What is your current hairstyle & haircolor now?



  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    I'm rocking a combover in white.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    It WAS black.. but it's fading to my natural color. Lightish brown..
  • danglewtf
    danglewtf Posts: 29
    Short (after hitting it with #0) & almost completely grey. Shaving my head was the easiest way to make the transition from "oh gods, ROOT TOUCHUP TIME!" to embracing my middle-agedness. I don't even cringe when I say it any more!

    I'm undecided when to make the leap, but I'm going to do just the same thing. Hate the thought of grey roots growing out... I'll have very short and my natural grey for a while, then keep it short-medium, wispy cut with purple streaks. When did you decide?

    Meanwhile, my hairstyle is kind of... on my head really, that's as much as you can say for it! I still dye it at home back to what used to be my natural colour, and only get it cut when it starts driving me nuts, which is about every 4 months or so.

    I did "World's Greatest Shave" earlier this year as motivation and to raise some money for the Australian Leukaemia Foundation - I've been sick of colouring my hair for years, been going grey since my early 20s but took until my 40s to get over myself :-D
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    long, light brown with layers
  • TinkerMel86
    long, layered, dark underneath, lots of blonde highlights on top
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    <--long and kinda brown with red and goldish highlights. And frizzy. Is frizzy a style? Then that's what I got. :P
  • chancock6
    <---- Red hair, short, cropped, layered
  • summerof1979
    summerof1979 Posts: 97 Member
    What you see is what you get!
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    My haircut is called an asymmetrical shag. Naturally black with some grey highlights. LOL
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    Dark brown, super curly/kinky, haven't had a paid for hair cut in 7 years. I trim at it once in a while to keep the split ends away but other than that I am all natural. The last few times I have had hair cuts the cutter has always went way over board and left me looking like Roseanna Roseanna Danna.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Black with natural highlights

    and it's in a bun right now because it's so long.
  • lovelyx091
    lovelyx091 Posts: 217 Member
    Shoulder-length, layered, thinned out, naturally curly, black.

    How boring.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    My hair is mid back length and I'm rocking my natural color which is brown with some copper highlights. The sun brings out the copper color every summer. I used to dye my hair but then I decided to enjoy my natural color while I'm still young. When the grey starts that's when I'll dye it.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Very short and very grey.
  • xombiebite
    xombiebite Posts: 273 Member
    blonde with a big black chunk on the left side (kinda like holly madison had) it used to be electric purple but i change it to black
  • TheKookieKiller
    Brunette pixie cut. It's easy to manage but I'm growing it out.
  • cedarblack
    cedarblack Posts: 63 Member
    see profile pic :smile:
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I cut off 18 inches in April. I'm growing it back. It's a pain living with the stubby in-between stage.
  • BridgetMoans
    medium length layered, off - side parting, blond :tongue:
  • VioletNightshade
    About three inches past tailbone with the last about four inches in very, very faded black, which faded just about to my natural, but a bit more reddish. The rest is my natural colour, completely virgin with layers starting about seven inches above the ends. I also have whispy fringe which is either styled straight down like normal fringe or parted above my right eyebrow and curled to the sides.

    My natural colour is a dark brown, about two levels above black and I have some natural gray throughout, which I've had since childhood. I used to colour it because during hair school I was made to feel like having long hair in your natural colour was something to be ashamed of and somehow not "fun," but I have to say, the longer it gets and the more of the old colour I trim off, the more I love my hair.

    It's also fine and curly. As soon as I get around to cutting off the remaining damage, which will likely be around Christmas, I'm planning on considering wearing it curly and down occasionally, but I've little faith in that happening as it feels like I'm wearing a coat and it likes to "go big or go home." If I can get it to lie down AND be curly at the same time, we'll talk haha

    For now, it usually ends up getting worn in twin braids, a single braid, twin buns or in a single bun.