1st week hump!

How do I get over the first week hump?? Before I started my diet, I was eating/drinking 3000 calories a day. I would eat fast food twice a day plus about 5 sodas everyday. Well I have stopped my soda. For breakfast I eat a serving of special K cereal with half a cup of whole milk {I like the thickness of it}. I eat a vanilla fat free yogurt twice a day as snacks. For lunch I eat a can of condensed soup. ( I work as a cna and don't like to eat much before work as I work the 2pm to 10 pm shift.). For dinner about 8 or 8:30 pm, I eat another can of soup, a serving of rice, and a can of vegetables. I know I am not used to such low calories but this is all I need. I cant eat meat because it makes me sick. Im not a vegetarian but lately since I havent been eating it, I just picture eating it and it makes me so naseua and its so gross. But I am having trouble sticking too it for more than a couple days. how do I make it past the week to where my body starts to get used to it? I know my diet isnt the healthies but its cheap and low in calories. if I need more calories ill add more cream to my coffee in the mornings. Help please??? P.s. I am 18 and 307 lbs and 5 feet 5 inches


  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    What is your calorie goal right now?

    There's no reason to completely overhaul your diet just because you want to lose weight. You can eat all of the foods you used to enjoy - just fit them into your calorie goal every day and be mindful of portion sizes. Soda does have a lot of calories, so limiting it or cutting it out does make room in your diet for you to eat more food that will help keep you fuller longer.

    You may also find it easier to gradually lower yourself down to your calorie goal instead of cutting way back all at once. :smile:
  • kellywitcher13
    Well on here it says my calorie goal should be 2000. But I want to lose weight faster.. I want to be able to have kids... I have PCOS and they said with my weight as high as it is plus having PCOS, I cant get pregnant. If I do I would miscarry... So I put my calorie goal at 1200.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Mix it up!! Don't try to eat the same thing every day, You WILL get burnt out! Look up other healthy options, try other things. I also suggest trying things other then soup, especially canned soup, it has lots of sodium in it which can lead to bloating. I honestly suggest taking this journey slow, it isn't an easy one and you're more likely to stick to something that is less dramatic. Eating within your calories is important, but eating nutrient dense food is even more important. 100 calories of veggies is far more filling and far better for you then 100 calories of processed yogurt or other processed food. Try some different cereals, add some fruit to your breakfast, mix up the snacks!! do nuts or cheese or veggies. All of the canned food has lots of salt, try frozen veggies instead of canned you can steam them and they taste a whole lot better. Do research, learn about how to properly fuel your body!
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Well on here it says my calorie goal should be 2000. But I want to lose weight faster.. I want to be able to have kids... I have PCOS and they said with my weight as high as it is plus having PCOS, I cant get pregnant. If I do I would miscarry... So I put my calorie goal at 1200.

    Losing weight faster isn't effective and it isn't maintainable!! going from 3,000 calories to 1200 isn't good for you and again isn't maintainable and you'll end up binging!!! Losing weight slowly is far better for you and you'll be able to stick with it!
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    Well on here it says my calorie goal should be 2000. But I want to lose weight faster.. I want to be able to have kids... I have PCOS and they said with my weight as high as it is plus having PCOS, I cant get pregnant. If I do I would miscarry... So I put my calorie goal at 1200.

    That's not true. Plenty of women with PCOS get pregnant and it's not guaranteed you'd miscarry! Is there a slightly higher risk? Maybe... but don't let them scare you.

    Cutting too many calories is just as detrimental as eating too many.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    If you eat the same type of food every day, you are going to burn out quick. Burning out can lead to binging and giving up. You do need to mix it up a little. There are plenty of other things you can eat. I find it also helps me to have some protein at breakfast. It makes me feel fuller longer. If you dont want meat, then maybe some eggs and toast for breakfast, or a little peanut butter. Just remember, it took time to put on the weight and will take time to get it off.
  • kellywitcher13
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?
  • simonc14
    simonc14 Posts: 76 Member
    Be careful not to set an overly ambitious calorie target at the start. You should set your target weight loss at a sensible level (1-2lbs) and this should give you a reasonable calorie intake. I guess if you're feeling really really hungry then something might need tweaking? Too many 'empty' calories perhaps? Certainly soda and fast food ticks those boxes. I started at 245lbs and found I could still lose plenty of weight at a 2,000 calories a day level. Wholesome, slow energy release foods do help though. Good luck on your journey.:wink:
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?

    Hi there, I'm new here and have been lurking but your question prompted me to join in. If you fuel your body properly with clean, wholefoods like fresh fruit, vegetables, good fats (including saturated fats) and unprocessed meat/dairy/nuts etc then you will find it a lot easier to lose weight. Stay as far away as you can from any processed foods from tins or packets as they are full of man-made C.R.A.P which will not give you good energy and can have bad health effects. Sure they may be cheap, but do you really want to fill your precious body with cheap junk?

    Don't obscess with counting every calories but instead concentrate on eating good, healthy food in it's natural state.

    Just my opinion anyways.
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I am certainly no expert, but just based on what have learned: I would encourage you to eat lots of steamed veggies and fruits to feel full for few calories. Store-bought soups often have corn syrup and a lot of salt in them. as do corn-based cereals. You might try some protein for breakfast such as an egg, yoghurt, maybe some egg sauteed with some veggies. You might also try some lean meats if you eat meat. I personally love beans as a source of protein and fiber.
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    PS Just saw that you are staying away from meat. I don't eat meat that much. I love beans as a source of protein. Beans are great mixed in with eggs. I sometimes put them on salads, and they are also good in burritos with some fat free yoghurt instead of sour cream.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?

    They are both important - if you get insufficient nutrition you are going to get very, very tired and hungry.

    You need protein and fats and carbs plus vitamins and minerals.

    On the board here is a thread with a very silly title - A guide to get you on the path to sexypants (I can't do a link as I'm on a phone but please, please find it and read it). It has A LOT of invaluable information.

    You really aren't doing yourself any favours by keeping your calories so low because it's going to make it harder for you to stick to. Even if you bumped it up to 1500 or 1600 that would be better.

    As far as food goes it seems like you are on a tight budget - as others have suggested eggs are good for protein. Can you eat fish? If so tinned tuna is cheap. Frozen veg might be a better choice as canned also has a lot of added salt - just pop in a bowl cover with cling wrap and microwave. Somebody mentioned lentils as a protein source - mix this with Brown rice and veges and you have a complete balanced meal. You could also add a piece of fruit in there (maybe with your breakfast cereal - to help fill you up).

    You could also work in an occasional treat here and there so you don't feel deprived.

    Really you need to find something that you can stick to in the long term - if you're having trouble after a week this isn't a good sign.
  • justbecause2014
    justbecause2014 Posts: 371 Member
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?

    BOTH! If you are properly fueling your body for your needs, then you will get to your healthy weight! These things go hand in hand!!
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    On the board here is a thread with a very silly title - A guide to get you on the path to sexypants (I can't do a link as I'm on a phone but please, please find it and read it). It has A LOT of invaluable information.

    The Sexypants Guide is this link:

    I have also found this page helpful:

    I posted this on another thread:
    Begin making small changes to your diet to reduce your calorie intake and move towards a healthier balance. A good guideline I have read is that you should aim for the balanced diet with the correct proportions of fat, protein, carbs, and veggies to keep you healthy, but allow yourself 10-20% of your daily calorific intake as "discretionary calories" e.g. cake, chocolate, crisps etc. This way, you can have chocolate without "cheating" and you are more likely to stick to the diet. Don't try to make too many changes at once as you will feel like you are taking on too much and are more likely to fall off the wagon.

    Hope this is helpful!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Haven't read all the replies in this thread. First of all, you can't sustain eating so few calories. You need to fix that. The sexypants link is invaluable, and I'm going to give you another one.


    There, experienced MFP members are offering to help newbies, get started, and get on their way to good health. PM some of them, and see if they have room for another noob.
  • MamaDinger
    MamaDinger Posts: 17 Member
    2000 calories might seem like a lot when you're trying to lose weight, but TRUST ME, you will. Like previous posters said, you can still eat some of the same things in moderation. For example, going from 5 pops a day to just 1 is a HUGE change! You don't necessarily need to cut that out completely in order to see results. I have a calorie goal of 1500/day personally, with exercise 3X a week, and I have lost 22 lbs in 4 months. Slow and steady, friend! It'll be harder to keep up with a healthier lifestyle if you change everything so drastically. Give it time!! :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I don't have any better advice than the sexypants thread and Adopt a Noob, except that you should also look in the groups, because there are groups for women with PCOS, and you could get ideas from them, as well.

    Best of luck to you!
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Hey there. I have PCOS, too, so I had to chime in here. You sound like you're very dedicated to lose the weight, so good job working so hard at it! I struggled to get pregnant with my two boys, and I did suffer miscarriages, but it was due to my body not producing enough progesterone--not my weight. That is simply the hormonal imbalance that comes from PCOS. I've lost at least 30 lbs since I had those miscarriages, and my hormones are still jacked up. To have the healthiest pregnancy you can have, you need to be the healthiest YOU that you can be. You need to do what works for you to lose weight, and you also need to focus on your nutrition. Especially if you want to have a healthy pregnancy later on! I had gestational diabetes with both of my full term pregnancies (thanks again, PCOS), and I learned what worked for me. Cutting back carbs, lots of veggies and proteins, and exercising enough to burn more calories than I consumed were wait finally worked. But all that was AFTER I had my babies (40 lbs ago).

    Best of luck to you! PCOS is an evil b****, so great job trying to get healthy! I've been off/on diets for 20 years now, and I have to say that this site was what turned it around for me. Calories in/calories out. If I wanted to splurge, I worked out more to earn it. Simplest formula. Best results! Don't give up anything. Like others have said, you don't have to give up any of your favorites. Just figure out the formula that works for you. And slow and steady is the key. Drastic weight loss isn't healthy for anyone. And it's hard to accomplish when your hormones work against you. So move more, eat healthy. And think fertile thoughts when the time comes to try for that baby! :)
  • airborne18th
    airborne18th Posts: 57 Member
    You should probably talk to a nutritionist. I personally don't trust the recommendations given on calorie intake on the websites.. You are a CNA and probably know one.

    First you need to have a healthy diet, whatever that is for you. If you are going from 3000 to 1200 calories instantly you will probably gain not feel good and your body will probably go into starvation mode.. which is why you can't maintain the diet.

    Also you should exercise. Reducing calories is fine, but having your body burn more is even better.
  • karimonahan
    karimonahan Posts: 25 Member
    Which is more important, fueling your body or being at a healthy weight?

    fueling your body correctly....the healthy weight will follow