MerinneW Member


  • Thank you guys! More water, electrolytes, and a bit more carby veg then.
  • No, I don't think so, I'm not stressed.
  • What beautiful eyes you have!
  • This month went completely bloody awful, sad to say! Kids and partner and self constantly ill, bad news, always some reason to binge - I've done badly. BUT I did do 100 skips every day of Feb for Cancer Research UK; and I did have a few runs of days where I didn't binge eat. My weight hasn't gone up, but it hasn't gone…
  • Just for today I will distract myself from my compulsion to eat things I know will make me feel bad. I will go for my walk without my purse, so I don't crack and buy snacks. I can eat snacks tomorrow! I can wait that long. And then hopefully tomorrow, with the pride of today's accomplishment inside me, I'll be able to…
  • Oh wow. Just went to view comments on a new post bewailing my current lack of willpower, and saw this :O I had LITERALLY FORGOTTEN I had ever managed to get this slim. I'd dream of being 11st something now :neutral: But if I did it then, surely I can do it now.
  • You look fab! I am very happy as well too see that stretchmarks DO fade - I am 38+ weeks atm and my bump looks like a relief map of the Hebrides :( Your tum looks like it never had a baby! Did you use or do anything special to shift them, or is this just what I can look forward to if I work out? *hopes*
  • I guess I always knew, but I wish I had actually taken it in - this is for life. You will never eat 'normally' (or what was 'normal' to your overweight self) again - or if you do, well guess what, you'll soon be overweight again! Weight loss is like a card palace - takes a fraction of the time it took to build to knock it…
  • Fantastical! The thing I notice in these success stories usually is how much younger people look after they lose big, and you are no exception - you look so full of vitality now! Very inspiring.
  • Although I did not lose as much as you, I have to reply because I still feel like I get you! :) I think you should know what you're feeling is perfectly normal and understandable, especially in the context of such a dramatic change from a long term weight. A lot of people are only at their biggest for a short time, and…
  • Well done you, you look fantastic!
  • Quoted for truth! Turning 30 has had a massive impact on me, as I realise I am now a grown-up and have, to a large extent, wasted my youth feeling crappy about myself. I look back and it's more than half my life so far feeling fat, weak, ugly, not good enough. When you think about it that way, it's ruddy terrifying. So no…
  • Thanks! I'm on the Dukan diet. My dad was using it and recommended it to me. Can't say I buy into a lot of the rigidity of the method, but the simple fact is it is working for me - the fact I can always eat as much as I want (as long as it's the right stuff!) makes a huge difference, and the weight coming off quite quickly…
  • Oh well done! You look so lovely! :)
  • Thank you! They look so tasty in all the photos, and i am fed to the teeth with oat-bran stirred into 0% yoghurt every darn day for breakfast. My frying pan is pretty old and dodgy to be fair - maybe I need to buy a new one! I was following the recipe in the book - 1 x egg, 1.5 tbsp oatbran and 1.5 tbsp yoghurt. Maybe I'll…
  • Aw hun :( You should definitely seek their support - they love you, they'll want to help you, but you need to tell them how! I think people are often wary of holding someone they love to account when they're trying to lose weight, because they worry it will be seen as them confirming that there's "something wrong with you"…
  • *cough* throwthestaplerthrowit *cough*
  • Oh yeah, he's a peach. One of the REASONS I have been on fake diet for three years is that he believes, far more than I do, that I can actually achieve my goal; without him holding me to my ambitions, I'd have given up and blimped out years ago :blush:
  • Confession: I've had to give my wallet to my boyfriend. He thinks this is weird, and I had to really beg him to look after it for me, because if I have access to money I WLL cheat on my diet. 3+ years of 'dieting' at home, whilst having an at-work affair with packets of biscuits, bars of chocolate, cakes an bread. I am…
  • Thanks Catcalls - good to know, and an interesting read! I'm slightly concerned about not being able to go back to 'normal' - but I suppose normal is what got me here in the first place, so maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be! Hopefully I'll eventually find a way to be which is good for me and doesn't feel like a…
  • Amazing job - 'After' you looks like 'Before' you's gorgeous daughter! Thanks for the inspiration this new year's day!
  • I think you should be honest with your flatmate - tell her how you feel! But accept the fact it is a problem for you, not for her - you obviously disapprove of her lifestyle choices (sleeping with older men on short acquaintance), and whilst it is perfectly reasonable for you not to live that way yourself, it is not at ALL…
  • That is nothing less than incredible. Well DONE!
    in Arms Comment by MerinneW August 2013
  • There are no words for how much I want this tank-top and capris set from SweatyBetty: I mean, who doesn't want to look like the Milky Way when they run?? But for £150 the set, I'm afraid they can jog on... *sigh*
  • I am just so boggled by the idea of people going for a run with a gun. I mean, OK, in this situation I can see why you might if you could. Just not having guns (or, indeed, bears) in the UK, I find it just... wow! Like finding out people are going running with a blender or something :P I mean, I have a hard enough time…
  • @Kimbreli - that's a really good idea. If I'm eating as my Nan would have approved of - 'sitting up at table' - I tend to give my full attention to what I'm eating, and consequently eat less. But at work, I always eat lunch at my desk in front of the screen - makes the distinction between working and eating blurred, so…
  • I love the international nature of MFP... this is just not even a consideration where I run! Worst I have to worry about is angry bull-dogs and flashers :P
  • Thank you all so much for your responses! I'm glad my 'Stick' plan isn't seen as too neurotic - I wish I had the willpower to just make up my mind and stick to it, but I just don't - time to get realistic about that and work with what I've got, I suppose! Sodamnhungry: Glad I'm not the only one for whom 'just one' can end…
  • You look so much prettier and happier in your 'after' photo! Well done!
  • A lot of pretty harsh responses to this post! OK, I think the OP is overreacting. Talking to someone about an obvious interest is not creepy per se. However, it is difficult for the OP (who, for whatever reason, does NOT want to talk to this man, as is her right) to just tell him so - there is a wealth of social pressure…