T25 5 Day Fast Track, Thoughts?

Hey! I'm starting Focus T25 on Monday and I am thinking if doing the 5 day fast track along with it. Have any of you done it? Are the results better? I'm really hoping that I can get on track and work my way to a slimmer, healthier me. Any info is appreciated.


  • sueinmass
    sueinmass Posts: 4 Member
    Mrsmandy82, I did not do the fast track.
    But I am running a fitness accountability group where one of the members is doing T25, I will check with him regarding the 5 day fast track.
    If your looking for a group of people to keep u motivated during your T25 journey, let me know.
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I would actually say don't do the 5 day fast track. It's such a low calorie level, I think you'd probably lack energy. Sure, you'd lose weight, but I don't think you need it to be successful.

    I just finished up a round of T25, feel free to add me if you have other questions!
  • mrsmandy82
    I've started on the smoothie part of it today. I had the joys of a root canal and the thought of chewing food doesn't even interest me. Gotta get my calories in somewhere.

    I'm so excited to do T25, I completed insanity and loved the results. I think T25 will bring me to my goal. I'm hoping that by toning and dropping these last pesky pounds, that my self confidence will finally return. It's been a long road.
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    I did the entire T25 program including the fast track and Shakeology. Doing a low calorie nutrition plan for the short term is fine, but if you are sluggish and unable to make it through your workout then then add more food (especially some good carbs like sweet potato or quinoa). Listen to your body and adjust food to meet your energy levels, not your cravings.

    I lost 12 pounds during the 10 weeks and another 5 pounds since doing the Gamma cycle. I ate more protein than their nutrition guide called for, and ate my carbs in the early parts of the day for energy. You can use the nutrition tools on the Beachbody website to determine your caloric needs and modify from there.