2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had a good evening of pho, television and no booze. I think my cold is a little worse, but not bad enough to call in sick.
    Having the girls over to watch Weeds tonight and might drink, I don't know, wine doesn't sound great so maybe I won't...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Hope you're feeling better REALLY SOON, Amy!

    Chloe - sounds like you had some "fun" with m-i-l and b-i-l....i think that's AWESOME!

    Better - it's always good to keep "tweaking" things, anyway, I find!

    jenomaha - you must be into "day 4" of awesomeness! Yay!

    No work-out for me, today. Am watching my calories to the NTH degree! No carbs today, either, to keep belly as FLAT as possible for tomorrow's pics!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Well, on the nutrition and cardio side, I did great today. I had another terrible day at work, so much to the point that tonight I actually had an anxiety attack. The result, no weights BUT I didn't go to alcohol either just turned to Zumba. Saving my alcohol day for the Bowl Game on Saturday. Keeping it short because I just need to tonight.

    Beeps good luck! Amy feel better. Night ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well....I worked a little late and didn't feel like getting all sweaty last night. I had intentions of doing a 20 minute circuit workout I found online. Maybe tomorrow...... I had a few drinks last night but had a small dinner so stayed within my cals. (It was last minute thrown together since I learned as I was getting ready to heat up my leftover fish that my husband didn't see it when he was cleaning up the night before and threw it away. I was super irritated. I should just be happy he's cleaning up right?) I also finally got unpacked and got laundry almost done. So I call it a success. No time for a workout before book club tonight. I plan on getting a run and maybe that circuit in this weekend. Maybe even some kettlebells. Happy Friday ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Great job, jenomaha and Better!

    Me, I ate popcorn last night (couldn't resist - my will is very weak....) and so, I'm not doing photos/measurements today. Which means I HAVE to do them tomorrow! So, NO CARBS today. LOW CAL today.

    I'm going to the gym to lift, at lunch, and I'll have to weigh today - because the only scale I have access to is at the gym, and I won't get to the gym tomorrow. Wish me luck!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Beeps - you can do it beeps! Excited to see your results. When are you done cutting?

    Jen - happy to see you back and posting! Such an inspiration! I'm sorry about the work stress. Anxiety attacks are terrible. I keep some low dose xanax around (I struggled with them in times of very high stress) and it helps me. I think it might even be a placebo effect but its a comfort. Hugs!

    Amy - hope you're feeling better! Good luck on sober january! I would think I could do it except I have a big event in January...though since I am planning to cut again maybe I should make that the one exception? Or do a strict 1/week thing? Either way, you've got me thinking!

    Ris - congrats on the half marathon! Huge props for that! Sheesh. The rest of us have NO excuses!

    On desired crossfit adventures...I am really enjoying it! I like that its intense, I feel like I am getting stronger but often feel winded too, I am done in less than a hour, I get to learn neat 'party trick' exercises, I never get bored. Overall, its just a good match for my personality.

    This week has been good so far. I am not logging but keeping eating in check (with sweets and holiday treats when they pop up!) and just working out hard. I did crossfit yesterday morning and went on a 3 mile run with friends yesterday night and did just fine. Hopefully I will crossfit today and then work on some skills tomorrow. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. I can still feel I am not as lean as I was even last year at this time and the scale is stuck at about 147.5 but I feel healthy and happy. There is a time for leaning out and this isn't it! I just want to enjoy the holidays and life for a while. That said, I am going to try to keeps carbs low for the next week with my 25th birthday in a week!

    Hope everyone has a FABULOUS weekend!!! Happy December!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Jen- sorry to hear about the anxiety. I know how stressful work can be. Exercise always helps to calm my nerves.

    Beeps- Popcorn is yummy and hard to pass up :-)

    Amy- Hope you feel better soon. Sober January? That sunds like a good idea. For awhile, I had really cut back on my drinking to maybe once a week but then lately, I have one almost every night!

    Ris-Wow, wow wow!!!

    Chui- I WANT TO DO CROSSFIT!!!! My girlfriend loves it, but it's very expensive around here. Someday, someday. Happy Early birthday!

    I have cut back on my carbs, but not as low as I had hoped. Oh well. I'll keep trying. This weekend I will try to do better with prepping so I eat even better next week. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    chui - I really enjoy ALL your posts about "crossfit" - I'm in love by proxy.

    PS - I don't know HOW LONG this cut will go on. I'm still about 1.5" off on my waist, and (some) theories suggest it's a 10 lb weight loss for every inch of (natural) waist lost, so....that might mean I have 15 MORE lbs to go! (Yuck....it'll take me until March to hit THAT!)

    My fast is going well....I just got back from the gym and still haven't done anything except drinking water, coffee and green tea.

    I think I might take pictures tonight. Now that I've weighed myself (and I'm 0.8 lb from my lowest November scale weight - BOO!), I just want to get the rest of the stats. Plus, I have to get my son to an early a.m. basketball game and do NOT want to FORGET to do photos, etc. If hubby's around, tonight, I'm just going to do them - rarely are any "great things" showing in my pictures, anyway....it's more of a constant "boo hoo" since I have crappy lighting.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Progress is Progress, Beeps, you're doing great!
    Jen, sorry about the job, you're stronger than me! I would be drinking not zumba, so skipping weights is hardly anything to be upset about. You have the right idea, though, anxiety is helped by exercise. I hope things improve at work, it's so hard when that part of our lives is stressful.
    I feel like I need a program, but I don't know what to do. I thought about the Tracey Anderson thing, I'm such a sucker for those celebrity workouts! I also thought about doing Pilates or Pure Barre. I could spend a little more on fitness since I get reimbursed for half and I didn't even get the max last year, not even close!
    I am scared of cross-fit but that's an option too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, crossfit!!!

    Have a great weekend, all....please, all of you, work-out an EXTRA 10 MINUTES and donate that to me, since I won't get in ANY exercise, AT ALL, this weekend.

    PS - surprise, surprise, my 51-year-old b-i-l has been deported from the USA!! (After working there for >30 years....) Although hubby and I are "out-of-the-loop", we're quickly being reinserted "into-the-loop" since b-i-l is coming to LIVE WITH US until his immigration woes are straightened out! YIKOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow, I am way behind on posts, just getting caught up. I am currently not logging, but I try to eat sensibly, cut back on the booze and continue on the P90X - one month to go! I have two Nutcracker performances this weekend and two next so I have been busy with that, but I will try to get back to logging my food and checking in with everyone. Have a great weekend!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Weekend = Fail. No workouts (except some walking). Lots of carbs. Tons of booze on Saturday. I started out by drinking reasonably at book club Friday. But failed with booze at the neighbor's on Saturday. I've got 2 weeks of parties to get through. At least I have Wednesday and Thursday off this week. I'm going to try to double up on workouts those days. Tonight we get a tree and I have to get my car from the shop so no workout for me. :( I ALMOST got up and did some circuit work this morning, but my bed was warm. I used to get up and run 2 miles almost every Monday. Maybe that should be a goal for me. My workouts have been sucking lately. Blah. Stupid MOndays.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    My 2-week challenge is this:

    1. Eat at a calorie deficit EVERY DAY.
    2. Achieve this by having a firm eating window (6 - 8 hours long) and that's IT. If it isn't in the window, NO EATING. And, if it's over my calorie-alotment for the day, NO EATING.
    3. Because I won't get my lifting in 3 x per week (I'm out of town the next 2 Fridays/Saturdays), I'm going to REALLY try to move more, even around the office. More bathroom breaks. More walking up/down the stairs. More. More. More.

    Good luck, ladies! It's only 4 weeks until 2013!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Alright, here are my goals for the next 2 weeks:

    1. I'm going to drink. I'm going to drink more than I should. Don't drink WAY too much to be hungover and lazy.
    2. I'm going ot eat more than I should. Make the meals that I have control over be reasonable, healthy and clean.
    3. 4 workouts a week. This could be circuits, running, HIIT, strength training. Just get moving and sweat. Walks to continue too.
    4. Get at least one decent workout in on the weekend.

    Really I'm just trying to do well the rest of the year, knowing I will be eating not the best for me food and drinking more alcohol than normal. I don't have to go over the top, but I don't have to deprive myself either. Come 2013 it's Just Say No January and getting my *kitten* back together. For real.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I stepped on the scale yesterday for the first time since Thanksgving. I was up almost 2 pounds. I refuse to believe it so i'm going to wait until Fri to official update my weight. I ate pretty good last week, but the weekend was full of processed junk and no exercise. Yesterday I was in a horrible funk (PMS-I think). I wrote out a meal plan and exercise plan for the week. I even found new meals to make - including chicken fried rice with Quinoa instead of rice -YUM! This morning I woke up in time to get in a good work out, but could not get motivated to do the one I choose. Looked at other ones on youtube. Finally got on the elliptical but only had time for 15 minutes. Better than nothing, I suppose. Tonight, my daughter has piano lessons and then I have to pick up pics from JCpenney and cook dinner. Not sure I'll have time to work out more.
    I'm going to continue my goal from last week to get in a weekend workout. I'm going to change low carb to just less processed junk. I feel that is more realistic for me right now.

    Ashley, glad you are aware of your future drinking plans! LOL. Beeps, good luck with your deficit. Abigail, you're doing awesome at sticking with P90X!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    I kinda laughed at Better's plan, too....it's realistic. It takes into account the dates on the calendar when you JUST KNOW that it ain't gonna be (very) pretty.

    But, no matter WHAT, my December, 2012 goal is to get OUT of the 150's and INTO the 140's. I'm determined. I'm committed.

    The weight is coming off MUCH SLOWER at this time in my "cut" and, well, it is what it is! I just gotta push through and GET THERE!

    I'll get through my period next week and then, hopefully, will keep "bad carbs" (which includes alcohol, for me!) to an extreme minimum UNTIL Xmas Eve. I will then allow myself 2 days of indulgence and then get right back on plan because month-end photos/measurements will be SERIOUSLY upon me.

    That's my (realistic) plan.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Got to deport those illegals, Beeps:tongue: hope you like your B-I-L:happy:
    your conviction sounds strong!
    I did not workout this weekend because I wanted to get totally over my cold; but I, like you KC, sort of got a plan together, I think it is another Jamie Eason plan on simply shredded and it's called the ultimate female training guide. It's 4 days of lifting with upper and lower body splits, and two days of HIIT called "Stubborn fat protocol" 2-4 times per week. I can see that I'll be doing it twice! ha.
    But it's a 12 week plan and I have about 12 weeks before Dominican Republic and I think I can do 4 days per week.
    I also went through my recipes and organized and got inspired. Made a crustless quiche and packed a bag to start my first day on the new plan!
    It's probably a bad sign but I am already bargaining on the sober January, I think I will have to have one day per week of drinking. pathetic :huh:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hello Ladies....looks like you are all getting your plans together to stay on track through the holidays!

    I had a ridiculously indulgent birthday weekend. Friday I got out of work a little early and took the pup for a nice long walk, no workout though. Then that night I had way too many drinks, but didn't do too bad with food. I even shared my delicious slice of birthday chocolate amazingness with my friends :happy: Saturday I did some shopping and had lunch with a friend and had Mike's work Christmas party that night....again drinks and not so great on the food, also no workout that day. Sunday I actually didn't do too bad I really didn't eat all day and then just had a big salad, a couple slices of veggie pizza and sliver of cheesecake and a little wine. Thankfully the birthday celebrating is over!

    This weeks goals are..

    1) Be at a deficit everyday this week except for Saturday. Right now I am just eating 1200 plus exercise cals. We are having a family Christmas party at our house Saturday and I plan to eat what I want. But, usually when the party is at my house I end up not eating at all!

    2) Get in at least 5 workouts this week. 3 miles and some strength

    I almost can't wait until all the holiday hoopla is done and I can start a normal routine again!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Happy Birthday, Chloe! Glad you are induing a bit, it's good for you!

    Beeps - good goals! Silly about your BIL. US immigration policy is absurd!

    Ashley, I LOVE your plans. Sound a bit like mine :)

    Amy - good plans, what is the HIIT plan?

    As for me, off to crossfit in a minute. I had a big victory Friday 1 rep maxing 185 lbs on my squat. Hoping to break 200 in the next few months! I managed to barely drink this weekend ( 1 glass of wine each night) and eat reasonably. I did some exercise Saturday and rested Sunday. 5 days of Crossfit followed by indulgent birthday weekend is my plan Fri-Sun. Just gotta get through the week!

    Happy Monday yall!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy Birthday, Chloe! I heard there are a lot of birthdays 9-10 months after the holidays because sweet potatoes are good for fertility. Not sure if that is true, and your birthday is between two holidays so why am I even talking about this? I don't know...
    Kate, the HIIT for this is any cardio-
    15 seconds all out followed by 45 seconds of low-intensity cardio
    Repeat 10-15 times.
    then 15-30 minutes of low-intensity cardio
    the workout is here if you want to see it:
    lots of hot chicks with muscles:tongue: