rizorw Member


  • WOW, That is quite an accomplishment! Keep up the good work! You have so much to be proud of! Brag on!!!
  • My friend is getting married in September. All of us co-workers are talking about getting together and doing a dance at her wedding. Just to be funny. I think we can do this one!
  • I had the one for tomatoes. It worked great for cherry tomatoes. It was so much easier than trying to steak them up when they are all bushy like that. It worked well, the only thing is you have to water it a lot. I would put them full sun next to a water source. Not sure about the strawberry ones.
  • You are so right! i don't do mine quite that far ahead of time, but I try to log them before I eat them. This has saved me so many times! It also helps me to keep portions under controll. If I see that I can save _calories by eating half of what ever or making a different choice, I am more likely to stay on track. I log my…
  • Thanks for posting this topic. Depression is something so many people don't talk about. You are possibly helping more people than you know. Thanks for eveyone who replied. Since dieting I have been feeling depressed also. I have been moody, tired irratible, ect, and when i exercise, it gets worse. I thought it was just me,…
  • I don't know how many people are still reading this but it is great...... My confession is that while I was reading this a friend asked if she could come over. I said yes and kept reading then was surprised when she showed up. lol Also Ricky Martin and I will still hook up, I have decided to be O.K. with the idea of us…
  • I am not there yet, But I think you can change your goal settings to Maintain. You may just have to watch your body carefully and see how it reacts to your change. If I were you I would start very slowly, as your body adjusts to the new calorie intake. I have worried about his too, but look forward to the day I say I am…
  • I just did the same thing! great Minds think alike. So happy you shared this.
  • I love this. I hope you don't mind if I send this to a few of my friends in a weight-loss group. I think they will like it too.
  • A good way to find friends is to look at other posts and blogs, find someone in common with you and send a friend request. That is how I have found some really great poeple on here. Good Luck.
  • Sounds so good! Thanks for sharing.
  • I struggle with this to. I have forund that if I drink from a bigger bottle it helps. I will get a 1 Liter bottle (4 Cups) to drink. I also drink at least 1 cup before I leave for work in the morning. This way at least I have drank 5 cups in a day. I try to go for more, I always have a second bottle ready, but it is hard.…
  • Michelle- I agree, sex is better without the extra weight. But also playing with my kids. I noticed I have more fun with them at the park because I am willing to get off my butt and play. And my old clothes are starting to fit again. It is like having new clothes that I liked before, I still like them and I fell good about…
  • It happens to all of us. we have a bad night, day, weekend, week ect, but the trick is to stop it as soon as you can and get back on track. Someone on here once said, don't let a bad meal turn into a bad day, or a bad day turn into a bad week, or week turn into... you get the idea. This little motto helps me when i seem to…
  • amazing change. Good for you!!
  • This is funny. I actually had to renew mine in December and started my diet in Jan. I said I want to be the weight that my license says. I was 181, and it said 140. I am now 155, so I am getting closer. :smile:
  • I have noticed a support group on here for Binge eating. You may want to look around for it. They all had great advice and supported each other in their efforts. I think if you found others out ther like you it may help. I have found myself bingeing from time to tiome and i know it is not a good feeling. Log everything you…
  • I am waiting to hear what you chose to do and how well it worked. And if you won?
  • liquid diet, but make sure you stop early enough to get it all out.remember water does weigh a lot, so make sure you pee right before your weigh-in. Lasix if you have any can help for a short term weight loss it will help you get rid of the extra water in your body. Same with making sure you have a good bowel movement…
  • Good for you for the commitment. to your marriage. Thus sounds earilly familiar and my husband has been very slow to think about joining me in my weight loss. I needed it to feel and look better, he truly needs it for health reasons. I have gotten phone calls while at work from one of my kids wanting me to come home, and…
  • Bump...... Love spagetti squash
  • Apples, celery, banannas, crackers or anything else you can think of that goes with with Peanut butter. For the little ones I put a little PB in a sandwich bag and close it up. I then cut a little hole in the corner and let her squeeze it out onto her food. Kids love it and it keeps the mess down. You could also do this…
  • This reminds me of my workout videos. At first I think they are great, but if Jillian tells me one more time she wants me to feel the burn, I think I might break that DVD. LOL Not really, but I do tell her to sut-up and just count down so I can be done.
  • I have had similar issues. The healthier I eat the worse it seem to get. I take laxatives about once or twice a week and I don't like it either. I am waiting to hear if anyone has good advice that could maybe help me as well. Thanks for posting this "not so fun" topic.
  • I found Jillian's 30 day shread level 1 on there under cardio. I love it. It is a great chance to make sure I will stick with it before I buy the set. I also love the Yoga choices on there. It is nice to streach and try some new moves on days that I am sore or don't want to do too much. It is also helpful to do if I only…
  • Yes, you only have untill March 31st to turn in the codes for the bags. You can enter up to 10 codes per day.
  • I am so glad I found this thread. Thank you for being a positive thinker and posting everyday. You are truly inspiring.
  • My list is...... Oscar De La Hoya (the boxer) I have been in love with him since High school. and Ricky Martin, I say who cares if he is gay.... I guess we will both have a pool boy on the side! lol
  • If this is your first month trying to loose weight, it may come off pretty easily. The first 10 (or so) pounds is water weight and you will start to feel better. I have a personal goal of 10lbs per month and it becomes more challenging as each month goes by. Good Luck!
  • I am having the same problem. I am giving up my evening snacking. My pastor has asked us to give up one meal per day as our fasting, but I am already limiting my calories so 1 meal would be too much for my body. So evening snacking will help me in my weightloss and honor my commitment to the Lord. Stay strong and God Bless!