardio, rather than the lifting.

    There's MY 2 cents!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Am I sore today!!! YES!!

    Walking today on treadmill just enough to get moving. OH I just realized something, I FORGOT TO STRETCH AFTER WORKING OUT :ohwell:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I suck about stretching. I'm kind of masochistic in that I like the pain after a good workout. It lets me know I did something. Sick I know. And I just know that with my buns and thighs screaming at me today, my Zumba instructor is going to go heavy on Squats and lunges, such is life. My one Zumba class a week is about the only actual cardio I do and it's intervals. Frankly I do it because it's just so much darn fun. I was doing all of that cardio in Feb when I had the sprained wrist and no change in anything even eating at a deficit. March heavy lifting to get back up 100lb lifts and I lost a pant size. I know it's just me, but that's how I roll. I wonder if I can get someone to zap my BF for me at the gym tonight?

    <<<<Oh, New Pic I think I cut off a lb of hair lol and I'm rocking the new jeans.

    In the newer books, ABS, Life and Supercharged they started saying to get in some kind of cardio during the week yoga and Pilates type stuff that can help with balance and flexibility especially, and to just be more active for health reasons. Gotta stay heart healthy. Makes sense now that they are marketing more to the over 40 crowd.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I got my work-out in and done. It was a little bit long, but mostly due to the extended rest periods I needed to take to keep my heart-rate lower (as soon as I'd get my heart-rate up, I'd go into uncontrollable coughing fits!).

    My weight is down. Now, I'm within STRIKING DISTANCE of the lowest I think I've ever weighed - except THIS TIME, I've got MUSCLES all over my body! NO MORE "MISS SKINNY FAT".

    I tell ya, today is a VERY GOOD DAY!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam and BEeps, yall are awesome! Beeps, we need a body pic! Body pic! Body pic!

    i am extremely sore. Any pressure to my thighs cause me to yelp!

    Sam, I didn't realize it was you until you mentioned cutting your hair!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm back from vacation. Starting Stage 2 on Sunday.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sam and BEeps, yall are awesome! Beeps, we need a body pic! Body pic! Body pic!

    i am extremely sore. Any pressure to my thighs cause me to yelp!

    Sam, I didn't realize it was you until you mentioned cutting your hair!!
    Mary, I can't walk down stairs. Up isn't a problem for some reason, dang BWM! Nice to know we are suffering together. I liked that pic so much I put it on FB lol. Off to Zumba with my Aunt. It's her first time. Should be fun. Tomorrow is a rest day. I spent my vacation at the gym. Aren't I exciting?NOT!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Back Dskgrl! I liked the 2/4 stages.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, how exciting is that?!

    Sam, you're looking amazing! Zumba sounds and looks like so much fun.

    Deksgrl, hope you enjoyed your break.

    Mary, yay for soreness!

    This day has been crazy in a good way. Took the kids to a activity/class this morning, then ran errands, then to the gym for a rushed workout (but I did it!!), then to the zoo, then home to take care of the horses, then to evening activities. I've burned 2800 cals today and I ate ice cream and pizza and I didn't feel guilty about it.

    QOTD: I like any dessert, but lately I love chocolate cake or carrot cake or red velvet.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    For me chocolate isn't desert, it's a major food group.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Beeps - very inspiring words. :happy:

    Samantha - one of the main reasons I eat protein bars is to have an excuse to consume chocolate without guilt! For me, the BEST vacations include running, yoga, lifting!!

    Manic - so glad you are back on the wagon!

    Cowgirl - sounds like an awesome day! Way to fit in a workout amidst all of the hustle and bustle! Yay for guilt-free pizza and ice cream.

    Welcome back deks!

    Date night last night with hubby...it was one of those days that I was starving all day, so I didn't "bank" any cals for the evening. Today will be a better day. Playing soccer!

    Question of the day: what are your macro targets. Mine are 50/25/25. I think I should up my protein, but its working for me right now.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm set at 40/30/30 but for the longest time I didn't really concentrate on hitting them. I never got anywhere near enough protein, but when I started New Rules I added protein powder and that gets me closer.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ok, so I missed a few days and y'all are such chatty Cathies!! OMG!

    My FAV dessert is ice cream!!! I love nearly any flavor but I ADORE choc chip cookie dough!!
    And my macros 50/20/30 50 being protein, 20 carbs, and 30 fats.
    Did I miss any others?

    I have 4 more Stage 5 workouts. Thursday and today I didn't do any NROL4W, just worked out - did shoulders back, chest, legs and arms. Man I am so sore! Today I did inverted leg presses - 3 sets of 12 @ 150 -- I really feel 'em already, can't imagine what I'm going to feel like tomorrow. My IT band is already stiff and fussy despite all the rolling I've been doing.

    Sam I ADORE the new look and girl you are HAWT!! Lookin GOOD! And I guess I'll be right there with you and Mary and hobble down the stairs.

    Deks, glad you see you back and glad you had a nice break!

    Cowgirl, you are one busy woman!!! Yea for pizza

    There is this skinny girl at the gym who does step ups with a 35lb BB on her shoulders and make the thing look so freaking easy! I hope one of these days I can. I still struggle with these things! I let her know how easy she makes it look.

    So today I am cleaning and doing the last bit of organizing for taxes. It's gorgeous out, and I want to get out on the bike, but I don't know if I'm going to have time. Hope you all have a great Saturday!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, I have no doubt you will be there soon on the step-ups! It's great that you have another lady lifter at the gym.

    Sam, I am with you on the chocolate. I have chocolate everyday. I don't understand people cutting it out of their diet unless they just don't like it.

    Hubby brought home a huge wild turkey from his hunting trip this morning. Think I will throw it on the smoker for dinner. (Thank goodness he does all the "cleaning" so I can just cook it).

    QOTD: macros are 35/35/30 c/p/f. I don't hit them all the time, but I try really hard on the weekdays. Weekends are usually 40/25/35. I need to get my fat down, but am struggling with it. If it was all GOOD fats, I wouldn't care. But it's not.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    QOTD: Macros 50/25/25 I suck. I try for better but rarely get there. THis is my average. I TRY for 45/30/25.
    Laundry and sitting on my butt reading all day with a bit of cleaning here and there. Having Indian Tonight with my cousins for our monthly cousins' night out. I've been saving calories...and I desperately need to go shopping there is almost zero food in the house.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    hi ladies - hope everyone had a great sunday! must have been busy, since no one posted!!

    I had a CRAZY weekend...way too many activities, but my kids had tons of fun and are completely pooped tonight! We'll see about getting up for school in the am!

    I did not get a workout in today. J's birthday party ended at 5p and then we had to roll into homework, dinner, etc! I will be ready to lift in the morning!!

    samantha - how was the indian food? I LOVE indian food!

    cowgirl - wow...a wild turkey! Sounds A-ma-zing!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Wow, it was a busy weekend up in here. Mine was busy with family activities. I got my long run in too (11 miles) and was very happy. It felt great - no breathing or leg programs. Just took it slow and easy. I feel pretty prepared for the half marathon.

    lcu - I just don't love running enough to start a program. That's the problem. Honestly I am built for sprinting (and am much better at it). But I like the satisfaction of setting a goal (half marathon) and achieving it. Just proving to myself I "still got it." :) I definitely want to refocus on lifting after this race.

    Rach - I agree with Beeps and others that it's not the cardio that's missing. I think Cowgirl mentioned eating at a deficit. I agree wholeheartedly. I remember starting NROL4W and being slightly worried that I was eating less than the book-recommended calories. (1550 cals, eating back my exercise cals on workout days). It worked for me at the time -- I had a lot to lose and I lost steadily from September to February. Next I would examine the types of food you are eating. I have a sweet tooth and always work it into my diet in some way. But I try not to eat out a lot and I try to get in fruits and veggies. For me, eating out does me in. I have friends who can eat fast food and lose (while eating at a deficit); I cannot. A few people also mentioned that you have to find WHAT WORKS FOR YOU. It's going to be different for every person, so play around with things and give it time to see what works. Keep lifting!!! 2 inches is amazing success, IMHO.

    Sam - love the new pic and congrats on a size 6. that is awesome!!

    Sue - I'm so afraid to try my step ups with a BB. I'm afraid I won't be able to balance right. I ended the program holding 25 lb DBs. I can just see myself losing balance with the BB and really embarassing myself.

    My macros are 40/30/30 but I rarely hit them. All during New Rules, they were more like 45/20(protein)/35. That somehow worked for me, but I know if I want to lose these last 20lbs, I must cut down my fat intake; and with continued lifting, I really need to up the protein.

    One last thing ladies: commando at the gym???? Um: NO.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    New week, new food!!!!

    I spent a lot of time this weekend thinking, reading and talkng about where I am going, what I'm doing.

    Food - this is changing. Although I usually keep under my calories, it not always the best choice. This weekend I bought fruit and veggies, all fresh. I spent a lot of time yesterday preparing everything for this week. I will not be dinking, I will be making good choice and cutting out as much processed and snacky foods as possible.

    Cardio - this will take second pace to lifting, but I still feel like I need to do some. I will walk outside with the dog as much as possible and hit the arc machine once or twice a week.

    NROL4W - after a lot of talking with my husband, I have decided to stop for a while. We have all the equiptment we need at home to do stonglifts, husband does this already. By changing to stonglifts, I get to sleep longer in the mornings, but still workout in the mornings, I get to spend more time at home, less gym time. I will not be so tired at nights, I will not be going to bed at 8.30pm. At this point, this is important. My son is struggling with classes at school and I need to be around to help him with homework, projects etc.

    Maybe by the summer I can get back to NROL4W. My son will be done school, and hopefully back on track. Thats the most important thing right now.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member

    Beeps 2011

    How many calories did YOU eat Monday, april 1 through Sunday, April 7th.

    I hit 10,000. That gives me a SILVER star!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I didn't eat very well over the weekend - more junk than I should have and, frankly, I'd had SUCH a good (low) calorie week, I'm miffed at myself for a weekend blow-out.

    Alas, I LOVE MONDAYs....starting fresh keeps me HAPPY!

    I still have my cold, but it's bearable....just a chest-cough. Will lift today.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hey beeps - my score this week is 13461/12600 or +861...My issue is that I have a bad day like last saturday and I dont have a "eat less tomorrow" rule to bring me in line for the week. Hmmm.

    Rachie - sounds like you have a plan. Good for you! You can certainly still hang out with us here even though you are shifting programs!!!

    kmsai - I am toying with doing sprint workouts since I have a soccer break. Have you ever done anything like that? I started last summer, but then was injured playing soccer. I am totally with you on the setting a goal approach, but I like little goals, too, which is why when i did half marathon training I followed a program so I knew every day what my goal was.

    so I did 3B3 today. felt good, but I ran out of time at the end. Need to set my alarm for 5 instead of 520...or just get moving faster in the am...

    QUESTION of the Day: someone is going to give you two plane tickets to anywhere. where would you go and who would you take? Lisbon with hubby...
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Beeps, I just realized that I forgot to reply to participate. Is it too late? I aim to net 1,700 each day, so 11,900 each week.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    This was a busy weekend on the forum!

    The challenge: Beeps I totally forget what the different colors mean but I ate over my calories by about 500 calories last week...sooo, um, silver?

    Update: Yesterday was my 10 mile race. It went ok. I managed not to take a huge hit on time (finished in 1 hour, 51 minutes) but my hip was def hurting. And I have MAJOR DOMS today. Went to the doctor this am and it turns out I do have a muscle spasm in my hip. He did a trigger point injection and while it is sore I am hoping it will be feeling LOADS better tmw! I HATE when doctors go "does this hurt?" and you say "YES!" and then they keep doing the thing that hurts and go "how about now?" I JUST SAID THAT HURTS! STOP IT STOP STOP IT!

    Anyway, I hope to be able to hop on the elliptical tmw to work out all these muscles and take it a bit easy. As for lifting, I think I need to make a change. My issues with the race showed me how much my running has suffered since I took up New Rules, I think I need to do something that takes up less time at the gym so I can lift and then run - still mulling it over but I am open to ideas!

    Rachie - food has been my issue since I joined MFP. I just love it. It is delicious. I am still playing around with what works best for me re how to eat healthy. Let me know how you like Stronglifts! I have been considering that!

    QOTD: this is an old question but i freakin LOVE dessert. I have a HUGE sweet tooth, and my biggest vice is donuts. I never eat them because just eating one is like a waste to me.

    Today's QOTD: australia!! I've been once and I'd LOVE to go back!

    Beeps - we really do need a pic of you, sounds like you are killing it.
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    I have been super bad about posting here, but I'll give it a go:

    Sam - congrats on the size 6! How exciting! I agree about adding in some cardio activity. I am in that 40+ plus crowd, and while I don't do any specific cardio on off days, I do focus on staying active and walking. I'ts been hard, because the weather has been terrible here, but I know once it warms up there will be lots of walks, playing at the park and bike rides with the kids.

    Rachie - I'm glad you came up with a plan to make changes that work best for you and your family. NROL4W will always be there if you ever want to go back to it. Sounds like you're going to make some great changes to your diet as well.

    Sue - hope you got your bike ride in. I am way too chicken to do BB step-ups.

    Cowgirl - Wow you are busy! Hope you enjoyed your wild turkey.

    deksrl - hope day 1 of Stage 2 goes well.

    lcuconley - 5am is so early. I've tried getting up early and going to the gym but it's been a fail every single time. I would need to be home by 6am for my older two kids, and getting up at 4:15ish is just way too early.

    beeps - congrats on getting so close!

    emgel9 - hope you get continued relief on your hip! Glad to hear it wasn't anything major. Don't have any input on changing things up, but hope you figure out something that works for you!

    QOTD - favorite dessert? I don't know, I love so many. Tiramisu cake maybe? As far as a trip, I have no idea. There are so many places I haven't been. Toss up between New Zealand, the Scandinavian countries and many parts of Canada.

    Today I will be doing 1B6. Stage one is going great, and so far have been really happy with my results. I was really hoping to hit 100# for my squat and 135# for my deadlift, so we shall see. I never took before pictures, and now I'm really bummed about that.
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    OK, I'm back. There was trouble with the littles. Anyway....

    kmsairam - Awesome job setting a goal and sticking with it. I've decided I'm not meant to run long distances. I totally admire people who can run half and full marathons. I'm with you on the commando - there is just no way.

    Another QOTD - I strive for 40/30/30, but I really end up hitting the protein higher. I try for min. 150g on non-lifting days, more on lifting days, so like 40%. As far as carbs and fats, I focus on keeping dietary fiber up (around 20g) and keeping my saturated fat at or below 17g to ensure I"m getting enough good fats and keeping the saturated fat under control. I have no idea where I actually end up with carbs and fat. Now I'm interested, and I may need to go check.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    ...and, here's the UPDATED chart for the April-STAR challenge!

    Anyone else gonna enter?? We don't actually 'start' until Monday, so there's plenty of time to GEAR UP for this CHALLENGE!

    Date: Apr. 1, 2013
    Handle of Participant Weekly alotted calories

    Beeps 2011 9,800
    emgel9 13,300/11,900
    lcuconley 12,600
    chubbycowgirl 13,500
    fratgirl713 14,000
    jcjsjones 12,488
    suelegal 11,800
    mcbellnz 9,100

    ACK!! This week is worse! 12543

    I was over 1 day but I ate back all my exercise cals which I am trying not to do. I was HUNGRY all week!!! I'm over by 743, if my math is correct. What does that make me? I have to go look I forgot what the ranges are.

    If you are OVER by 501 - 1,000 calories for the week, BRONZE STAR.

    I'll have to do better next week!

    Lots of walking today, and I lift in the morning! 3rd A of Stage5. I'm anxious to get started on 6! I can't wait to try negative pullups!

    No bike ride this weekend, Mike is still not 100%, and on top of that he has tape allergies, and has blisters on blisters, even using barrier. His poor skin is just so sensitive and never really gets a chance to heal up. It's itchy and painful for him. The wound is doing very very well, and he has an appt with his surgeon on Thursday. I don't think he'll be completely released, but I know he's so much improved since the last time he was there.

    Rachie, I am really intrigued by StrongLifts. It's on my "todo" list, sometime after NROL4W. I'd love to hear how you like it! Love that you worked out a plan that fits your lifestyle! Stay here and share with us please?

    Beeps, I still have a nagging drip that tickles my throat. It's annoying, and I'm thinking mine might actually be allergies.

    I think I am going to add another morning at the gym and switch up some cardio - did I say that already? Not a lot, but something like HIIT, and only for 20-30 min. I like my elliptical but I get bored with it, so I think a day on either the arc trainer &/or treadmill might shake things up a bit too.

    Cowgirl, we get wild turkey in our back yard, and deer and a couple of other beasts. One evening a coyote walked thru - he was intent on finding what he smelled and was gone as fast as he arrived.

    Australia with hubby!

    Have a great Monday!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Sue - Oh wow, I get a bronze star, too, I had given up hope of getting a star. Sorry to hear that Mike is still having issues. We have allergies to band aids in our family, too. It's tough when the "cure" causes more issues.

    Emgel - congrats on your race! What did your doc inject?!?! I hope you are feeling better tomorrow! You are so funny: no donuts 'cause you can't eat just one! I just never find them satisfying enough for all the fat and cals.

    Luv - you should go back and look. You might be surprised and if you've been logging, the data is there. Today I read an article on getting enough protein in the NY times and went back to see how I was doing. Kind of cool to be able to look!