Tell me about T25

I've heard almost nothing but positive reviews from Shaun T's programs. I was looking into trying T25 and wondered what the general consensus here was?


  • Monica_MN
    I just finished T25 last Sunday and I have to say I loved it. In the beginning I had to modify it until I could keep up. Starting Round 2 next week. Is there anything specific you want to know?
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    It's all going to depend on your fitness level. I completed Insanity in April and for me the only way I feel like I got a good burn from T25 is doubling up. On top of running, cycling and softball that becomes a bit time consuming.

    If you started with JM videos this will likely kick your butt.

    All depends on where you are starting from.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I loved T25. I took some time off from working out for about 9 months and it was the program that helped me get back in the game. It's nice that it is only 25 min a day and you still feel like you are working hard. Now I am doing a program called Body Beast and loving it. I am noticing that cardio is a great place to start, but if you are really wanting to see changes in your body weight lifting is the way to go
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It's cardio
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    It's not just cardio. T25 is cardio and strength. It uses your body to change your body. The Beta phase (phase 2) has more strength moves and some dumbell/resistance band moves. If you buy from Beachbody the resistance bands and nutrition plan come with the DVDs. You can buy Gamma (phase 3) separate. That involves weights in all but 1 workout and is awesome!

    I am in week 3 of Gamma and I have been very pleased. I lost 14 pounds on T25 Alpha/Beta rounds (more than 10% of my body weight), noticeably increased my muscle definition, and lowered my body fat.

    What's also great (besides it being only 25 minutes 5x) is there's a woman who modifies the moves. So T25 is appropriate for a wide range of fitness levels.

    Best of luck.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I loved T25. I did 20 out of 30 days of 30 shred. This was the first beachbody product I have ever done and I have been overweight most of my adult life. I started seriously working out back in June and have continued to consistently workout. I love that it's only 25 minutes so I have no excuse. Love beta much more than alpha. It has a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, no I'm not a bob coach I just really enjoyed the program especially once I started getting my butt up earlier so I had no excuse not to get it done. I am doing a few more weeks extra while I wait to start turbo fire. I do have to modify some stuff still but in the beginning I modified everything. I love how motivating he is. I didn't feel like a failure for modifying. I knew I was doing the best I could do.
  • jessa271
    Just finished Insanity a few weeks ago, so I'm doing a hybrid of Asylum & T25 right now. I'm doubling up the T25 workouts to get calorie burns equal to Insanity, but there are still points where I have to slow down. There are no breaks here, so it's 25 straight minutes of hard work. Even the modifier is dripping in sweat. It might be a good stepping stone if you're interested in doing something like Insanity in the future. The only thing I find a bit annoying it the repetitiveness of some of the moves, but then there's nothing like lunges and squats for the lower body so there's no way to escape them!

    If you're new to exercise, T25 will kick your butt, if only because you don't get a pause to sip water or even a stretch until the end. It's a good workout with a great calorie burn for the time, 300-360 in the 28 mins (there's an added stretch at the end of every workout), but I love those 500-600+ burns from Insanity which is why I'm doubling up.
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    Thank you for all the information!

    I'm primarily doing cardio now but really would like to add in more strength work. I've done quite a bit of Jillian Michaels but am probably at the end of my rope listening to the woman. I've heard how motivating Shaun is and that has prompted me to look into his programs (not to mention the infomercials that are always on!). I like the fact this program is only 25 minutes and feel like it would be a good "work up" program to his other ones.
  • PLoveElliott
    PLoveElliott Posts: 114 Member
    I was primarily doing a lot of running and cycling before I started T25 and liked it b/c it was different from what I was doing. Currently, I am 1 week away from completing all of the workouts (yay!). I have seen inches lost and some weight loss. The 25 minutes a day fit into my schedule really nicely. Now I find myself doubling up on the workouts more than just on the double Friday's. I definitely would recommend them.
  • queezle_sister
    queezle_sister Posts: 33 Member
    I tried the 30 day shred, and near the end it game me tennis elbow. I was out of commission for more than 6 months, but my arm is back, and this time I am trying T25. The 25 minute work outs fit my schedule, and my husband likes this guy's workouts. I'm only in by 3 days, but I expect that I will stick with it. It kicks my butt, but that is what I want.
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    Queezle, that is good to hear! I have been doing Jillian Michaels myself, and have finished the 30DS. I think I need a break from Jillian before I try anything else from her. :)

    What is T25 logged as on MFP if I don't have a HRM?
  • crawpapa
    crawpapa Posts: 156 Member

    What is T25 logged as on MFP if I don't have a HRM?

    Get you one. You will use it more than you think, like just mowing the yard or doing housework or walking the dog or whatever. It's fun to play around with.
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    I created a new exercise called T25 and put in 25 minutes and 250 calories. I can adjust the calories up or down depending on the intensity of a particular workout on a particular day. Some of my friends burn double my calories and others fewer. It depends on your fitness level going in and your weight/height/metabolism etc.

    I would definitely recommend getting a HRM. You can find inexpensive ones, but having that info is invaluable if you are really trying to track your numbers.