Toss or test?

I found this crazy awesome recipe by Chocolate Covered Katie that actually fit all my diet restrictions, and I have a lot (no flour, no sugar, no IBS triggers). Problem is, it's a little too delicious. I just made it, and I immediately ate 4 servings (4 servings fit my snack plan for today).

So here's my question. I also have a problem binging on sweets. I do not keep sweets in the house, and I don't eat anything added refined sugar. I've gone about 20 days without a binge after a month of frequent binging. Although this doesn't have sugar in it, it's a faux dessert, so it's something I could see myself binging on. Should I toss the rest to avoid the temptation or should I hang onto it for awhile to test myself?


  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I say keep it and exercise self control. You have to exercise self control just like you do your muscles, by using it. The worst that could happen is that you keep the food and binge on it, failing for one day. At least you know that you haven't conquered that demon yet and you still have work to do. The best that could happen is that you find a way to work it into your meal plans each day without going over and realize that you have overcome this issue.
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    Keep it:smile: I don't even want to use the word "test" because this implies pass fail.
    thank you for sharing your history - hoping you are able to approach this goodie with new wisdom - it is ok to have as long as you count it. and you did so!!!

    Can you please share the recipe??? thanks and continued well wishes with your journey to optimal health
  • danglewtf
    danglewtf Posts: 29
    How could you taunt us and NOT post the recipe? :tongue:
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Freeze it for a later date. Then you will still have it, and because it is frozen you will be less likely to eat it until you really want to put in the effort to get it out and enjoy it. Freeze it in portions, and pull one out at a time. I do this a lot! It also is great to do because I can grab a portion for work, or dinner one night I do not want to cook. I try not to leave food that is easy to grab just out in my house without portioning it out. My husband, and son have a nasty little of habit of thinking an entire bag is a portion. If I prepackage for them, they then know this is the right amount for me. I do this with chocolate too. I grab a bar of Theo Organic Dark Chocolate w/ chili (one of my favs) break the bar into the 8 pieces, and I get one after a meal. Then I know it is a 55 kcal treat.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I say test. If you find you can keep it in the house without binging on it then that is a win. If you find out you can't this time then maybe test yourself with it again in a month or two to see if you are better with it then. That or next time you make it you can give the rest away to people you know.
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
    How could you taunt us and NOT post the recipe? :tongue:

    I thought the same thing!!
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    Of course, the recipe! Turned out better than I hoped. Might want to add a few eggs though. This girl is a baking genius!

    Chocolate Fudge Zucchini Brownies

    (dangerously fudgey!)
    ◾1/2 cup shredded zucchini (100g)
    ◾1/3 cup applesauce (80g)
    ◾1 cup plus 2 tbsp water (270g)
    ◾2 tsp pure vanilla extract
    ◾3 tbsp flaxmeal (18g)
    ◾1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp vegetable or coconut oil (115g)
    ◾3/4 cup cocoa powder (65g)
    ◾1 cup coconut flour (135g) (Coconut-free recipes are linked at the very bottom of this post.)
    ◾1/2 tsp salt
    ◾1/2 tsp baking soda
    ◾3/4 cup xylitol or sugar of choice (150g)
    ◾1/16 tsp pure stevia extract, or 2 extra tbsp sugar
    ◾1/2 cup mini chocolate chips, optional

    Recipe for zucchini brownies: Preheat oven to 350F, and line a 9×13 baking dish with parchment paper. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the first 6 ingredients and let sit at least 5 minutes. (Tip: shred zucchini in a food processor for fine shreds.) Combine all other ingredients in a separate bowl, and stir very well. Pour wet into dry, stir until evenly mixed, then pour into the baking dish. Using a full sheet of parchment or wax paper, press down very firmly until the brownie batter evenly covers the pan. Bake 19-20 minutes, then pat down hard with a pancake spatula or another sheet of parchment. Let sit 15 minutes before trying to cut into squares. Makes 20-24 squares. (Frosting recipe is below the next photos.)

    FYI: someone already entered it into the food database.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Sometimes Self-Control means realizing when you might be TOO tempted & give in. There are certain things I love that I don't buy, because I tend to overeat them whenever I do buy them. There's nothing wrong w/giving them away to a neighbor, friend, or taking them into work & just keeping a few for yourself. But if you feel you have the self-control to resist for as long as they last, to consume in moderation, then by all means do so. There's nothing wrong w/keeping it & exercising self control AND there's nothing wrong w/"getting rid" of it because you're afraid the temptation would be too much.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    If this were me, I would tread carefully. I don't generally have cravings any more since I have my protein/fat up and carbs down, but if I start feeeeeling a certain way about something, I don't want it around. I can now recognize the feeling before it gets out of control, but as a former emotional eater I need to keep an awareness about me and honestly life throws enough exercises in self-control that I don't feel the need to deliberately add to that. I would do something like bring it to events so I would have something safe to eat there and hopefully there would be minimal leftovers. Or, freeze the batch in single serving baggies and eat one serving per day.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I'd probably keep it. At 83 calories a serving the whole pan is something like 1920 calories or so. If you don't think you can keep from eating the whole pan it would be a good idea to either freeze it in portion sizes to reheat later, or next time cut the recipe in half and make a smaller pan so you can still enjoy some brownie goodness without the temptation.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I love hiding zuccihini in other foods. Because it's the cucumber pretender. Anywhoo, I live in a snack free home, the Keebler elves would be so sad, but it's because I came from a family of professional snackers. I usually try and make treats that yield a small quantity (like Civilized Caveman's Honey Muffins), or pass of leftovers to friends/coworkers/SOMEONETAKETHEM.

    They're not horrible in moderation, and filled with pretty good ingredients, so I say keep them, it helps to work on your control, and your ability to learn to ignore cravings. I also agree with the freezing suggestion as well, maybe just half of the batch that's left. If anything else, it means you have more for another time, and you can test how well they freeze.