airborne18th Member


  • I live this. issues with everything below L3. happened when I was 19 and now I am; well much older. I also have issues in the neck as well. I am actually back in PMR. Do you have a dropped foot? or just lost feeling? ( my left leg is done, and now starting to have the loss of feeling in the right foot ).
  • I have to agree with the calorie cut being the issue and not the carbs. that is how it seems to play out for me.
  • when my daughter was a teenager and was starting to worry about eating and weight.. I told her if you do a real solid 45 min workout you can basically eat whatever you want. So instead of giving up the foods she became a runner.
  • first it is really how much are you burning in workouts. if you are burning 1/4th of your calories a day working out, then you have to replace them. also make sure you are accurately measuring the calories burned in a workout. thinking you are burning 300 per day, but not. In the end though if you are doing hard workouts…
  • you can run on your own. fitness is your goal since we are talking the military. You should start with the goal of being able to run 2 miles per day. do it at the school track.. or around the block. start by jogging then taking walk breaks.. but you must motivate yourself. if you are completely out of shape it will be…
  • for heart rate I found it to be very accurate, which is the import part. the treadmill was off on the heart rate consistently, so it was overstating the calorie burn. that is the nice thing about the watches and monitors.. they will guide you through the target heart rate for the workout based on the level of workout you…
  • I don't know about good ones.. the price ranges are all over the place and now that every company is making them for smartphones the choices are endless... I went with the low end and Timex, but that was over a year ago I bet there are much better for the same price now.
  • Those are calorie meters on workout machines are not accurate. You will find many on this site that had the same problem.. invest in a heart rate monitor for workouts.. just for a sanity check.
  • don't get frustrated.. do you have a heart rate monitor for your workouts? it will help you figure out exactly what you are burning with workouts.
  • Are you certain about the calories you are burning doing your workouts? As your fitness level improves you will burn less doing the same workout, because it is less of a workout for a fit body. You should use a heart rate monitor to get an accurate count of workout calories.
  • carbs and sugar.
  • You are going to intake alot of sugar with fruit. I made the mistake a few years ago of taking the .. "eat more fruit" line from my dietitian literally. and it blew up my diet. fruit is healthier than bread, but it is about the equivalent of bread when it comes to sugar.
  • tighten your stomach and lift your foot off the ground bending your knee.. you want to go as high as you can.. straight up. you can hold it if you want.. but the key is when you lower.. do it slowly. always keep your abs tight.
  • If you do a few sessions of physical therapy they will give you a whole regiment of things to do which will tone your abs. and it is not just exercise, posture, how you sit and how you stand up will all improve your abs.
  • Yoga has some great positions which will help. Yoga will also teach you how to position your feet so you don't do damage to your knees when working out.
  • Echoing everyone else.. do PMR.. even if it is just for 10 visits to get the basic stretches and exercises.. Weakness in legs means balance issues. Water is your best friend as long as it is water that is easy to get in and out of. The biggest thing is don't sit around and lay in bed ( I have spend years on and off in this…
  • I could never find an accurate way to measure the calories. I have tried just counting it as if I were standing versus sitting. But I don't worry about the calorie count in the tub. When I get in the pool and get to do close to real carido I do. Most of what I do in the tub is work on the legs, butt, and abs. It is low…
  • Right now I am in PMR and they have a machine for using the arms instead of the legs for cycling.. I have not seen one in a gym.. but if you don't have arm issues..
  • We are in the same boat with the back and I have neck issues as well. Though my knees are not bad,,but nerve damage so I have very severe limitations with legs and ar Do not.. I repeat do not do yoga. Though you should learn the basic way to stand and align your toes with your knees.. and learn to walk that way. There are…
  • The stool softener is good advice, but it won't help with the intestinal issues or liver issues for that matter. I have spine damage from the military and spend months laid up and on tons of meds. One thing I have found is that you can't just count calories and lose weight. With the pain killers and other combination of…
  • That is basically the point of my response.
  • You really want to exercise to build muscle tone, which will burn fat for you. You burn protein exercising, and some fat, but mostly protein.. Low balling your calories in the short term will work, but it is counter productive in the long term.
  • It is about fitness, not just dieting. If you are out of shape and lack muscle tone then you need to start there, and you can't build tone by starving yourself. It is really about lifestyle change and it takes time and dedication.
  • Grilled chicken breast meat is the easiest and eat it throughout the day. With the bars and protein powder you really have to look at the ingredients and balance the various negatives. ( like carbs and sodium ).. Chicken meat is very easy to balance into a diet.
  • You should probably talk to a nutritionist. I personally don't trust the recommendations given on calorie intake on the websites.. You are a CNA and probably know one. First you need to have a healthy diet, whatever that is for you. If you are going from 3000 to 1200 calories instantly you will probably gain not feel good…
  • Do you exercise? I gain and lose 50 - 70 pounds every year or so. And I have found the most important thing is exercise. That is the first place to start before trying to drastically modify your eating. If you have to pick one major lifestyle change, I would go exercise over diet any day. ( the reason I gain is because I…