

  • When i did it and i will be doing it again as soon as i have my week off in september,... too stressed to start again atm. too much on my plate. i did 10 days level 1, 10 days of level 2 and 10 days of level 3. i found this to be highly motivating but when i finished and started extreme shed and shred i found it too…
  • I did this may last year and was healthy and happy loosing for 4 months, lost 2 and a half stone. Dunno what happened but somehow that stopped and i lost my way. started back here 3lb heavier than my heaviest weight. back on track now for the most part and alfter almost 2 weeks ive lost almost 8lb. 1/5 of that weight gone.…
  • Im sorry to say so but your bad day made me feel like i was crapping out last week and not owning up. Your problems are so much worse, getting my butt back into gear!! I hope you feel better soon and any bad feelings on your new medicine come off it IMMEDIATELY.
  • great progress dani, shaping the waist nicely and your arms are coming in too. well done.
  • great results, did you take photos, if you did you should post em.
  • EXCELLENT RESULTS. your stomach looks like its lost way more than 1.5 in at waist and 2 at hip. cant really tell on leg as bottoms so baggy but im sure they're toned as rocks. my legs feel like they could crack bricks some days now.
  • everytime i looked they werent working. will look again now.
  • I'm here Ellie, feeling very downy dumps for no reason atm so not posting much. Its a shame they dont have a live chat section but they keep going on about not wanting to be facebook, I dont see how that would happen. Anywho, i'm always milling around watching for new posts but cant think of anything to say myself at the…
  • !!!!UPDATE!!! I feel like a Failure. I did the first 2 days both levels, the next day was too late so i did first 2 levels of shred instead as it takes no where near as much time. I did only level 1 the next day and then ..... NOTHING. Didn't do it again until yesterday. I started going the gym instead. I think I tried to…
  • This also is a great meal for dinner if you dont want to take too long. 1. Core and top a pepper and put it in the oven for 25-30 mins on 180degrees. 2. Put rice on when 10 mins left. Whisk an egg, season if you wish and scramble. 3. Mix egg with 2 oz of cooked rice and peas. (depending on size of pepper you can do 2…
  • mornings work better for me because the further through the day i get the more i try to talk myself out of it. neli is right, dont think just do. thinking gives your mind time to come up with an excuse not to.
  • on 39ds, took photos day 1, 10, 20, 30. measurements on the same days but i weigh every day because otherwise i would loose track of myself, and if i do that i WILL put on weight.
  • haha maybe try tinypic instead of photobucket. you dont need an account
  • That's wonderful, I feel a lot better about my shape and in my ability for exercise now. I also found weight loss slowed while doing it but the inches show a lot. Just waiting on your pics to correct now. I cant wait to see.
  • i went from 30ds to extreme shed and shred with 2 days in between, i did lv 1 and i was burnt out
  • My little girl is 7 months old on 16th. I gained 1st7lb after she was born after loosing 7lb until she was 7 months, then went back to weight. Was 14st at the end of May and in just over 3 months I have lost 2st4lbs so far. I have my off days and so does everyone. I've started going the gym only this week and before that I…
  • good luck, im sure you will do just fine. its the taking part what counts and doing your best and giving it a go. you wont know until you try.
  • haha, no it doesnt have to be just one treat. I'm still 15lbs away from my goal so i might have a little one in between. I think 160lbs I will.......... have a complete off plan indulgence day. Breakfast - Pancakes with bananas and honey, chocolate and strawberrries, apple sauce Lunch - eat out at favorite pub Dinner -…
  • Uh-huh, just like smoking used to be good for your health and drinking a glass of wine a day is meant to be good for you, but then there is the alcoholics who if they had one glass of wine might slip back into that horrible black hole. cooking with olive oil is meant to be good for you but apparently it turns into…
  • ok, sounds like a load of bull**** to me. I personally never listen to anything like this because at the end of the day we would have a whole world in panic. shouldnt smoke anyway, rest yourself after a meal, i dont know why you would want to eat more food after having a meal and if you do the one you just had wasnt big…
  • ovo-lacto veggie here. previous entries may show some meat due to bf daughter but now cut it out fully.
  • does anyone else have any treats?
  • Those of you finishing up your 30 days remember to post your finished pictures, and also your final results too.
  • a lot of people coming to the end of they're 30 day, remember to put your finished measurements in, and remember to post your final pictures too.
  • hahaha it gets better, every day challenge yourself to do more. by the end i could do all 35 push ups on my toes. BUT BEWARE..... after finishing lv3 i took a couple of days off, did 2 days of Extreme Shed and Shred (lv1+2) and on 3rd day i did lv1+2 of 30ds again and i couldn't do 5 push ups on my toes, i had to go back…
  • I'm sorry it's such bad news. Yes you can stay, :happy: It's not like we can monitor who has actually been doing it now can we, and some of our members haven't even logged on in 3 weeks. Here to natter as you like :heart:
  • it means none scale victory. thats a wonderful though slightly weird thing. i think you need to go out and buy some new underwear. CONGRATULATIONS
  • so much improvement. You have done so well, going back to work after the holidays and having so much more to try and work around will be hard for anyone.
  • Do it seperately, but make a challenge!!! Each think of something that you want at the end of the month and make it a challenge to see who gets in the most workouts of whatever and which ever of you wins gets what you want paid by the other. Draw up a chart as well and put it on the fridge as motivation. I love things like…
  • does anyone else have any pics they would like to share?