2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    glad i am not the only one who didn't put it together sooner on the jeno:)
    I did my day 2 workout, running for 30 mins. it was on the treadmill and pretty slow but felt good, had Pink's One last kiss to get me through the last few minutes! love it.
    Pretty wholesome dinner of chicken fajitas, but I don't feel like logging. I am just slacking until Sunday when things get strict...
    Trying not to have a beer but it's what I want. But margs tomorrow so trying to not...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I had an Aussie mix for 12 years. She was the sweetest girl. Aussies have such great demeanor. She was only around for the frist 3 months of Daphne's life, but was very sweet with her. She was a bit rowdy in her early days; she used to tear around our yard running laps. :heart: Enjoy your puppy. :smile:

    OK, speaking of names, here's a fun question: What does your name mean?
    I started MFP in 2011. I have been active and healthy most of my adult life and even teenage life. My Mom is a bit of a health nut; my sister and I are a bit fitness and health nutty also. I attribute it to nurture, not nature. Anyways, I went through some rough patches in life 2008-2010 and was not taking care of myself physically (or mentally for that matter) and finally got my *kitten* together in 2011 and wanted to find my balance again in a lot of areas. It's also a constant balancing act as I love food and wine but I don't ever want to be fat. Plus I'm a Libra. :smile:

    PT has been going pretty well for me. I'm still hurting some, but I know how to help make myself feel better with exercises. I am a bit worried I may have to delay training for a week or so. We'll see how I'm feeling. PT has sort of given me a new outlook of listening to my body though. I'm generally about hard core workouts, doing what I'm good at, pushing as hard as I can, and many of my exercises my PT is telling me, "don't kill it Miss Overachiever. Get better at the things you're not good at; start with the small pieces." He has me doing a lot of balance and core stuff that frankly is hard because I'm no good at it. But it's making me physically better, maybe not stronger, but better functioning. SO that's that.

    I've been doing OK with food and workouts. I did get up early and ran a little this morning. When training starts, this will have to happen at least once a week. I always feel great when I do morning workouts; it's just getting out of bed.

    Alright, time to work! And tonight, I get to drink wine! Yipee!!! 15.5 days without alcohol. This honestly is probably a PR for me if you exclude my pregnancy since I was about 20. Yeah....I'm a lush.... :blushing:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ugh, awful weather here. I had to cancel my run dates last night and this morning, but the weather is supposed to clear up tonight I'm hoping to get in a run after work. I've been doing some light workouts at home to make up for it, I'm just getting restless....

    Good question Ashley, I've been curious about some of your names as well (now that we figured out Jen's! At least we think so). My name's Marissa but a lot of my friends and family call me Ris. I'm trying to do marathons in each of the 50 states, so for my birthday one year by brother got me this thing with 50 pegs to hold all of my medals (like those things you hang your keys on) that said "RisOnTheRun." I like to run, so I adopted it as my name on MFP.

    Ashely, glad PT is going well for you! And don't underestimate that balance and core stuff. When you improve your balance you're strengthening those stabalizing muscles, so it's still a workout even if feels different from what you're used to. Enjoy your wine tonight! You've earned it after 15.5 days without alcohol.

    Amy, nice job getting in a treadmill workout! Sounds like you're making healthy choices with the chicken fajitas etc., so I wouldn't worry about giving yourself a break from logging, sometimes you need to.

    Kate, it was water from weight training I think, my weight was back down to normal today. And you and your man will definitely enjoy doting on your new pup! I'm sure it offends people to compare our cat to a child, but we really do think of him as our baby (for now at least).
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    We totally act like our dog is our child. And I refuse to be one of those people that neglects their animal once they have a kid. I hate when people do that. It's like the dog was so important until a real baby comes along. (sorry for the rant)

    My name is pretty simple, my name and my bday. Nothing too creative.

    I did Day 1 of C25K last night and it felt good. I honestly haven't run in over month, so it feels good to get back into it. Yoga tonight at the new gym. I am excited for that. It is a different teacher from the hot yoga class I took Saturday, so I am excited to see how I like her. The guy on Saturday was ok, not the best teacher I have had though. I am also doing good with food this week. Cheated and weighed myself this morning. I am back under 150, I can't beleive I let myself get so out of control over the holidays, before Thanksgiving I was at 143, so I still have a ways to go.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    To clarify, we will still love our cat dearly when we have kids, but we probably won't continue to feature him as prominantly in our Christmas cards (right now he is front, center, and only) and I don't think that we'll refer to him as our kids' brother (the way we currently refer to him as my niece's cousin and my parent's grandkitty). Though we still might, as he is pretty cute :tongue: Sorry if my post was offensive at all.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Oh I didn't mean that towards your post. I just have had some friends/acquaintances lately that have gone as far as giving up their dog because they don't have time for it anymore now that they have a kid. It just bugs me when people get an animal as a temporary thing. I believe once you adopt an animal they are yours until they die, so think about that before your get them. Oh and our Christmas card was a huge pic of our dog and then a tiny one of us in the corner....haha!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I feel as you do, Chloe, animals are yours til they die-or I die. My horrible cats might outlive me, but they are my cross to bear:tongue: I joke but they are pretty rotten sometimes. they barf all the time, but the vet said some cats just do. Sometimes they don't use the litterbox, I don't know why. I got two, keep them clean, but sometimes they get creative and sh** "outside the box". But they are very sweet and social and I have had them for almost 12 years-but yet, they have not been featured in my christmas card, maybe next year!
    My mom just adopted a very sweet older dog from a shelter and her family was called when she was picked up as a stray and they didn't claim her. I can't understand that.
    the weather is starting to be pretty nice here in Colorado, finally out of the teens and into the 40s. Looking forward to an outside run and a Monday off.
    My name is Amy. My user name doesn't mean anything, it's just my name, I didn't know it was going to be my screen name, I just signed up to look up nutrition information. I keep thinking I will change it to something clever but I can't decide on anything.
    Ashley, you did awesome on the sober January. That is awesome. Did you think it was hard to not drink when you were pregnant? Some of my friends didn't mind, others thought it was pretty hard, some of them had a drink here and there, which I think is fine...
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Jen - sorry about the sick kiddos - that's awful. I am impressed that you still took your class. I have shown up at the gym w/o sneaks before and turned around & went home & Amy, don;t feel bad about the name thing, it took me a while too. Mine is like Chloe's, my name and year of birth. I actually did not realize that was going to be like my name in forums like this when I signed up or I may have gone another route.

    Kate - congrats on the puppy. We just got ours from a rescue last November and it has been wonderful! Originally it was really for the kids and I was just giving in to them, but I actually spend the most time with him & we have totally bonded.

    Better - that is great news that you are working with a trainer and I am the same when it comes to needing core work. Although I am in good shape, my balance definitely needs work as well as flexibility.

    Ris - bummer about the weather, that used to drive me crazy when I was running - being on a treadmill is so not the same thing.

    So, I have already blown it with the no booze or sweets thing. I had my parents over for dinner Sunday night and my mother brought a bottle of white wine. I only had one glass, but I also had a ginormous piece of homemade gingerbread and whipped cream. I do have to say it really helped me though. I have not craved sweets since then, so I think it was just what I needed.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    On pets, I am with you guys. You have an important responsibility towards pets and there are few excuses for giving them up. I like to dote on pets in some ways-its a very natural outlet to channel your nurturing energy towards something and I am SO far from ready for children. But at the same time, pets are not children. A friend of my family just spent $10,000 on vet care for her dog last year...I'm sorry to say I'm not sure I would make that decision (unless I had a lot more money). It's a all a balancing act (Ashley, ;) ).

    My user name is Irish Gaelic and it means 'my pulse' but is similar to saying 'my darling'. My Grandmother called me 'mo chuisle' growing up and it connects me with my family (just a little Irish). The downside is most people have NO idea how to pronounce it... if you scroll down a bit this page will say for you. http://irish-sayings.com/cats/people/love/

    muh khish-la!

    Sounds like everyone is track mid-week (seems like the easier time to be for me!). I had a great eating day yesterday and got my third day of crossfit in today. I am really getting excited for this cut because I can tell my body has changed since I started and I just need to get the extra fat off :)

    PS Going to try to make cauliflower crust pizza this weekend! I am looking forward to trying a new substitute for my weekly pizza need. Fingers crossed!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    that is cool about your name, Kate, I had no idea!
    That is true about the cost of petcare, and it wasn't $10,000 but when Skeeter scratched her cornea I spent a good amount of money on those vet bills. I feel bad for people who can't afford a vet bill so they give up the animal, and then the shelter has a vet do the medical care and adopt it to someone else. Seems like there should be a better way.
    I grew up with my mom working at the humane society so I have seen a spectrum. Most people don't realize the time and effort that goes into raising a well-behaved dog. I do, and that's why I don't have one!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Amy, it wasn't terribly hard for me not to drink during pregnancy. I just got used to it. But I did miss having a buzz and missed wine quite a bit. Once I was in my thrid trimester, I would have a glass of wine from time to time. I was even ballsy enough to order wine out at a restaurant. I got some looks but I could care less. Women in Europe drink their entire pregnancies! Daphne turned out just fine. :smile:

    Abi, I'm not seeing a trainer, but a physical therapist. And I'm glad to be working on different things. They always say yoga is a great mix of balance, strength and flexibility. I have always hated the balance part because I'm not good at it. I'm relatively strong, and ridiculously flexible (my PT calls me a Gumby girl), but I suck at balance. So hopefully I'll get better stabilized.

    Kate, I'd love to hear about this caulirlower crust. I love pizza and make it at home usually at least every other week. I use store bought crust mix and it is pretty carby and high calorie. I'd love a healthy substitue.

    Today is my Friday! I'll be in meetings most of the afternoon so I'll try to check in later this week. If not, have a great weekend!
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hey everyone, I came home from paradise (and it's freezing here...sad!). I had a fanstastic time, andsurprisingly didn't fare too badly with food choices on the boat, mainly because I did try to let loose and eat whatever I wanted on the first day, and my body decided that wasn't going to work, so I moderated. I just picked out what sounded good and didn't worry about what it was, and ended up making decent choices. Definitely gained some water weight from all the booze, but it will be gone soon enough. I am aiming to stay dry for the rest of the month. I got a work out in last night, and can't get another one in until at least Friday, so my goal is to get 4-5 in next week for sure and get back to "normal".

    Jen--hope your boys feel better soon! I literally laughed out loud when I pictured doing zumba in Uggs...I did that in a flash mob (they were actually kinda comfy!)

    Chui--congrats on the puppy! I want a puppy so bad, we decided to wait until we buy a house of our own, since our yard is the size of a postage stamp right now. Hopefully that happens this year! We just have 2 cats for now, one of which acts like a dog so it's like a compromise.

    Better--glad things are going well with the therapy. :)

    My screen name is a nickname a co-worker gave me a few years ago. My name is Briana, and after I had told a customer that, he says "oh, hi Freida" (cause they totally sound the same, right?), so they started calling me Freida. We also happened to be in a shop that everyone considered to be the "rogue" shop in the company, so they started calling me Princess Rogiefreida. It's a dumb screenname, but it's never taken, so it works.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Sometimes they don't use the litterbox, I don't know why. I got two, keep them clean, but sometimes they get creative and sh** "outside the box".

    Too funny!

    Chloe--totally agree. Getting a pet is a huge commitment and people shouldn't take that lightly.

    Too funny! My cat did that once and I'm still not sure why.

    Abigail--at least you only had one glass of wine! I think that avoiding sweets and alcohol to this point is still a big accomplishment. I think that your cravings do change over time.

    Kate--love the story of you name! And I LOVE cauliflower pizza. I may have to make some of that myself sometime soon….

    Ashley--happy Friday!

    Briana--Welcome back! Sounds like you have a good plant to get back on track. And that's a great backstory to your name!

    The weather finally broke and I got my lunchtime walk in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the run tonight.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    That's funny that you brought the dog thing up Chloe because my brother was just telling me how bad he feels that their previously spoiled rotten dog isn't as spoiled now tha they have a baby. He's still well cared for, but they were over the top before they had the baby. I HATE my husband's dog. And he hates the dog too. He had the dog before we met and it chews up all of our kids toys and pees in the house - mind you he did not pee in the house before the kids. But, we will keep him and care for him until he dies. My dog on the other hand is well trained but terrified of everything.

    So I spent most of Mon/Tues at the hospital because my daughter had to have surgery - long story- she is fine now. Itdidn't eat though for like 27 hours. We stopped to eat afterwards- not healthy- then when I got home a ate 3/4 of a bag of chocolate chips. I don't know does the unplanned fast cancel out the binge? LOL

    I also thought it Jen - o- mama. Mine is my intial Kelly Christina and my maiden name.

    I love yours Kate and I would have never pronounced it right!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    LMAO! I seriously laughed at loud at the fact that ya’ll are just now catching on to my screen name!!! :laugh:

    Amy – Music gets me through EvERYthing!! Way to finish your run! And I can identify with your barfy “*kitten* outside the box” cats. When Sadie was a puppy (our Boxer), she had some digestive thing and constantly had diarrhea! We had to give her pills everyday. I am so glad she grew out of it!! And woohoo, tonight is Margarita night for you!! My friend tried to tempt me tonight for $1.99 margaritas, I said “no”.

    Abigail – good job on just one glass of wine!! I can’t stop at just one. :blushing:

    Kate – Love the story of your name and I totally botched it up too! How long have you been doing crossfit? That’s great about seeing your body change. And I don’t know that I’ve ever seen someone excited about cutting, lol!! But I know what you can do, so “go you”!! Let us know how that crust is. I have a recipe pinned on Pinterest but haven’t tried it yet.

    Ashley – Yay for wine, lol!! I LOVE wine! Good job on your PR. So excuse for this questions, but somewhere along the lines, I missed out (or cant’ remember) the reason you are in PT. But I am glad it is going well!!

    Briana – Welcome back! I did the same on my cruise. Just tried to make decent choices but not worry too much about it. Great attitude about the water weights, should come right off :wink:

    Ris – Yay for the walk and weather break! Hoping it holds out for you for your run tonight!!

    Chloe – That is great about your run! Glad it went well! And yay for the downward scale movement. I am with you, I don’t know how I let myself creep up either…just stress and life. But you have a plan and you are on your way!

    Kelly – Sorry to hear your daughter had to go through a surgery, but I am glad to hear she is ok. Don’t worry about the food and cookies, you had a lot on your plate. Now back to the plan :flowerforyou:

    I am on track this week and pleased as punch! You would not even believe I weighed in at 124 Monday morning and was down to 119 this morning. I drank my tea and water like it was going out of style yesterday! I also got in weights and a class. I decided to keep an extra pair of tennis shoes in my car so I never have a boot incident again! My mind is set and I am bound and determined to get off this fat/weight! While eating delicious foods of course :bigsmile: Tonight I am taking a class, doing some stairs and sitting in the sauna!!!

    Gotta run, both boys home, AGAIN! But I did get to work half a day, hubby took first shift ;) Great job ladies!! Hope I didn’t miss anybody!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Well I am proud to say that I did figure out the Jen-Omaha name awhile ago, but I have to admit that I did think it was something to do with mama as well until one time Jen said something about Omaha and I got it.

    Ugggh and speaking of animals being gross. Sunday night my husband was up all night, just couldn't sleep, so of course when he cant sleep neither do I. So it felt like I finally fell asleep when I hear Bella throwing up in her bed about a half hour before my alarm was gonna go off. She chewed up an oven mitt that was outside on the grill and she must have swallowed some of it.

    KC- Glad to hear your daughter is doing good!

    All this talk about wine is making me want some! Or a margarita! I am going to refrain until at least Friday though because, like Jen, I can't stop at just one!
  • AntoinetteSchmitz
    That's brave of you to take a picture of yourself in a 2 piece. I would NEVER do that. My stomach is trashed after giving birth twice. :smile:
  • AntoinetteSchmitz
    Hello, I'm new to this group too. I'm glad to see I fit in one. A lot of my friends are all very overweight so they can't relate to my need to loose 10 lbs and tone up. I weighed in at the doctors at 139.6 - my biggest number yet. With a 5'3" frame, I'm pushing the "healthy weight" zone. I started this yesterday and it was the first day I realize how much a 4oz glass of wine would cost me in calories. That is definitely enough to help curtail my drinking. I can down a whole bottle of sweet white wine - EASILY! My niece is getting Married on April 5th, so I want to not look like the 43 year old Aunt that I am. I'm hoping for "real house wife of Beverly Hills" status.--Not Kim or Lisa. I'd be happy with Brandy!! but I would have to grow 7 inches. Does anyone have any advice on weights? Do you do a lot of reps, or a heavier weight? How do you balance the weights with exercise?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Welcome, Antoinette. Maybe you should look for the "like-minded lushes" group as well, there are a few of us over there too! giving up alcohol is a good way to cut calories but it is not easy for me!
    As far as weights, I have been all over the board. I tried only lifting heavy, no cardio; or lifting heavy with high intensity intervals on non-lifitng days, I have done 30-day shred-twice (which I would say is a lot of reps with lighter weight) and I think you should pick what you like to do, but getting a handle on your diet is what makes the difference. I think everyone can attest to that.
    When you don't weigh a lot, it's actually harder to burn a lot of calories, and easy to overestimate the burn, and then end up eating too much. That's me though, I have seen the eat more to weigh less and I can see the logic but it just doesn't work for me.
    I think if you set your cals to maintenance for your goal weight, you will lose slowly but eventually you should get to your goal weight but then you have to continue to eat like that to maintain as well.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sorry about your daughter, kc (kelly), I hope everything is ok!