Dawn_Snowden Member


  • 800 calories is too few, and you should understand that your body will go into starvation mode and actually STORE FAT, rather than burn it. You will see more results when you properly nourish your body with more calories. You also need more energy to do your best on the workouts. Are you following the T25 nutrition plan?…
  • I did the entire T25 program including the fast track and Shakeology. Doing a low calorie nutrition plan for the short term is fine, but if you are sluggish and unable to make it through your workout then then add more food (especially some good carbs like sweet potato or quinoa). Listen to your body and adjust food to…
  • So….where are the STATs?? How did you all do this week?
  • Cellulite….the most dreaded word. I see a dramatic reduction in cellulite on my legs since doing T25 and eating healthy. My legs and arms are more toned so when I walk there is less "jiggle" and "flapping." LOL The thing about weigh lifting is that building up your muscle increases your metabolism so you end up burning…
  • Wow, I'm 48 and my fitness age is 24. Dang.
  • Nah, you will have it down before you know it. Even if you can't do all the moves at the end of Alpha, move on to Beta. T25 is not made to totally master by everyone - otherwise it would be too easy for many right from the get go. Most people notice more body changes in Beta than in Alpha. Give it 100% every workout and…
  • Total Body is really brutal. I'm on round 2 of T25 (doing a Gamma/Beta hybrid) and still can't do the spider pushups. However, you WILL get stronger and enjoy it more as you progress. When I started T25 I could't do 1 regular push up. Now I can do about a dozen going all the way down with my nose hitting the floor. Keep it…
  • So proud of you all for getting it done!!!! You might notice shin and ankle soreness the first week, unless you jump rope a lot or run already. Be sure you have good shoes with a wide base of support. Shaun T usually wears Nike cross trainers, but Tony Horton recommends court shoes. Neither of them wear running shoes for…
  • That's awesome ladies. Stick with it. You will be SHOCKED how strong you will get as you move through this program. One day at a time. :)
  • I suggest you put nutrition as your #1 priority if you want to see results. Changing your body is 75-80% what you feed it. Exercise is secondary. Not all calories are equal either. Beachbody has great nutrition info, recipes, and meal plans on their website to help. Ask your Beachbody coach for suggestions too. You should…
  • Congrats on the T-shirt!!! I am taking my "after" photos today and sending them in. Yesterday was my last day of Gamma so I have now finished 14 weeks of T25. Starting a Gamma-Beta hybrid on Monday to keep me busy until P90X3 releases.
    in T25 Comment by Dawn_Snowden October 2013
  • go to: http://oldschooltrainer.com/super-squats-how-to-gain-30-pounds-of-muscle-in-6-weeks-reloaded/ The old school lifters drank tons of milk every day. The site has a reloaded version with milk + whey protein at every meal. The Super Squat Routine – The Original: Press behind neck 3 x 12 Squat 1 x 20 supersetted with…
  • I prefer court shoes personally - volleyball or basketball. I currently own a pair of Asics. Running shoes do not have enough stability for me.
  • Google "Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks." There are a few websites that explain it. It's old school bodybuilding - lots of dead lifts, squats, lunges and milk.
  • I also saw my biggest changes in Beta. I just finished week 3 of Gamma and I noticed significant changes in my body - less body fat and noticeable muscle definition in my arms and abs. I even lost 2 pounds that I wasn't trying to. Be patient - that last week of Beta is important too. Have fun!
    in T25 Comment by Dawn_Snowden October 2013
  • Anything in moderation. The problem with fast food isn't necessarily the calories, it's usually the fat, sodium, or sugar. Every once in a while won't hurt you, but making it regular part of your nutrition plan will just encourage your body to keep craving it. Not all calories are equal.
  • I would just get dumbells. Some exercises you can't do with a barbell. You can usually find used ones online that aren't too pricey.
  • I think the word "diet" is what pushes people off the wagon so often. Instead of looking at it as a diet, people consider it a healthy eating lifestyle. No one can maintain too few calories indefinitely. It's finding the balance between feeding your body enough and choosing the best foods for the calories. I also think…
  • I created a new exercise called T25 and put in 25 minutes and 250 calories. I can adjust the calories up or down depending on the intensity of a particular workout on a particular day. Some of my friends burn double my calories and others fewer. It depends on your fitness level going in and your weight/height/metabolism…
  • Reward yourself with one beer a week. You are allowed cheats for your sanity. No "diet" can be maintained forever without some rewards.
  • Congrats on deciding to take control. That is step 1. :) Calorie counting and choosing good foods is definitely a step in the right direction. Moving your body in any form every day - even for a few minutes - is wonderful. Stay with it. Don't give up, even when you have a bad day or a cheat day or a low day. Make each day…
  • I love these introductions - THANK YOU for sharing with us and being a part of this group. I'd like to see more of you participating. A group is only a good as its members. Don't be shy :)
  • Eat a piece of two max and trash the rest. The constant temptation will drive you insane.
  • Greek yogurt with low sugar granola (Sprouts coconut almond) and apples with almond butter. YUMMY!!!
  • It's not just cardio. T25 is cardio and strength. It uses your body to change your body. The Beta phase (phase 2) has more strength moves and some dumbell/resistance band moves. If you buy from Beachbody the resistance bands and nutrition plan come with the DVDs. You can buy Gamma (phase 3) separate. That involves weights…
  • I have not seen Pull Up Revolution, but I know Beachbody sells a pull up assist that you can adjust by removing bands as you get stronger. It should be under the P90X gear section in their website.
  • If you are doing insanity to its full potential, you shouldn't need ANYTHING else on top of that - nor have the energy to do another workout. Those workouts are hard on the body with all the jumping and squatting, so IMO doing 2 a day would be counter productive.
  • I saw a recipe for Pumpkin oatmeal where they added pumpkin puree (canned unsweetened pumpkin), maple syrup, pumpkin pie spice, and walnuts. Sounded GREAT!
  • Quality over Quantity. That's the whole movement toward HIIT and other interval training - you don't need 60 minutes on the treadmill anymore.
  • I would say do negatives after you have exhausted your usual number. Use a chair to lift yourself over the bar and SLOWLY lower yourself down. Count as you lower yourself and try to increase the count each day. Do as many negatives as you can to exhaustion. It is possible to overtrain so i don't know if I'd do them every…