(Baby) Belly inspiration: 40 pounds lost, six pack coming!

Hey everyone,

after I had my baby, I gave myself three months before taking a real look in the mirror. What I saw was a soft, flabby belly and a body that looked like a battlefield- stretch marks, cellulite, hanging skin. I was devestated and thought I could never look good and healthy again. It was my own fault- I had really let myself go while I was pregnant. But hey, you can eat whatever you want when you are growing a baby inside of you, right?! ;) If my husband and I decide to have another one, I will not eat three candy bars a day. And pizza. And ice cream. And chips. That was a terrible idea.

Anyway, whenever my body felt strong enough to start exercising, I started a post partum gymnastics class. I could take my baby with me and she was very happy there. Also, I began to walk. A lot. Myfitnesspal helped me keep my calories in check and I was very strict with my intake.
It worked, I slowly started losing weight. Also, I was breastfeeding which also helped a great deal.

When I felt my endurance improve, I started jogging and doing Jillian Michaels' programs. I finished the 30 day shred once. It couldn't do it in 30 days though. It took me three months. I did push myself as much as I could, but I did have a baby and so my priorities were very clear. Also, I started studying when my baby was 9 months old- I worked out whenever I could which was maybe 3 times a week but I also took my bike to school. Slow and steady wins the race. I fell off the horse many, many, many times but I got back on and kept going.

That is probably why it took me 3 years to lose 40 pounds and build the muscles you can see in the pictures. About 2 years ago I started working out with fitnessblender.com every here and there, besides going to the fitness studio doing Zumba and cardio stuff. Then, about a year ago I started REALLY working out with fitnessblender using their HIIT and strength training programs. This is when I saw crazy changes in my body. I started out on a level 1, huffing and puffing during the workout. Now I'm on a level 4 and sometimes I even do a short level 5 workout. I do look like a tomato in the face and sweat like pig, but I can push through it.

Here's some data for you:
Height: 5'7
Start weight: 190 pounds
Current weight: 150-160 pounds (yes, there is insane fluctuation in my weight and I try not to weigh myself very often)
Goal weight: 140-150 pounds (but I am feeling great at 150, muscles weigh a lot and I don't want to lose my booty)
Workouts: 3x HIIT and strength for about 45 minutes (Fitnessblender) + 1x cardio only like running for 30 minutes or inline skating
Food: Vegetarian, lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, water, tea. Try to minimize chocolate intake which is a struggle especially before exams.

Here are my tips for you:

1. Your body is capable of so much! It's insane to see how it can change when you push it right. Just keep it up and your body will surprise you!

2. Don't starve yourself! It takes longer to lose the weight if you don't, but it does come off. Vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grain: real food! I see many people here that eat 1300 calories a day, but basically eat crap. Your body can not live off sugar cereal with milk for breakfast, a whole day of nothing and then a pizza for dinner. I eat around 2500 calories a day now, work out 3-5 times a week for 45-60 minutes and my body keeps changing.

3. It's okay to mess up. If you're going through a tough time and eat crappy foods or not work out for like two weeks, don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track and don't just sit in your misery. This is what I did in the beginning. If I messed up one day, I said "f*** it, it's over, I can't do this". Then I stopped everything all together. Losing weight and changing your habits will take time and hard work and there will be times when you mess up and gain back some weight. It was like that for me, but just be nice and forgiving to yourself, let it go and start back up!

I did it, and SO CAN YOU!!! :smiley:




  • aliceband21
    aliceband21 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the encouraging advice and motivational pictures. For the record, you were beautiful then and you're beautiful now!
  • jacfoote
    jacfoote Posts: 26 Member
    You look awesome, great job! Thanks for the info too! I have three kiddos and my belly has been destroyed, I'm slowly making progress so this is nice inspiration.
  • dietsrus
    dietsrus Posts: 10 Member
    You look amazing! Incredibly fit and you did it slowly .... changed your entire lifestyle and body. Congratulations!

  • hugzeelaroo
    hugzeelaroo Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for posting! Congrats on your transformation, you look amazing!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    HOT MAMA!!! Nice work!
  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    You look amazing! I have the same stats as you, but your muscles look sooo good! I'm working on mine with stronglifts and hiit, currently I'm 155, hoping for 140 too! Way to go!
  • VeronicaShukla
    VeronicaShukla Posts: 9 Member
    Great story! You look amazing!
  • guessjr94
    guessjr94 Posts: 32 Member
    What did you use on your stretch marks?
  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    Congratulations! Amazing work!
  • mumbles2013
    mumbles2013 Posts: 289 Member
    guessjr94 wrote: »
    What did you use on your stretch marks?

    Nothing I bet. Remember pregnancy stresses the skin quickly toward the end and after the baby's out that's when they look their worse. With weightloss and time they fade and blend a little better. But she looks amazing regardless xx
  • bluecat86
    bluecat86 Posts: 82 Member
    Just found this post, thank you, it's good to know there's hope for my tummy too!
  • wendypollok150
    wendypollok150 Posts: 20 Member
    Yay! Hope for the Super LaLa!! (my baby tummy) :smile: Thanks for the inspiring post
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    Fantastic work!!! You've inspired me to get more strength training in!
  • rebeccaEsmith
    rebeccaEsmith Posts: 1,136 Member
    Looking good girl
  • MerinneW
    MerinneW Posts: 71 Member
    You look fab! I am very happy as well too see that stretchmarks DO fade - I am 38+ weeks atm and my bump looks like a relief map of the Hebrides :( Your tum looks like it never had a baby! Did you use or do anything special to shift them, or is this just what I can look forward to if I work out? *hopes*
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Very inspiring! You look great!
  • theresarosey
    theresarosey Posts: 3 Member
    One of the most inspiring posts I have read. I need to get into working out in a real way. The gym can be a bit intimidating, especially when it is busy. However, with online workouts I have no excuse. I am also a student... I get the stress eating and the need for planning. I lost 80 lbs after I had my daughter (10 yrs ago) but it took 2
    5 years. I have kept about 70lbs off over the years, but now I am really wanting to commit to a bigger change. Thanks for the inspiration! Can I add you as a friend? I am also interested in your diet. I am not vegitarian but I eat many vegitarian meals.
  • LiveFitMomma
    LiveFitMomma Posts: 7 Member
    i'm starting out at 190 and my goal is 150! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old! This is inspiring! I know I can do it.. just been slacking and giving up to many times. ugh
  • smkondy
    smkondy Posts: 583 Member
    Very successful-you look really good!!! Thanks for sharing your story & your tips-very helpful & inspiring :)
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    You look amazing, way to go! It has taken me over three years to lose almost 40lbs. I haven't lost weight in months but I've lost inches. I'm almost there. I don't really care about the scale anymore, just toning.

    I've never heard of fitnessblender before. I'll have to check that out!
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Congrats. Your before back picture looks so similar to what my back looks like currently. Seeing your after photo makes me excited to look like that someday!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    This is great! Thanks for the inspiration. I am 3 months pp and sometimes worry that I will be big forever, but slow and steady wins the race as you've shown.
  • vharding7
    vharding7 Posts: 48 Member
    Wow, you look amazing! My kids do the same thing with my belly, they think its funny how smooshy it is :| haha Thank you so much for posting, it was the inspiration I needed!!
  • cocmares
    cocmares Posts: 27 Member
    Very inspirational just what I needed!
    You look amazing
  • ruebus
    ruebus Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 2 weeks postpartum and I'm also 5'7 190 lbs so we're both starting from a similar place. Very inspiring to see what I can potentially achieve. I desperately want to be fit, mobile, and look good in clothes again. This pregnancy was ROUGH and you can certainly tell looking at me
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    Wow! That is super amazing. I like to see the angry red marks almost disappear. You look beautiful!
  • overin2015
    overin2015 Posts: 94 Member
    Let me clarify - the angry red marks are gone just very light lines which show your body has gone through an amazing journey - go you!
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Amazing job! WTG!
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