2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Today is our last day in cabo....I'm pretty sick of eating (and TOTALLY sick of drinking!), but I have had a FABULOUS time! The weather was sunny everyday, but not (actually) that warm. So, I didn't get a lot of swimming in. Booooo.

    We did walk on the beach quite a bit. Yayyyy!!!

    I may not step on the scale for awhile - although I am curious as to what has happened to my body. It feels very foreign! Too much food - the food is tremendously good! But, I don't think I've been "hungry" since Friday! I am totally sick of eating.

    I quit drinking yesterday - my liver revolted and I'm just laying off. If I don't have another drink for a year, I don't think I'd care! Boy, did I EVER DRINK A LOT OF ALCOHOL....which really isn't my thing. Yesterday, I'm pretty sure I had a full-on black-out, and I only ever remember THAT happening once before in my life, maybe 14 years ago?? Sheesh - scary ****!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- Glad to hear you are having a great time. Out of all our trips, I have to say I drank the most in Cabo too! That place must just bring out the party-er in everyone!

    Welcome Antoinette!

    I had another good day yesterday. Went to yoga and I really liked the teacher. She definitely kept us moving, so it felt like a good workout, and she also had us try some really challenging moves, so that gives me something to work towards. Today I will do Day 2 of C25K and keep up with the good eating.
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Hey everyone! I've been trying to keep up on reading here; haven't had much time to post!

    Sounds like you're having a great time Beeps! I know what you mean - when I'm on vacation at some point I always want to get home just to eat my regular food again, haha!

    I've been working on my leg/hip flexibility a lot, following orders from my PT. I'm making really good progress on my right side, but my left side feels stuck. Trying to get past that without hurting myself.

    I got the flu last week and that really knocked me out of the game. Holy smokes. I managed to keep logging and eating as well as I could. I went back to working out this week and I'm taking it slow.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had a rest and marg yesterday, it was good. I don't think I will manage a workout tonight or tomorrow. My in-laws are in town so it's dinner tonight and stockshow and rodeo tomorrow night. I will workout Sat. Sun and Mon., though.
    Beeps, I was just wondering how you were doing and it sounds like a good time. I would suggest if you go to Mexico in winter go caribbean side, instead of pacific, the water is a lot warmer! I like Cozumel, Playa Del Carmen, even Cancun in winter. Last year we had great weather in Cozumel in February, it was hot and only rained once, which was nice.
    But that is nice that the food is good! I know what you mean about too much drinking, it gets to be a lot with an all-inclusive. Who knew the price was what kept from drinking my fill?!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--I think you're allowed a little bit of indulgence after your daughter's surgery. I'm glad she's okay!

    Jen--Great job this week! And way to go on getting back down to 119 so quickly, I may have to try that tea….

    Chloe--Sounds like a rough night for everybody! Hope your pup is feeling better. Glad to hear you had a good day despite the lack of sleep.


    Beeps--Welcome back! Sounds like you had a good time :drinker:

    Schmoozy--I hope you're feeling better!

    Amy--have fun with your in-laws!

    The weather is finally cooperating again, so I got my run in last night and I'm going to go for a walk right now. So far I've been good on not drinking, and my husband has been abstaining too so that's making it easier. The weekend will be tougher, but I'll get through it :smile:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I HATE the scale. It has put me in a grumpy mood. Yesterday I was finally down and today I'm right back up. I have been maintaining give or take a pound since October. It kind of sucks that I have to work this hard just to maintain!!!!

    Ashley- are you still down after your juice or did you gain some back? Maybe that's what i eed to try. I HAVE to work out this weekend. These 3-4 workouts are NOT cutting it. And I guess I should cut my calories too. BOO!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I can only *imagine* how BAD my scale number is! (I'm up 1" in my waist...which likely means at LEAST 5 lbs on the scale - WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!)

    Anyway, I am going to go to the gym. And, I will lift, but I won't be doing crazy-weights. I can't handle the DOMs and I really want to do a cardio class, tomorrow.

    I bet it will take me the rest of january just to get back to where i was at the beginning of January - so, January, 2013 becomes a "phantom" month. It's okay....holiday was worth it!

    Amy - I've never been to the cancun side, but I'm totally going to take your advice next time we decide to do a warm-weather trip! Could be awhile....hubby and I *never* do R&R stuff - it's usually "go, go, go" stuff....and, I think the R&R stuff bored him silly! So, it might be a few years....
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Happy Friday, yall!

    Beeps - do you roll out? It sounds like you struggle a lot with DOMS and I think it helps immensely. I've never had DOMs that wasn't made better by working out again...Glad you enjoyed your vacation! I think times like that are part of what makes life so wonderful so no shame in indulging!

    KC - I am with you! Today I was up to almost what I was when I started cutting and what eating WHATEVER I felt. Grrr. I am hoping its muscle soreness and TOM. Leigh Peele has an entire ebook on maintaining if you want it, you can PM me your email. I haven't read it but if I FINALLY lean out enough I will.

    Shmoozy - mobility is such a pain to work on but SO important. Way to put the time in!

    Antoinette - welcome!

    In terms of weights, there are a lot of options and we all do things a little differently but I think there's a general sense they do wonders. I highly recommend New Rules of Lifting for women to get you acquainted. We also do varying amounts of cardio - RIs runs and Jen does zumba - I am not a big cardio lover but do get some in through CrossFit.

    In terms of your goals, I know who you're talking about. Her body is INSANE. She's a great inspiration. BUT, I have to caution you here especially since you're just starting. Bodies like that take YEARS to build AND great genetics. Period. One of the easiest ways to become discouraged and feel like a failure is have unrealistic expectations. You can do wonders to improve your body! But it will always be *your* body, not someone else's. That has taken me a while but it's very, very important.

    As for me, I have done well eating so far this week and have plans to eat healthily over the weekend with my off plan eating and drinking to take place tonight at a party. I did crossfit this morning and RXed a benchmark workout (RXed = did 'as prescribed' so you did it without modifying the weight or movement to scale to your ability, benchmark workout = workout with official name in the CF community and one of the few that are repeated every so often to test your progress) so I was happy with that. Even beat several boys who were doing the same weight as me :)

    For Beeps' CrossFit Jollies: "Nancy" 5 rounds: 15 reps overhead squat, 400 m run. Women Rx: 65 lbs, Men Rx: 95 lbs. My time: 16:33
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can sympathize, KC, about how hard you have to work to just maintain. It's like a pendulum for me. I know I am not eating at maintenance cals all the time, or I think I had such a good work out and splurge and it's all my deficit is out the window. I was just thinking that for all my time on MFP, logging, and exercising and trying, I am now heavier than I have ever been. I don't know whether that would have happened anyway, or if it's better than if I hadn't been trying, or what. It's discouraging...
    But I can't get caught up in being discouraged, I gotta rally for my beach vacation!
    It's going to be fun to challenge myself and with the DR as my reward, I can do this!
    Welcome back, Beeps!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Seems like a mixed setting here today! I can relate: I'm both up and down! :huh:

    Beeps- Glad the vacation went well. I'm sure with jumping back into the swing of things and getting the alcohol out while upping the water will be enough to feel a significant difference shortly!

    Kate- It really sounds like CF is a good fit for you. I'm glad you are enjoying it and continue to progress with it!

    kc- Always remember the scale is an evil temptress! She calls you in and then smacks you in the face! Just keep moving forward! If you are ready to commit to more workouts, then go for it. I'd say avoid the scale but that's impossible! More over, I think avoiding relying on the scale has a valid tool is more important!

    Amy- When is the big trip? You are right. No time for being discouraged. Our 'event' is also hubby's birthday so I have 4 weeks to push hard and stay focused with a specific goal in mind.

    Shmoozy-I do hope you are feeling better!!!

    Rolling out is on my list of to dos today, along with a PM workout and avoiding snack bar food at the basketball game DH has to coach tonight. The latter won't be a problem...nothing about burnt hotdogs and old popcorn make me want to slid off track!:wink: The goals are going well. I've been getting in my workouts and staying on target with calories. I'm still fighting to up my protein and have just decided I'm going to have to sub back in a protein shake. After purchasing a horrible tasting brand, I'd been going without for months. However, protein is below 100g and that's no good! Even if it is in the 80s, we know protein is important! So I'll be continuing to work on this.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    four weeks for me, too, Reese! I leave Jan. 16.
    A burnt hot dog, while not tempting nor nutritious is probably only 350 cals, though:tongue:
    We are going to the stockshow and rodeo and I am trying to decide on my best options for food...
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    You ladies always make me feel better! Amy, your right, who knows where I would be if I hadn't started logging. I had gained 10 pounds 6 months prior!!! I think i just want one part of body that I can say, yeah, that looks hot. But, if I simply maitain for another 10 years, I'll be a sexy 41 year old!!! LOL

    Mama and Amy - I'm heading to Las Vegas on the 15th! Fun times. Thankfully it will NOT be warm enough to think about a swimsuit.
    Beeps-welcome back! Glad you had fun.

    Everyonehave a wonderful weekend. I have Monday off - Woo-hoo!!!!! I think I want to take my daughter ice skating.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Kate- You are killing it will the crossfit! I would love to do that, but there are no places close enough to be convenient to make me stick with it.

    Mama- Just make sure you don't go to the game hungry and you should be good to go! No reason to waste it on food that isn't that good anyways! If you're gonna cheat make it count!

    Amy- I think you can kill it these four weeks. Maybe I will pretend like I am going somewhere, even though we are not :cry: just to keep myself motivated!

    KC- all I can say is the scale is the devil!

    So I had another good day yesterday and the scale rewarded me a bit by being down a pound. Of course I was hoping for more. I am going to do my 3rd day of C25K tonight when I get home and I'm not going to lie I am probably going to have some wine. But, I will not overdo it because I signed up for an 8:15 spin class followed by hot yoga in the morning. So I need to be in good shape. And if you cancel less than 2 hours before they charge you 5 bucks. So I can't wake up in the morning and change my mind.

    I have a pretty good plan for the weekend also. We are going to go for sushi tomorrow night, so I will try to keep that pretty light. And we are going to a friends house for dinner Sunday. I will just make sure my eating during the day is perfect. I am off Monday and I have a massage and hair appt. Then I will go to spinning in the afternoon. I am ready to kill this weekend! I want to look good in my dress next Saturday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Kate, thank you for the crossfit info! It seems as if you have REALLY found what works for you! It's nice to read!

    Amy, are you doing "beach body" vacation plan? Or some other plan to get ready for vacay?

    mama - I'm going to be working on the protein the next couple of months, too. My carb-fest is OVER (thank goodness!).

    kclynch - better pack that bathing suit, just in case! Vegas can have "pop-up" temps in the 20's for sure!

    Chloe - that dress is gonna look HOT - that's all I'm saying about that!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Got my lifting in! Not 15 hours after my airplane landed - I'd say that's pretty damn good! I dropped my weights down by about 5 lbs. And, even though I gave myself permission to "only do 2 sets", I did the required 3. So, bonus points for Beeps!

    Yep, I got my rolling in and got my stretching in. My quads are pretty sore right now. I'm pounding back the water and, with any luck, the DOMs won't be too bad. My cardio work-out will stretch everything back out, tomorrow, anyway. And then, the hot jacuzzi calls my name.

    it's all very good!

    I joined 2 challenges at present. One is 6-months - January to June. Thanks goodness because month 1 will be a write-off, for me. But, by June, I do believe I'll be looking very good. The other challenge is just an 8-week fat-loss challenge. Good for me, because my next mini-vacation is 2nd week of March and I'll be around husband's mother and step-father, in palm springs, and I want MUSCLES to be POPPING!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Warning, this is long!

    Welcome Antoinette! Being 4’11.5 myself, I k now how 10 lbs can make a huge difference! That’s how many I am working on at the moment! Although I do not watch the Real Housewives, I had to laugh at the status you would like to achieve, lol :laugh:

    Beeps – Welcome back!!! So glad you had some time to rest and relax with the DH. I agree with Amy. Our trips to Puerto Vallarta and Cancun were way warmer than Cabo. Still wonderful none-the-less :wink: As for our husband being bored, why not combine R&R with some adventure? My husband and I usually start out the morning at the beach, do an excursion for few hours then wind down at the pool with some drinks. We tend to get bored too:tongue: Just an idea! As for the DOM’s, glad you have a plan to take care of them. I have a love-hate relationship…it hurts so good, haha! Your challenges sound awesome! I have no doubt those muscle will be poppin!!

    Chloe – you are doing great! I really think having a plan for your day/events, etc. helps so much. Like you, I had a date to work out Sat morn, so only had one drink out with the girls Fri night. Just keep it up, I can’t wait to see pics of you rockin your dress!

    Shmoozy - Welcome! I myself am working on hip flexibility and my right side gives me more issues! Hope you are able to work it out. Also hope you are recovered from the flu!

    Amy - like you, last Monday’s weigh in was more than my starting weight on MFP (March will be 3 years for me). Granted, I let loose both last Friday and Saturday, so that didn’t help. But, after cleaning it back up again all week, the scale has recovered to the lowest I’ve been in probably 2 months. So this is why I keep going, it just makes me feel better :smile: Remind me, where are you going and what is DR?!? You got this!

    Ris – that’s great about the weather and the drinking! I’ll be waiting to hear how the weekend went!

    KC – Just curious, how tall are you? I was just wondering, because I took a look at your cal goal since you mentioned decreasing it. Also, I noticed a difference, when I added another day or two of exercise. A long time ago, I used to work out only 3 – 4 days, but I added one more day during the week and one day on the weekend and that seemed to help me. But that’s me and I know everyone is different. As useful a tool the scale is, is sure plays terrible head games with us. Just know everything you are doing is moving you in a positive direction, so keep on going!! {hugs}

    Kate – great info to share!! Sometimes we all need a little reminder to not compare ourselves to other people :blushing: Hope you enjoyed your party Fri night! And I love that you beat some of the men!! You go girl!!

    As for me, I am improving from last week (parenthesis will be last week) . This week (well after today) I will have logged 6/7 days (5/7), 1 drink Fri night and half a drink Sat night (umm 2.5 bottles shared with a friend), hit water goal everyday, only indulged last night (indulged all fri night and ALL day last Saturday), got weights in 3 times and cardio 6 times! So as of yesterday, if you count my bizzare weigh in Monday (I'm sure bloat from my horrendous weekend), the scale is down from 124-118. But I didn’t weigh myself this morning to see the result of indulgences from yesterday :/

    Ok, my plan this week is to prep food today/tomorrow (I’m off Mondays), weights 3 times, water , and log ALL 7 days!! Alright ladies, let’s go, BEAST MODES ON :devil:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Wow! I missed out. Sorry not to respond to each of you but it's good to hear from everyone.

    Last week = Fail. But this week I am determined to clean up my eating and get some workouts in. Not super intense ones; still trying to get my hip better. It's a minor injury/pain I've had for years. It's never bothered me terribly, but I wanted to be able to run pain free during my mini training, which was supposed to start this week, but I am delaying till next week. ANyways, I'm feeling better but not 100% yet.

    My alcohol abstinence lasted for 15.5 days. Wednesday night I drank too much. Saturday I drank too much. I was really down about it yesterday; felt all guilty for drinking so much. It happens every time i get that drunk. I feel guilty the next day and then don't want to do anything. It affects me physically for 2 days after and just makes me mad I don't have more self control. But after moping around for a bit, I decided to grocery shop and do food prep, so I did turn it around a little yesterday. I've got a bunch of healthy food ready to eat so I am ready to be back at it! I'm going to really try to work on my drinking the rest of the month (well and after) and eat better. Nutrition is really the key for me.

    Just curious....how many calories do you all aim for a day? I have mine custon set to 1200. I only intended on doing that a couple weeks. Week 1 was a success but week 2 was not so I think after this week I may bump up to at least 1300. 1200 is just not enough food. I eat back exercise calories.

    I'm with you short ladies: I'm 5'2". Currently weighing somewhere around 130, but I like myself around 126. I got there in September and was really starting to see some definition and felt good. It's amazing what a couple pounds looks like on a small person.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning all!

    I guess I'm with Beeps on the height thing. :smile: At 5'8 1/2 and 152lbs. I couldn't tell you what I like myself at because apparently I didn't own a scale in college and have no idea what my 'used to weight' is. I'm assuming desired weight is around 145lbs. Given that I have barely any chest and thicker thighs, I'm hoping that's the direction I need to go. We'll see as we move along!

    Ashley- My cals right now are at 1575 (no exercise cals back) and I feel fine with that right now as long as I pay attention to protein. (this week went awesome with focus on protein at every meal) But next week I drop down a 100 and move my macros around (I'm back on the LP cut after the holiday maintenance) Not sure that helps since I'm a bit taller but throwing it out anyways!

    Jen-What was on tap for food prep? I love hearing your menu plans! They always sound some yummy and healthy! Good job on the scale measurements and good luck with that BEAST MODE!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Definitely had more to say so I'm not sure why I pushed 'post' early! :huh: Anywhoo...

    Beeps- Way to jump right in! How are you feeling being back in the 'normal' swing of things? You are right about the cardio stretching everything back out. It was amazing to me today what a difference in my flexibility pre-run vs. post-run. It's like one of those things you know but to feel it in the moment still shocks me!

    I can't see the rest of the posts :grumble: so just know I'm wishing you all a wonderful, healthy and productive week!

    I am finishing up my last week on the first 3 weeks of LP so I'll be dropping calories and all kinds of goodness on Friday. I'm a little scared. :blushing: Just because I finally got into the swing of the right macros this last week only to change them again. But it's all part of the process, right?! :tongue: We'll see what happens. I hit up an active weekend of a run and leg workout Saturday followed by a slower paced steady state cardio day Sunday (trying to work on that booty with weights one day and then incline and stepmaster next day!!) Trying to keep a good balance between weights and the desire to increase my endurance for cardio type activities. I'm still milling around the idea of signing up for a longer race this spring/summer so I'm testing the waters out. We'll see....lots of time to plan and think! Have a good one all
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Better - If I'm learning ANYTHING good, here at mfp, it's that "beating up one's self" is really even MORE self-defeating than whatever the behaviour was that you are "beating" on! Just keep on keeping on....it was simply a "blip" and it's in the past - what is ahead of you is where your focus needs to be!

    mama - I have worked out 4 days in a row! Gosh, it has been MONTHS since I've managed THAT simple task! I'm going to try and create a "streak" to develop the momentum I need to keep at this thing. I had SO MUCH mojo in Oct - Dec, but seem to have completely lost the air in my balloon. So, fingers crossed, I can kick-start my focus with something as easy as getting in a daily work-out.

    Today, I lift.

    PS - I'm starting my "cut", again, so it's 1,300 calories per day for moi!! I'm aiming to do this for 8 - 12 weeks and see if I can knock off the last of the "weight" and maybe a little bit more to give myself a "cushion" going forward.