S Beach Diet - No Weight Loss

Hi all,
I've been on the S Beach Diet phase I for about 10 days now but I haven't lost any weight. I'd really love some input on my meal choices and exercise.

35 y/o
141 lbs
125 lbs (goal)

Bkfst: Egg and low fat ham "muffin" w small amount of LF cheese (1 stick per 6 muffins)
snack: 10 almonds, coffee w 1/2 cup skim milk and splenda
lunch: 3 cups lettuce w 1/2 large grilled chick breast and homemade vinegarette (balsamic vinegar, olive oil, splenda, spicy mustard)
snack: celery w LF laughing cow cheese
extra snack: hb egg
dinner: large piece salmon or grilled chicken w 3 cups mixed veggies (some carrots- its frozen variety) and pat smart choice butter
dessert: SF frozen pop or 1/8 following: 8 oz cheam cheese, 1 egg splenda and handful slivered almonds

Jog 30 mins 4-5 days/week
jog 1 hour 1-2 days/week
Orange Theory workout class (cardio/weights) 2/ week
(I workout 2 x day some days)

Really appreciate any input!


  • ChunkyMonkeyU
    ChunkyMonkeyU Posts: 3 Member
    Also, I forgot to add that I am on Prozac for anxiety (though I am trying to wean off bc I think it may be preventing weight loss), metropolol for high bp and water pills for high bp.

    Thanks again!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Weightloss wise that's the bit that matters

    Have a look at the link it may help

  • beelisa
    beelisa Posts: 3 Member
    Even though the South Beach diet isn't focused on counting calories, you can still go over board on good calories. It's best to weigh, measure and count those calories. Keep going! You may want to test your heart rate to get a better idea of how many calories you are burning with your workouts. It's all a numbers game. I am also petite just under 5ft, even with counting my calories and tracking my calorie burn I till only expect 1-2 pounds a week with weightloss.
  • David1406
    David1406 Posts: 63
    Forget all these new fangled so-called diets with fancy names. Unless you're planning to stick to it for the rest of your life, you'll soon put back on what you might have taken off. Losing weight, and keeping it off, is all about changing eating habits and taking in less calories than you're using. There's nothing fancy about it...control your calories with MFP, keep up the exercise levels using Runtastic or buy a Fitbit, and you'll lose the weight. And having got into the routine, you'll be able to maintain it. I'm on a 450 day streak with MFP and, having lost the weight working to a 1200 cals per day intake, I'm happily maintaining it working to 1850/2000 cals per day and an average of 200 extra cals per day via my Fitbit which I never eat back anyway.
  • ChunkyMonkeyU
    ChunkyMonkeyU Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks so much for all the responses! Yes-- I agree I need to count calories. In fact, I started entering them on this site today :-) I also think I may be consuming too much dairy.