weight loss help

ok so this is my first week and i really was hoping for better results :( I have not lost anything even though i have ate really clean. my cal are set at 1360 and i am always a little below. my blood sugars are great but weight not moving.... this is not a diet for me but a way of life i want to keep. not sure what i am doing wrong?? eating lots of raw veggies and cooked, fruit, and only brown rice twice 1/4cup with acorn squash and i have 1/2 cup oat meal at breakfast- no sugar only cinnamon and banana. lunch is a green salad with raw walnuts 2tbls and small amount dressing. i have celery and carrots or an apple for my snacks. Dinner is 4 0z meat or beans ( don't eat meat everyday) and salad and lots of veggies. any advice, please! 5'9 and want to lose 40lbs diabetic two, no thyroid and i am on hormones because ...well its that time in my life lol. plus my fats come from avocados, raw walnuts and bananas so far and what might be in the meat when i do eat it. help me!


  • jwhitneyk
    jwhitneyk Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lori. I have been having the same problem. Maybe you are making the same mistake I was......
    I am working out like crazy and logging my 1360 each day for weeks and nothing. I finally realized I wasnot truly logging correctly. I would make a salad for lunch and then just choose something similar sounding on my diary search and pick the one with moderate calories.,...I was inadvertently cheating. : ( I've started meticulously logging each ingredient vs the old way and can't believe how many calories I was taking in and not logging. It makes a huge difference. It's more time consuming, but accurate!
    I read and article that said if you guesstimate, do it 20% rounded up as studies show most people underestimate by 20%.
    Hope that helps, stay strong, you will get results if you stick to it!
  • jwhitneyk
    jwhitneyk Posts: 2 Member
    Also, if it's just the first week you are fine...it takes time to change your body. : )
  • loristokes33
    Thanks i will try that! and i finally took off one pound! woohoo for me, husband down five so i guess we should be happy for him? lol my salads are pretty simple, 1/2 head of lettuce two and fulls of fresh spinach, one tomato and one cucumber. That feeds three of us plus i have some for lunch next day. I chose the one that said salad with mixed veggies. it's funny i want to lose it all by end of week lol but slow and steady wins the race right...
  • airborne18th
    airborne18th Posts: 57 Member
    Do you exercise? I gain and lose 50 - 70 pounds every year or so. And I have found the most important thing is exercise. That is the first place to start before trying to drastically modify your eating. If you have to pick one major lifestyle change, I would go exercise over diet any day. ( the reason I gain is because I am disabled paratrooper and can get laid up for months and months at a time )..
  • loristokes33
    ya i have a treadmill and do 4miles a day. i will say that i have been slacking off a bit. being a diabetic i have to watch what i eat and have always ate pretty clean but i have since really bumped it up. i just started on insulin and gained 18lbs in a month without changing anything i eat so i need to go extreme. just trying to take off the extra plus a little more. I love this sight because i can really get into what i am eating and taking charge by just know. I also like when people chime in and give advise to me because sometimes the obvious eludes me! lol