2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies. Things are still hectic here so I'm just popping in.

    Congrats to Ris! And great goals! So happy for you! :flowerforyou:

    Beeps- What a busy weekend! I hope this week is a bit of a slow down for you!! Things always seem to get unnecessarily crazy with the time change, why is that?!

    Chloe- Great job last week!

    Amy- I missed the pics until now-you looked great! Glad you got to wear the mermaid costume!! Hope that you can get in your workouts and break a little stress!

    Ashley- I get that routine! Soon DH will be coaching and finding ANY me time because a constant struggle! Anything that involves pjs though...sounds like a win to me! :wink:

    I know there's more but I can't see to respond! So KC & Kate I hope all is well with you both. KC I hope the tweak is feeling better!

    As for me, I completely derailed from Friday through yesterday. Ridiculous. Between Halloween candy in the house and 2 sick kids back to back, I just went off my rocker. I cooked all last night to try and get ready to get my butt back on track. Should have seen this coming after lock down mode heading into my Grandma's party! Either way, I'm over it and ready to move forward.

    KC- I remember your question about TF. I love TF. I didn't think I would since I'm uncoordinated! But, I truly enjoy it. Chalene is up beat and it keeps you moving. I get a great burn. So the combo of that with her strength training is awesome. Luckily, I only missed 2 workouts on my little derailing episode! So I'm about 1.5 weeks into the hybrid so far so good. Nice and sore, great burns, and I'm enjoying it! Hope that helps!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Ris! Congrats on the baby! Wonderful news :)

    Amy - I was considering it, depending on my experience with maintenance which has been not great. I don't like my waist being up so I am going to cut down a bit (not as extreme or strict) and see if I can't get closer to my happy place before my birthday and holidays. I feel like I've essentially been bulking right now ( thought probably not with muscle) and I don't think I could handle going up more. Right now the goal is get back to close to post cut and maintain and get stronger with crossfit

    Don't have a ton of time to catch up with everyone else but well done! I am off to a good start...I have travel this week and next and am just seeking to workout, cut a bit, and balance! I have 4 weeks to my 25th birthday and want to feel great!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- when are you due?

    Beeps- Sorry about your crazy workload! I hope it gets easier soon!

    Ashley- I was the same way on Monday...no kid to hang out with, but I got home put on pajamas, ate some soup and caught up on my DVR

    On the Turbofire question....I loved it too! I think I might do something with that in the spring, maybe a hybrid of that and chalean xtreme.

    Kate- when's your bday? Mine is the 30th, I want to try to see the 130s before then...so I have 3 weeks! I am resting at about 143 now, which for some reason is my body's happy place and it really ticks me off!

    I have been doing pretty good so far this week. Had some late night snacking the past 2 nights, but kept it relatively healthy. And it wasn't mindless eating, I was actually hungry! I have my meals all planned out through Friday. Tonight it is 3 miles and legs day, looking forward to that!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I did workout last night and it felt good. I am sore today but I kind of like it. I slept awesome last night so I think it was that and maybe the wine, but with wine it's a fine line, sometimes it makes the sleeping worse, or I wake up when it wears off.
    I am going to try to do lifting three times per week and cardio 3 times, but some days I might have to combine them-like last night.
    I learned that my dad's kidney cancer is a very rare aggressive form and still trying to figure out specialists and treatment.
    DH and I are going to Disneyland with his family for Thanksgiving. It should be fun but I am just feeling too distracted to get excited about it.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Reese--Nice work on moving forward after the weekend. We all have those kinds of weekends, but the important thing is to move on!

    Kate--Good luck on balancing everything with the travel!

    Chloe--I'm due around July 13th. So still a long ways off…. We're generally not telling people yet, I've just been telling my running buddies so that I don't have to keep making up excuses about why I can't run as fast as I used to (and of course you all know, I figured if something goes wrong I'll probably come here to vent anyways).

    Amy--A little soreness is a good thing, it means you got a good workout! I'm sorry to hear there isn't better/more news about your dad's cancer, but hopefully you all will figure out a course of action soon. And Disneyland for Thanksgiving sounds fun! It probably won't be as fun as it would be if everything was 100% okay with your family, but hopefully it'll take your mind off things a little bit.

    I found a delicious recipe for mac & cheese where you substitute butternut squash for some of the cheese and made it for dinner last night. So yummy. I highly recommend it for any mac & cheese lovers looking for a lower-cal version (as a bonus, someone put it in the MFP database): http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/creamy-light-macaroni-cheese-50400000115195/
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hmmm, I just don't know! I deffinitly want to do CLX in January, but can't decide if I also want to get Turbo Fire- even if it's just to do later on....

    I'm considering trying to "bulk" in January as well. I'm close to my gol weight and I'd love to put on more muscle. Around March, I did try the Eat More phillosophy, but I ended up gaining back everything I had lost prior. I really need to research it more and think about how to consume more healthy calories.

    I admit, I added a couple hundred junk calories before. I would love to hear about your experiences.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    KC, I have seen some amazing bulks on this website. Are you friends with staphanielynn? Here is one of her many posts with great before and afters:
    Impressive indeed. My fear with a bulk is that I am not training hard enough or often enough (nor do I have the equipment to in my tiny home gym or the time), so a "bulk" would just be me gaining weight. I think as a female we have to train extra hard to put on muscle. I would love to do it, just afraid I would only end up getting chubby. But good luck!

    Ris, I'm going to have to check out that recipe. Yum!

    Amy, I'm glad you're getting some good workouts in! Sorry to hear about your Dad but I'm sure it's nice to know what's going on so you can move ahead with treatment. Hugs to you.

    Chloe, I've been checking out your diaries and you're doing fantastic! And so consistent with the workouts!

    Kate, hope your travels are being good to you.

    Beeps, Hope you're not working too hard.

    Abigail, hope you're doing well.

    Reese, We all have weekends like that. Check out my Saturday; I darnk about 100 glasses of wine. But logged them all! I am trying to be very honest with my diary so I can see what's working and what's not. Good for you for getting back to kick @ss mode!

    AFM, I've gotten a couple good workouts in so far this week. I'm still sore from my lift on Tuesday. I plan on lifting again tonight, hopefully getting a stroller run in Friday, and finishing off my 3rd lift over the weekend to complete my goals this week. I weighed today and stayed the same as last week. So maybe a loss next week. I'd like to lose 1.5 more before leaving town on the 21st. Better get to work. Have a fantastic day ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Just checking in. Haven't made it to the gym since October 31. I have put in 15-hour days every day since then, at work. I have about 4 or 5 more in a row (major transaction happening!).

    I was terrible with my diet on Sat. Super good on Sunday and Monday. So, so on tues and it all fell apart, yesterday.

    Today, too.


    TOM is coming. I have NO idea how much I weigh or anything. I just know I feel like CRAP as I've had no more than 4 hours of sleep per night and I haven't been to the gym in a LONG TIME (for me).

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think I had seen Stephanie Lynn before, she looks great, and we are the same age so that's always inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
    I am still sore from Tuesday but I plan to run tonight, lift tomorrow...
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    One of my mfp friends went to high school with her! I don't think I would bulk up that much. In fact, bulk may not be the right word. I do plan to eat more, healthy calories, reduce cardio, and lift HEAVY. I don't plan on eating 2200 calories and would freak out if i went up a full pant size. Maybe like 1800 calories and I'll aim for 1.5 grams of protein, but that may be hard since I HATE protein shakes. I don't know, I'm still research what different "bulks" look like. I did read if you bulk "slowly", you are more likely to gain more musle and less fat. They say typically when you bulk it's like 50/50, which I don't want. I need to read more and develop a plan.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Wow those pictures of Stephanie Lynn are amazing! I hadn't seen her either. That's good inspiration for me to lift today after work.

    Beeps, good luck with work! There's not too much you can do when stuff like that comes up, but once the project is over hopefully you can treat yourself to some R&R and gym time.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - I have the same problem with wine, any more than 2 glasses and I go right to sleep and then wake up halfway through the night,. I also get dehydrated and sometimes a headache the next day. You'd think that would stop me, hmm.

    Ris - that recipe sounds delish

    Beeps - hopefully work will settle down soon and you can get back to the gym

    Ashley - I just found an alternative to protein shakes you may want to try - designer whey protein 2go - there's 10g of protein and you add it to water like crystal light and those kinds of things, it's not bad

    As for me, logging everything has already helped me get back on track. I felt some twinges of pain in my shoulder yesterday when doing my kenpo DVD with the P90x. I'll be doing some yoga tonight and hopefully it's ok by tomorrow for chest, shoulder & tris.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey Ladies! Its quiet in this thread lately! Where is everybody?

    I had a pretty good weekend overall. I logged everything. Had a big time sweet tooth this weekend though for some reason, so I guess that wasn't the greatest. But overall for the week I netted an average of about 1600 cals a day, which I am happy with. I really want to concentrate on doing my best with eating and exercise especially now through the holidays. I know with all of the events and get togethers that we have it will be tough, but if i keep my mind in a healthy place I should be able to make it through without totally derailing myself.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My weekend was so so. I logged some, but not everything over the weekend. I drank more than I should have Friday, but got a run in on Saturday anyways. It actually made me feel so much better. And it was gorgeous this weekend. I was one lift short of my goal so OK. I had intentions of doing it yesterday, but after church (we became members yesterday), it was after 1. Then we had to go help some friends get a couple pieces of furniture on their moving truck, so by the time we got to go have lunch, it was 2:30. And we decided on sushi so sake (for Eric) and wine for me was in order. Soo.....no workout sunday. But we did relax and lounge, so that was nice.

    I really want to clean up my eating this week and get some good workouts in. Maybe a 4 mile run one day. A friend of ours is staying with us Wednesday - Sunday, so I'm sure that will result in many meals out and drinks. Tis the season. I have all next week off so hopefully can do some pre-Thanksgiving damage control.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I meant to ask you all: What do you think about eating after a workout (specifically after strength training)? I never want to eat right after I workout unless it's mealtime. Typically I eat 1-2 hours after.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I always down a protein shake right after I work-out - and FOR SURE after weight-training!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Yes, work has settled down....all that hard work knowing that I've just worked myself out of a job!

    That's right...our company is being purchased by a competitor. So, our head office should be wiped off the face of the map!


    I want them to pay me out, so I have to wait for the package, and find a new job, and try and NOT stress about any of it.

    Good news: I have lost 10 lbs since Sept. 24th. And, I got a weight work-out in, today.

    I'm officially BACK into the "last 10 lbs" club....I figure if I lose these last 10 lbs by Jan or Feb, 2013, I'll be looking pretty muscle-y, and pretty good in a bathing suit. My husband and I are trying to get away, without kids, about the 2nd or 3rd week in January - to a hot place.

    I'd like to have my hot bod by then.

    The ONLY thing that has worked, for me, in getting this weight DOWN, is intermittent fasting - specifically, using an eating window and, the odd time (I try one day per week) a fast.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Amazing Beeps. Sucks about the job. I hope you get a good package and find something else quickly!

    So protein shake? I'm wondering what is the "least" I could eat and still get benefit. I ask because I usually wrap up my workout around 5:45 or 6 and dinner is typically between 6:30 and 7:30. If I had a protein shake at 6, I'd not be hungry for dinner. And I love dinner. It's my favorite meal during the week since I get to cook and it's always the most yummy. I tend to eat for necessity/nutrition for breakfast and lunch and really enjoy my food at dinner. I know a mix of carbs and protein is good. I used to drink chocolate soymilk after workouts, but there's not that much protein in it. Hmmm..... I know so much of so many things is nutrition driven, so I just want to ensure I am maximizing my results if that makes sense.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Everything I have read seems to say as long as its within about an hour you are fine. My husband would argue with me though. He says a protein shake immediately after working out always.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    gosh, Beeps, that is crazy about the job! but I think you needed a change and this is just the universe's way of making that happen! and my fam and I are getting away in February, back to Dominican Republic, which is nice in January but I think Costa Rica is really hot too, I haven't been there.
    I went for a jog today, outside, around the lake after sleeping in-Thanks, Veterans!
    I haven't been doing protein drinks lately, the package said to have before, but I heard after for recovery. but I think within an hour or so is good, and if you do get a decent amount of protein you'd be ok without the shake I would think.