chuisle Member


  • You can see my general progression in my profile pictures. I am only 5 lbs lighter than when I started MFP now yet look at the photo in the pink sports bra vs. earlier photos. Definitely a difference due to change in body composition.
  • Happy Friday, yall! Beeps - do you roll out? It sounds like you struggle a lot with DOMS and I think it helps immensely. I've never had DOMs that wasn't made better by working out again...Glad you enjoyed your vacation! I think times like that are part of what makes life so wonderful so no shame in indulging! KC - I am…
  • Agreed. Lauren is a great role model for healthy living and figure out what works. It's ignorant to just tell people on the forums they don't know what they're doing. If you're an expert and truly concerned you are welcome to send anyone a PM. If anything is clear from the posts here it is that people have a WIDE range of…
  • On pets, I am with you guys. You have an important responsibility towards pets and there are few excuses for giving them up. I like to dote on pets in some ways-its a very natural outlet to channel your nurturing energy towards something and I am SO far from ready for children. But at the same time, pets are not children.…
  • Omg, Amy, I thought the same thing and only realized it when you said something. Wow. Ashley - good luck at the PT! Ris - It could also be water from weight training. That happens to me. Jen - hope the kiddos recover soon! Chloe - maybe try a cleanse or something? Get rid of that extra water! And yeah, the puppy is…
  • Hi all! One week of cutting down and while it was a decent starter week (managed ~4000 calorie deifict) I also need to clean up the diet and weekend. I am trying to really incorporate more NEAT along with my intense bouts at crossfit and that is going well so far. I don't feel thinner yet but the scale has dropped 3 lbs so…
  • My gosh this board is moving FAST. Also, I've been a bit remiss. So there's that! I am getting back into the swing of cutting. I had a few bumps over the the weekend but ended with a healthy deficit and clear places to clean up my diet. I am trying to walk most everyday and reach 10,000 steps on my fitbit. I tends to think…
  • Hey all! 2 days in...they weren't great because I was finishing up a work trip. But today I am home and ready to make great food choices. Any favorite recipes people like during cuts. Precut weight = 151 (ouch :) I am guessing my body fat is up to ~25% at least. Took my first set of super detailed measurements (I do it…
  • Hey All! It's been GO GO GO since I got to San Diego for my conference...not helped by the fact that my first night here I came down with food poisoning around 2 am. Yuck. But I am fully recovered, did crossfit today and some walking. I haven't logged the last few days but that's okay-I decided not to start cutting…
  • I'm cutting too! I start officially January 7 so I will take measurements at some point in the next few days and post here. The general outline of my cut (varied by week) will be a 25-40% deficit, 3-5 days of crossfit, 0-2 of steady state cardio, and 5 hours of walking with 30-50/20-40/30 p/c/f macros with one 'off plan'…
  • HI FRIENDS!!!!!! It has been a long time! Sorry to check out but it was so lovely and necessary. I have just focused on enjoying food, time with friends and family and working out hard! I have been crossfitting 4-5 days a week and am happy with my progress. I haven't weighed in much but I have a feeling I am in the upper…
  • I'm glad you looking into weights - it will help you maintain muscle so that as you lose fat you are not losing (as muscle). Rarely is a pound of weight loss a pound of fat. It can be made up of muscle or water too. Just take everything one step at a time know that as your body improves things will get easier! New Rules of…
  • Woah! We are way into the new thread...will hopefully catch up this afternoon!
  • Aw, I am loving this discussion of everyone's HS days. Beeps - way to go on bagging the hottest guy, though sympathies for the awkward factor. Pratima, college was a great growing experience for me too. I was confident (enough) in high school but it wasn't until college that I realized I could be smart and be social and…
  • Beeps - well in that case, agreed! I had assumed that the U.S. has simply decided not to renew his visa (despite having a job and everything) as I have known to have happened to others. Paperwork is a sad fact of life, but it does not go away if we ignore it :) sort of like fat. Abi - congrats!!! I just saw a nutcracker…
  • Happy Birthday, Chloe! Glad you are induing a bit, it's good for you! Beeps - good goals! Silly about your BIL. US immigration policy is absurd! Ashley, I LOVE your plans. Sound a bit like mine :) Amy - good plans, what is the HIIT plan? As for me, off to crossfit in a minute. I had a big victory Friday 1 rep maxing 185…
  • Beeps - you can do it beeps! Excited to see your results. When are you done cutting? Jen - happy to see you back and posting! Such an inspiration! I'm sorry about the work stress. Anxiety attacks are terrible. I keep some low dose xanax around (I struggled with them in times of very high stress) and it helps me. I think it…
  • Hi everyone! I'm back and doing well. Not logging much lately-I just don't feel the urge to and it's helping me relax about food intake a bit. I got 5 days of Crossfit last week and am on track to do 4-5 this week so that's great. Diet wise I should cuts my carbs a bit like I said, overall just using common sense. Can't…
  • Chloe - my bday is December 7th (a day that will live in infamy :) Ris - great recipe! Excited to try it! And funny on the not drinking...I guess I'll have that to look forward to (someday) Ashley - on eating after work outs it depends...if its a tough workout in the morning (ie I'm not going straight home for dinner or to…
  • Hey all! going to catch up soon...swamped at work after last week's travel and just realized I only have 12 more days in the office for the year! Hope all is well!!!!!
  • Ris! Congrats on the baby! Wonderful news :) Amy - I was considering it, depending on my experience with maintenance which has been not great. I don't like my waist being up so I am going to cut down a bit (not as extreme or strict) and see if I can't get closer to my happy place before my birthday and holidays. I feel…
  • Hi All! KC - great NSV on the compliment! I never thought about my back until I started getting stronger and was pleasantly surprised to see improvement in a place I wasn't even looking for it! The front is glamor muscles...the back does the real work :) Beeps - breakfast in bed sounds great! Those are the moments in life…
  • Amy - I think you look fabulous!!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed an evening out! Still praying for you! Reese - good luck with the last legs of LP! And yes, did do a Halloween outing...we were Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler (see profile :) Good goals everyone! I am little late to the party this week...Monday was just sheer act…
  • Amy, so happy your Dad's surgery went well! I will keeping hoping for good news on the diagnosis. I am sure you are going to ROCK the halloween costume and you and your husband will look great! Better - like Chloe said, just experiment and see what works for you! Not counting the burn calories helps me for a few reason: I…
  • This is a great attitude. Check this out: Your goal is probably to look a certain way, right? Then focus on body fat percentage.
  • Hi! I'm about 140 (139 at last check) and wanted to check in...just remember that if your goal is to lose fat that is not exactly the same thing as losing weight. You could lose 10 lbs and still have more stomach fat than you would like if you lose muscle along with fat in that 10 lbs. I would still like to (eventually)…
  • Hi all! Beeps - congrats on the loss! That's amazing! Keep it up! Amy - Glad you enjoyed the 5k and I will be thinking about your family tomorrow. oh and I HATE cold sores. I have gotten them all my life (much to the absolute horror of my junior high and high school self...actually, who am I kidding, much to the horror of…
  • Hi kdpk! A few things that may be useful to you... - on when/how much to eat. There are a lot of approaches to this. *You should do whatever works for you*. You don't need to have many meals or few meals or calories at certain times (except potentially pre/post workout). I do a lighter breakfast with heavier lunch and…
  • Yeahhhhh...When I've been off the forums for a while I forget how they get. Guilty as charged for a stupid attempt.