2 week challenge



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning ladies!! The party was great...she was surprised but it didn't scare her off thank goodness. Lord knows that was in the back of everyone's mind when you are planning a 90th surprise party!! Ate too much, enjoyed a couple drinks and am ready to move past an indulgent weekend into a kick @$$ week!!

    My 2 week challenge:

    1) Complete the 1st 2 weeks of the CLX/TF hybrid that I started this morning
    2) EAT ACCORDING TO LP guidelines. Especially macros.
    3) Chug water (this should be a given but with all the festivities this weekend...I need to down a gallon extra!

    Abigal- Great work on the P90x. Enjoy that yoga and stretching. I'm sure your body needs it after 4 weeks of P90x!!

    Beeps- Damn scale...what goes up, you will no doubt get down again. But I understand your frustration. Keep plugging away!

    Chloe- Hope the weekend festivities went well. And that you got your food prep done. I know my mind is a whole lot relieved knowing my meals are all ready for me.

    Amy- How was the costume?

    Kate- DId you have any fun Halloween outings?!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am in a fog today. We had my in-law's 80th birthday party Saturday. I drank more red wine than anticipated. Then we had all the brothers and sisters over (10 in all) to eat the leftover food yesterday where I again drank more red wine than intended. I literally went to bed at 7:30. :blushing: BUT! I did 70 burpees Saturday to catch up and ran 4 miles on the treadmill yesterday before everyone came over. I ran 10 minute miles and felt very good; I have gotten faster over the last year. However this morning I am in some pain. I think I am going to go see a therapist. My sister has been seeing a McKinsey certified therapist and is running pain free for the first time in her life. So we'll see. Anyways, I was only 1 lift short of my goals last week. I didn't indluge too much on food at either party. I skipped buns for bbq and only had 1 dessert Saturday and a couple bites yesterday. I feel thinner today than I have in a couple weeks. I think this is testimony to my theory that my body responds well to running and not so well to carbs. So sticking with my goals this week:

    1. 2 runs
    2. 3 lifts
    3. Finish burpee challenge!
    4. Macros 40/30/30
    5. Whilst drinking, do so moderately.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Abigail - I like the plan to eat at maintenance and use exercise to create a caloric deficit. Great idea!

    Sounds like mama and Better had AWESOME weekends! I did various kidlet events....did get to the gym on Saturday and was SEVERELY winded during the brutal cardio portion. There is NO doubt I have sacrificed some endurance in trying to achieve my strength goals.

    This week:

    1. Continue to eat during eating window, only.
    2. Keep caloric deficit on a daily basis.
    3. Indulge in Halloween candy, but NOT until I've done my month-end tape measurements and photos.
    4. have a happy birthday.

    Yes, this Scorpio turns 44 this week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey Ladies! Can't say I did great this weekend and I am feeling the effects today for sure!

    I worked out Friday and did pretty good at our dinner out. Saturday I took a planned rest day, but the eating and drinking were just ridiculous. Yesterday I was a big lazy bum, I'm not sure if it was a food or booze hangover, but I did not feel great. So no workout and ate alot of carbs. Back at it today though and loading up on water. This week I am going to do a no sugar challenge. I did that 2 weeks ago and it really helped with the bloating. I figure this will be a good week for it too because it will keep me away from the Halloween candy! So I have my meals planned through Friday. I have dinner plans with the girls Friday, but I have a favorite ahi tuna dish with a salad that I love at the restaurant we are going to, so I shouldn't get into too much trouble that night. And no plans for the weekend, so I should be able to stay on track.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Ashley- 70 burpees???? Are you crazy. It turns out I HATE burpees! I can only do like 7. The I rest. Then it's like 3 or 4 and rest. Not a long rest, but still!!!
    Mama- You just don't take a break! I need your motivation!
    Beeps- Happy Early birthday!
    Abagail- You are rockin' P90X. To be honest, I may never do another DVD again.
    Chloe- Good luck on your NO sugar challenge. I'm think about doing that prior to Thanksgving to help me not over induldge. My dad told me I can come borrow whatever weights I want so I I just need to pay for CLX.
    Amy- PICTURES!!!!

    My weekend was okay. I snacked all afternoon yesterday rather then eating a meal whcih messed up my macros. I have decided to step up my workouts in Nov because I don't think I'll get as much natural exercising (soccer prcatice, weekend walks to the park).

    2 week challenge
    1. Follow new workout routine - 1 legs, 1 booty, 1 arms, 1 hiit, 2 core, 2 extras - my workout are only 20 minutes so I can do 2 in a day
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Well, I just finished my last "A" work-out in Phase 2 of NROL4Abs....so, Wednesday I'll bang out my last "B" work-out and then it is onto Phase 3!! Woohooooooooooo!!

    I'm pretty excited.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    KC, yes 70. I don't do pushups but I can do 20 in a row. Then I rest and do 10 more. Or 15 more. I was burpeeing in between winterizing my wardrobe. I just watched Kate's video on burpees. Not sure if my form has been perfect the whole time. Maybe I should have watched this beginning of October. Oh well. I think a month of burpees is good for me.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Burpees between winterizing your wardrobe? Jeez, I can't decide which is rest?! Crazy girl!
    I will try and post pics tonight. I was pretty self conscious on Friday. I was in a bad space mentally and the voice in my head said I did not earn that costume and looked ridiculous. The next night I rallied because I know my friends wanted to go out and my husband got me a net to sort of wrap around myself but it did not provide much coverage! Maybe next year I will will have the where-with-all to kill it, but this stuff with my dad's cancer and surgery is really throwing me for a loop.
    For now, I am going to eat at maintenance and pick a 3-days per week workout plan. I was thinking about going back to Sexy Female workout. There was a day of running and I would add another day of running. I think getting outside for a run generally makes me feel better and is good for my stress, plus I like to be able to keep up with running a little bit in case friends ask me to run with them for fun/social.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    (((Amy))) - you are quite tough on yourself at a time of GREAT stress! I'm on your side....I know you're going to go for what you want and every day you're a bit closer to getting there!

    Better - sheesh - 20 burpees in a row is NOTHING TO SNEEZE AT. You're AWESOME!

    Stay safe all you NE-coastal-USA ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Got in a good lift last night. I was having a sh*tty day and it made me feel mildly better. I ate reasonably well, but had pasta and felt all bloaty this morning. I don't know what it is with the carbs lately. I feel like I've never been this carb sensitive. Weird.

    So I am debating what I want to do next. My plan was to finish out my strength at Thanksgiving. That would give me almost 8 weeks of strength training. I am doing about 3 days. This is what my routine looks like:

    A: Incline bench, Chest flies (laying on bench), Dips, Dumbell Pullovers
    B: Military Press, Upright Row, Clean and Press, 1 Legged Deadlift
    C: Bent Back Fly, Bent Row, Sumo Deadlift, Squat

    I mix some core work in too but I feel like I need more. I was going to do 6 week 6 pack next, but feel like I'm jumping around a lot. I like to switch it up every now and then, but maybe I should lift through the end of the year and incorporate some other moves? My main problem is I am working with limited equipment (dumbbells ranging from 5-25 lbs.). Since I don't have a bar, I can't load up on lower body, thus not "really" lifting heavy. I am increasing my weight on upper body and am actually sore today after week 5 of this routine, so I know it's doing something. Gosh, this happens to me every time it's time to make a change. What to do next? I want to tone up, which I felt 6w6p helped me do. But I want to build some muscle too. Stupid exercise ADD. Starting end of January I start my mini training. Hmmmm......So it's really only about 2 months I'm looking to fill. Maybe I should just stick with lifting after all. All that running is sure to burn some fat off, right?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ok, the pictures weren't great, I wanted one full-length but in a bar, far from the flash it's not great:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- I found this plank core workout I am working on doing twice a week. It only takes about 10 minutes, depending how long of a break you need in between, but it is HARD work. Just though I would share :)


    Amy- still thinking of you!

    Just checking in, nothing new to report. I had a good day eating yesterday, some strength training (chest and triceps) and 3 miles on the treadmill. Same plan for today, but will be working shoulders, back and biceps. Keep up the good work ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Better - I'm all about the lifting heavy....but you knew that, already! Choose something you WANT to do - I think that's MOST important!

    Amy - you look AWESOME! Sexy!!

    Chloe - looks like a solid work-out. Nice!

    No work-out for me, today. Tried a fast, but failed by noon. I might try again tomorrow or Thursday, not sure.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - I think you look fabulous!!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed an evening out! Still praying for you!

    Reese - good luck with the last legs of LP! And yes, did do a Halloween outing...we were Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler (see profile :)

    Good goals everyone! I am little late to the party this week...Monday was just sheer act of will to get through and Tuesday was better but I wasn't ready to get proactive until today :)

    That said, more bad scale news...up more! If I keep going at this rate I will be out of the 140's in no time. Maintenance is experiment...which is not going very well. I have decided to eat at deficit for the month of November and see if this helps stall the gain in weight and inches. Then I will re-evaluate in December. I don't feel terrible because I haven't been trying to lose but I am not super happy with where my body is at right now. One month of crossfit and eating a bit less will hopefully remedy that. *Sigh* Execute, reiterate, execute, reiterate.

    Goals for two weeks:

    1. Eat 1600 cals a day (~20% def) except for one day a week
    2. Do Crossfit 3-4 times a week
    3. Walk 5 times a week (even short ones)

    I want to try to eat clean for for now I am going to put the majority of my energy into these things!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Another stellar day for me yesterday....2 good days in a row and I am feeling strong to keep it up. I really don't know why I let myself screw up because I feel so good when i am on track! Tonight it is 3 miles and my core workout.

    On the whole maintenance subject....I know we do all the formulas and calculations of what is supposed to be our TDEE, but do you ever consider that they might just be wrong. Referring to your post Kate....according to all your calculations and with LP's quiz (which I have done myself) you are eating at maintenance, but the scale is going up. So maybe that isn't really your magic number. I think everybody's body is so different. That I'm not sure it can be calculated, more of just a trial and error until you find your right number.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Chui - yes, EVERYTHING ends up being an "experiment". Sometimes it just feels like the "tweaking" just goes on-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on. I'm WAY more scared of "maintenance" than I am of "losing", frankly.

    Chloe - I totally agree that all the calculators in the WORLD, may not work, for YOU, because the plug-ins are based on an "average", as opposed to the "unique". I really do believe that if the scale number is going up, it's just that you are ingesting too many calories. Period. Whether that's because weights/measurements on the food side are wrong, or your starting formula was wrong, etc, who knows??

    For me, October was good. I completed my month-end photos today, and tape measurements. I still have to step on the scale - hope to do that at the gym, today. I think I'm down 5 lbs for the month, but will verify on the scale. The measurements that went down: natural waist, hips (over bum), and chest-under-breasts. I think my biceps, thighs, calves also went down about 1/4", but I never "rely" on that - it's probably just a different measuring spot my husband used than 1 month ago (frankly). My belly button waist stayed the same - this SURPRISED me, because I've been pretty darned low-carb all month and I really thought THIS measurement would come down - at least an 1" and hoping for more.

    For November, I'll still eat at a calorie deficit. I move into Phase 3 of NROL4Abs. I will continue to utilize the 18:6 eating window, and will continue to try a 20-22hr fast one day per week. Overally, I'd say what I am doing is working.

    Also, I only late-night snacked 3 times in November - and I'm pretty sure that none of those were the last 15 days! So, I'm overdue for some popcorn and some treats. Tonight is Halloween - tonight I feast!

    (Now that photos are done, I do plan on enjoying tonight and enjoying my birthday this upcoming weekend - I've earned 2 days of decadence, I figure!)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    NSV- I'm wearing a shirt that is a V-neck in the back and someone complemented my back :-)

    Amy - You look adorable!!!
    Beeps- I'm glad Oct was good to you! I didn't take measurments today, woops, maybe Fri.
    Chloe- I'm the same way. I love it when I'm on track and so I don't understand when I slip up.
    Chui-I think our Nov plan sounds good. Your picture is cute!

    Happy Halloween! I have yet to do a double workout this week, but I will be walking around the neighborhood tonight, so does that count as workout number 2 today? LOL.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    So I was attempting my no sugar challenge for this week. I made it through Monday and Tuesday fine. Made it through the entire day yesterday and evening. Then when trick or treating was over I was having a strong urge to have something sweet. Of course we still had candy left over from trick or treaters, so I had 1 almond joy and 2 laffy taffys (and they fit in my cals....went over carbs though). I have to say for Halloween I am pretty proud of myself, especially because there were treats everywhere at work yesterday and I didn't touch anything. Now I just need to make it through tonight not having anything and then I will make the hubby take the rest of the candy with him when he goes back to work tomorrow.

    Have gotten in all my workouts so far this week and feeling good. Tonight is 3 miles and a leg/butt workout I made up and doing for the first time. Also feeling pretty confident about the weekend plans, hopefully I can get to Monday still feeling like I do today!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    You would not BELIEVE how much junk food I ate yesterday! Simply mass quantities of potato chips, halloween chocolate bars and homemade popcorn. I was physically ill by bedtime.

    Hell-bent on doing a FULL fast, today, because I was WAY full, WAY bloated, and, hell, sure didn't need the calories.

    And then, surprise, surprise, my husband and kids got up EXTRA early and when I crawled out of bed to get ready for work, there they were, with BREAKFAST IN BED for me!!

    That has NEVER happened, to me. In my life. Ever.

    So, what could I do? I chugged down the bacon, the eggs, the chocolate-banana latte with a BIG SMILE on my face, but I was soooooooo full and ill AND sad because there, fast blown.

    Anyway, this was a "surprise" HAPPY (EARLY) BIRTHDAY for me and while it was TOTALLY great, because it WAS a total surprise, I haven't eaten breakfast in about 6 weeks, now, and it was a HARD CHUG.

    The end.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Great job everyone! And happy birthday Beeps! Sounds like a nice indulgent 24 hours or so. Enjoy your weekend and I know you'll be back at it Monday.

    Chloe, good for you. I can't say the same. I was 600 cals over on Halloween. Oh well.

    The scale did move down for me this week (1.5 pounds) and I am feeling better. I think carbs for me are key. They make me fell like crap. Last night I skipped the English muffin on my turkey burger, added some extra veggies and an extra piece of cheese, and I felt great this morning. So I think I'll experiment with trying to have most of my carbs earlier in the day. This becomes hard when I cook things like pasta, this peanut noodle dish my husband loves, etc. but I can work around those things and eat in moderation. I have to say, I am feeling very motivated. I ran 2.3 10 minute miles WITH stroller yesterday which is unheard of. So 2/2 runs done, 2/3 strengths done and burpee challend over (Thank God!). And I think I have made up my mind that I am going to stick with strength training till the end of January (along with 2 runs a week) when I start mini training. I already made up my new strength routine. And I'm going to PT next Friday to get my pain issues worked out so I'll be all good and hopefully running pain free.

    Everyone have a great weekend!