

  • I am SO close to running for 30 minutes without a break! Today I walked for 1.5 mins after 20 mins run then went on for another 15 mins, and nailed a heap of personal bests in the process :bigsmile: It's taken me nearly 4 months to get through c25k, but I'm now close enough to taste it, and hitting my stride a week before…
  • Fantastic information! Thank you :-)
  • AWESOME! Thank you - I've been struggling to make my own playlists that keep going at the pace I want.
    in Running Comment by danglewtf August 2013
  • I don't stretch beforehand either. I walk for 5-10 minutes before I run, same afterwards, then stretch as part of my cooldown.
    in Running Comment by danglewtf August 2013
  • Awesome! Congratulations on getting through that 6 weeks :-D And I can totally relate to bursting into tears. I had a small NSV last week and bawled my eyes out - this fitness thing is a physical AND mental challenge. I get that now! Just wish someone had warned me :cry:
  • A bald eagle carrying a slightly chubby guinea pig :happy:
  • Darn sight better designed to consume dead animals than live ones!
  • I did "World's Greatest Shave" earlier this year as motivation and to raise some money for the Australian Leukaemia Foundation - I've been sick of colouring my hair for years, been going grey since my early 20s but took until my 40s to get over myself :-D
  • Short (after hitting it with #0) & almost completely grey. Shaving my head was the easiest way to make the transition from "oh gods, ROOT TOUCHUP TIME!" to embracing my middle-agedness. I don't even cringe when I say it any more!
  • Never say "never", nitza53! That said, there's no reason you can't use the app to walk the distances - for the walk stages you can do as gentle a walk as you feel comfortable with, then when the app says "run" just increase your walking speed :-)
  • I'm up to wk5d2, with 2x8 min runs, and I'm fangin' to get into it! I never thought I'd be excited about something like this :-D Even reaching week 5 has been a big deal for me. I've bombed out before completing week 4 a few times with the spectre of the longer runs having me completely spooked, so this is huge :-)…
  • Careful though... don't want to have to count the toothpaste!
  • I only log conscious efforts to exercise. Things like walking the 3 km round trip to pick up schoolies when possible, c25k, treadmill, and circuit training. All the other stuff I would assume is part of my "lightly active" activity profile.
  • About 6 weeks for the first 5 kg. I started around 95 kg, and down to 90 now (goal is around 65). I've hovered there for a week or two, but I'm showing big changes on my measurements, so happy to keep doing what I'm doing. Most days I eat close enough to 1200 cal plus about 70% of exercise, allowing for analogue scales and…
  • If nothing else, you're at least a little taller!
  • Order a pizza because you're at the end of your tether, then only eat 2 slices. Then check how long you need to move on the treadmill to have another...
  • No pics: this was a state, a relationship and over a decade ago... Used to have pet chickens. Started out with 4 unsexed chicks, 1 of which turned out to be a rooster. Somewhat frowned upon in a suburban neighbourhood, so once he was big enough we decided it was going to be roast rooster for Christmas lunch! The dispatch…
  • I've found that WHAT I eat during the day (as opposed to how much), and how active I've been, has a huge impact on whether I feel like grazing after dinner. If I've had a lazy day then I generally don't eat as much during the day, and that's when I go and stand at the pantry trying to find snacks. For me, simpply not…
  • This! How could you taunt us and NOT post the recipe? :tongue:
  • The main thing I find with exercising late at night is that I'm already completely knackered by the end of the day, and I feel I don't put as much effort in as I would in the morning. Granted, as many have pointed out, ANY workout is better than no workout!
  • Oooh! Any pseudoscience relating to anti-vaccination riles me up. I'll stop right there!
  • It's kinda funny you say this... Maybe 6 months ago, before I started on my determination to get fit and lose weight, I hit something of a personal crisis. I'm in my early 40s, my hair is grey, I'm obese and I feel OLD. I figured I could keep plodding along and complaining about it, dyeing my hair and so on, or I could DO…
  • What they all said! Just start :-) I'm around the same weight and age as you, and I started running using c25k. I'm not sure if I love it yet, but I certainly enjoy it and as a "old fart" I can happily say I don't give a fat rat's bum what anyone who's watching me thinks of my graceful hippo-like style! I don't run fast -…
  • Oats with skim milk & chopped almonds, strong coffee.
  • Great decision! I attempted c25k last year, but balked at the long run in the middle. This time I KNOW I'm going to break on through! I've just started wk3, but I'm taking it a lot more slowly this time round - repeating each week to make SURE I've nailed it before moving on. You can do it - it's just a matter of putting…
  • The time you spend on yourself IS ultimately time spent with your kids. By improving your fitness; by improving your health; by potentially extending your life you are investing in their future as well as yours. Ultimately, though, you exercise for yourself. As a parent you know as well as anyone that you can't be…
  • I rent one for a few months when the weather gets too dark and unpredictable (Crappy night in Adelaide tonight, and I need to get one sorted ASAP!) They can take up quite a lot of space, and they're generally fairly noisy, but worth their weight in gold when the weather gets horrid!
  • Oh wow, thank you! Might try a squeeze extra of lime juice in it to stop the avo browning off, but apart from that it looks fine :smile: