


  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Wow gamma must be intense, I am starting on Sunday I am not losing pounds but have lost inches and gained definite muscle.. I am on Chantix again and I am sure that is part of it.. I am looking forward to doing gamma, I love the network exclusive disc.. Beta didn't give me the burn that alpha did. I think my highest using my hrm was like 290 with beta.

    Someone asked how to log your T25 workouts. I built them into mine by added them and I add the calories burn each day and the time I worked out.. For the next four weeks I am doing ripped with the fast and furious abs, and the next 4 weeks I am doing the hybrid will take me into mid Dec. Here is to hoping I see much greater results with the next 8 weeks than I did the last 10.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    My Gamma disks just came yesterday, but it's a tease since I'm still on the last week of Beta. Can't wait to start it though. Vhuber you are having fantastic results, great for you. I can only hope to see something similar.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Finished up day one of week 10 today. My Gamma dvd's came yesterday and it's killing me not to start it. Hmm can I get in 5 T25 workout's tomorrow to finish up Beta LOL. I am definitely seeing my biggest weight loss during Beta and am really hoping to see some great results from Gamma!
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    I am definitely seeing my biggest weight loss during Beta and am really hoping to see some great results from Gamma!

    I also saw my biggest changes in Beta. I just finished week 3 of Gamma and I noticed significant changes in my body - less body fat and noticeable muscle definition in my arms and abs. I even lost 2 pounds that I wasn't trying to.

    Be patient - that last week of Beta is important too.

    Have fun!
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Starting gamma today along with fast and furious abs. Today is actually a test run for gamma, Since I will be getting up at 330 in the morning, Abs I will do on my days off along with gamma. Hoping I get some great results from gamma.

    Beta I gained muscle definition all over not much weight loss with the program I actually gained four pounds in the last 10 weeks. But I have gone down in pants size to my 7/8 are getting baggy butt :D Not a bad thing.. I am not concerned with what the number on the scale is I don't wear the number. I am definatley getting stronger and leaner and seeing muscle I have never seen before..

    Great program... I have never stuck to any workout program like I have t25.. I too am thinking P90X 3 is going to be next for me.

    Have a great day all..

    Gamma here I come!! :)

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Starting gamma today along with fast and furious abs. Today is actually a test run for gamma, Since I will be getting up at 330 in the morning, Abs I will do on my days off along with gamma. Hoping I get some great results from gamma.

    Beta I gained muscle definition all over not much weight loss with the program I actually gained four pounds in the last 10 weeks. But I have gone down in pants size to my 7/8 are getting baggy butt :D Not a bad thing.. I am not concerned with what the number on the scale is I don't wear the number. I am definatley getting stronger and leaner and seeing muscle I have never seen before..

    Great program... I have never stuck to any workout program like I have t25.. I too am thinking P90X 3 is going to be next for me.

    Have a great day all..

    Gamma here I come!! :)

    Good Job!!! I too would like to try P90X 3! The thing keeping me from it is TONY HORTON really irritated me in P90X. He seemed immature & just was NOT that funny (when HE thought he was!). I muted him plus doing the SAME thing for a FULL hour got BORING!!!! I just might be able to handle TH for "30" minutes though!!!:laugh:
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    Working on reading this entire thread but in the mean time, it is getting me excited for when I get a chance to order the program. :)
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Week 10 day 2 Core Cardio done, that one kinda kicked my butt today. Burned 322 calories in 25 min, not to shabby! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    HOLY HELL. Why did y'all not tell me there's no modifier in Gamma? Speed 3.0 just kicked my *kitten* (but to the tune of 389 calories, I'll take it!). I don't think the first day of Alpha was that hard. I had to keep pausing to guzzle water and catch my breath, so that 25 min workout probably took me 35 minutes. I sure hope it gets easier
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    HOLY HELL. Why did y'all not tell me there's no modifier in Gamma? Speed 3.0 just kicked my *kitten* (but to the tune of 389 calories, I'll take it!). I don't think the first day of Alpha was that hard. I had to keep pausing to guzzle water and catch my breath, so that 25 min workout probably took me 35 minutes. I sure hope it gets easier

    Glad I read this before I push play today, I am normally up and done by 4am but wasn't feeling well today so trying to muster up the energy to do it. And waiting for the boys to go to bed I hate when they are up watching me.. Now I know I need to refill my water bottle before I start and maybe have a glass of E&E to jump start me... I will post how it goes first time through it for me..
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Speed 3.0 killer, did not nail it, not sure I will ever nail this one there is no modifier and there is no breaks. 337 on the HRM and I feel every bit of it. I could not keep up and I can't do the jumps .. I am not sure I am going to be able to handle these workouts before I go to work in the mornings like I did with Alpha and Beta?? They are totally exhausting, maybe cause I have been sick the past couple of days I am feeling more drained.. Lets see how the rest of the week goes..

    It has to get easier...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    It was my SPEED 3.0 today too. I LOVE it!!! I"d say I NAIL IT cuz with adding an extra 5 minutes of cardio work BEFORE the dvd starts to get in an even 1/2 hour of fitness for another challenge I burned 412 cals. bluemagic, when you say jumps do you mean all the "burpees" type exercises? I have to really move to drop & do a full push up then a burpee. My right hand still has a knot in it from the carpal tunnel surgery so push-ups are still not perfect!!! I did INSANITY 3.5 times & this was like one of them!!!:tongue::tongue:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    EXTREME CIRCUIT at 5 a.m. was not soooo much fun but I got it done & am ready to face the day! Happy Tuesday ya all!!!
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    Gamma day 2 - it was Rip't Up for me. Thankfully I feel like I nailed it - it was a walk in the park compared to yesterday's Speed 3.0!
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    No I can do the burpees, it's the half knee jumps they had them on other videos so I do the modified version. and try to keep up. I am a bit slow on keeping up, I am on a area rug and it slides a lot I have to make sure it stays in place or I will face plant but it is the only space I have to do my workouts...I am sure with time just like all of them it will improve. This is my first week of gamma so I am not familiar with what is coming next. Today I think I am going to switch them around and do the extreme circuit and do Rip T tomorrow before my 24 hour shift.
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Just finished up Week 10 day 4 of Beta, Dynamic Core. So doubles tomorrow and I am done with Beta! Wow, can't believe it. I'm looking forward to starting Gamma next week although you guys have me a little frightened lol.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    No I can do the burpees, it's the half knee jumps they had them on other videos so I do the modified version. and try to keep up. I am a bit slow on keeping up, I am on a area rug and it slides a lot I have to make sure it stays in place or I will face plant but it is the only space I have to do my workouts...I am sure with time just like all of them it will improve. This is my first week of gamma so I am not familiar with what is coming next. Today I think I am going to switch them around and do the extreme circuit and do Rip T tomorrow before my 24 hour shift.
    Those jumps make me wet my pants!!! Sorry TMI but I had LARGE babies & am in menopause & they both wreak havoc on bladder control! I have surgery for that & other female issues on 12/17.
  • tro1019
    How's everyone doing with gamma? I'm in week 2, day 4....today was speed 3.0. I hate this speed!! I loved 1.0 and 2.0, but I don't know if I'll ever nail this one. haha Kills me everytime! Loving the rest of the gamma dvd's though. I'm just in love with this program!
  • klmab9
    klmab9 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in my last week of Alpha!! I love this program, even more than Insanity and I didn't think that was possible. Can't wait to start Beta :)
  • Tammy_Christopher
    Tammy_Christopher Posts: 337 Member
    Just officially finished Beta. Speed 2.0 and Rip't Circuit, 602 calories burned. It feels awesome to have started this program and stuck with it all the way through. First time I have done that and I am pretty damn proud. I'll take my measurements and photos tomorrow and check in with my official results. It's awesome to see that there are so many people doing this program and tons more starting it. Good luck to everyone and stick with it, there's always 25 min to fit this in!! Can't wait to get into Gamma!