

  • 617 days so far. Determined to get to 1000+.
  • 568 day streak and still going strong. Achieved my weight loss goal so now just managing things to maintain it. Go up a kilo and down a kilo but stay within that band. Happy to help anyone motivate themselves to keep it going.
  • The only way to lose weight, and keep it off, is to regulate your eating and drinking habits accordingly. 5:2 is just another of these fad diets that has doubtless made its inventor/marketer a shedload of cash, but doesn't give you a long term eating and drinking plan. Just ask yourself...are you really going to be able to…
  • Amazing! Brilliant! Inspirational!
  • Forget all these new fangled so-called diets with fancy names. Unless you're planning to stick to it for the rest of your life, you'll soon put back on what you might have taken off. Losing weight, and keeping it off, is all about changing eating habits and taking in less calories than you're using. There's nothing fancy…
  • I mainly use a Fitbit, but I treat the stated burn as 'for interest only; and never take any of it into account when calculating my food intake for the day. I work to 1800 cals a day irrespective of any exercise..in that way, any exercise cals are simply a bonus which I ignore for the purposes of calculation.
  • At 71, and following a half century of very active sports, I have arthritis in just about every joint possible! But particularly in knees and hips. I can't cycle because I can't bend either leg sufficiently to pedal but at the moment I can still walk, which I do three or four times a week, 8 to 10kg each time, gentle to…
  • Fitbit One for me! I've had mine for 6 months and I'm never without it. Synchs beautifully with MFP and does everything you want it to do in order to keep track of your exercise.
  • Not in the least. The arrogant twerp will still be able to sing, as he calls it, when he gets out. Now...a LOT of jail time...that's a far better prospect.
  • Truly inspirational and I'm sure you'll give such inspiration to thousands more who struggle to maintain the necessary discipline to lose weight sensibly and safely. Well done, and a very happy new year from a rainy and windy UK!!
  • Wonderfully inspirational. Many congratulations. Look forward to reading your post which announces the removal of the final 20lbs.
  • Hello from Hertfordshire. I'm managing to keep going with dodgy knees and hips at the moment, but I know the time is approaching when I'll have to do something about it! You can do this, and there's plenty of folk on here who'll encourage you. I've done the hard work and am now in maintenance mode but I'm on every day and…
  • I don't reckon its unrealistic to lose 3lbs a week over 7 weeks...I did that and more when I started on my journey over 5 months ago. Exercise certainly contributes but, as always, it's all about monitoring intake, honestly and carefully, and making sure it's below what you are using. Once you've hit your target, you can…
  • The general concensus seems to be: set MFP exercise levels to sedentary if using a fitbit don't use any other form of exercise measurement like runtastic if using fitbit. That makes a degree of sense, but doesn't really show me any advantages over an MFP declaration of REAL exercise levels, and Runtastic for specific…
  • The Bob Skinner series by Scottish writer Quentin Jardine. Brilliant police procedurals/crime thrillers.
  • You're just a youngster! Once you get into the MFP routine, you'll find it becomes second nature. It did for me and I reached my goal weight in just over 3 months. Now I'm focusing on maintaining it. MFP beats Weightwatchers, Slimmers World and all those others hands down. Just make sure you're totally honest and log…
  • I don't think its Runtastic that's the problem. I use it all the time...sometimes for 2 hours with music playing as well. Even when the music is the internet-fed Spotify, I have never had a battery issue on my Samsung Galaxy S3. I think a new battery in your phone might be the answer!
  • Can I just say to all you ladies...you're all inspirational. Congratulations to everyone who decided to start on the journey and best wishes for continuing success. You can all do it if you REALLY want it.
  • No...no...NO!! Ignore them...they're a bonus. I've yet to find any app or device that measures exercise calories accurately anyway, so play safe...NEVER EAT THEM if you're serious about losing weight.
  • I worked to a careful 1200 per day for 85 days, and hit my target loss of 14kgs in that time. My TDEE is 2050 so the weight came off easily and I probably managed around 1000/1200 exercise cals per week which I never ate back. Now I've moved to 1600 cals per day to see if I can maintain weight at that..don't want to lose…
  • Thank you so much. I'm really delighted and feel so much better for it. It's been a bit costly re-equipping the wardrobe, but worth every penny! My lovely wife, who treated me to new jeans and shorts, is saying that I'd better not put any of it back on again! I won't...that's a promise!
  • Thank you all so much for the really helpful comments. I will certainly just increase intake my 100/200 cals per day and see what happens. Then move on from there. Having got into the discipline of daily reporting on MFP, I aim to carry on indefinitely. It's become part of my daily routine now.
  • Thanks for all your comments...really appreciate them. I think a heart monitor is the way to go. But it really illustrates why I totally ignore 'exercise calories'...what ever they may be... when calculating my daily food intake. Whatever they are, I just treat them as a bonus!
  • Hi from a 'more mature' exiled Merseysider, now in Hertfordshire. I tend to treat exercise calories as a bonus and still stick to my 1200 per day. It's working so far...another 5kgs to go. Good luck on your quest. Add me if you would like a 'senior' view of things!
  • Thanks for that...I'll give it a go.
  • Good morning...and hi from Hertfordshire. Add me if you want to share goals,food ideas and general support.
  • Hi from the UK. I'm also working to 1200 cals per day, supplemented by plenty of exercise. I've got into a routine now, and it really isn't proving a problem, as I'm sure it won't be for you. Add me if you would like.
  • Hi there...greetings from the UK. I've been on here for 35 days now and have lost over 7kg. It's a superb system if you get into the habit of logging everything, and making each day a challenge to succeed. A lot of people 'eat' the exercise calories they generate...I tend not to..just treat them as a weight loss bonus. But…
    in Hello Comment by David1406 June 2013
  • Phew! That's a relief! I was starting to think I needed to empty the salt packet over everything! :laugh:
  • I also hit a plateau this week. I'm burning nothing like your amount, and I don't normally 'eat' the exercise calsories, unless I've burned 500+...small beer for you I know...in which case I 'eat' half of what I burn. But I am losing inches, instanced by having to cut more holes in my belt! So I'm feeling the observation…