Confessions of a binge eater

purplehaze12 Posts: 44
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So I figured if I'm really going to try to lose weight, I need to admit to what I've been doing. And yes, that is binge eating. I'm studying abroad in Europe right now, and after already being overweight and having gained some weight, I have started to binge eat from stress. I've studied abroad before and not had a problem, but for some reason, this time I have started buying food left and right and eating it in secret. Loads of chocolate, chips, whatever. It's like an addiction...I feel guilty walking through the grocery store but I feel unable to stop myself. I don't even enjoy the's almost like a punishment. Anyway, I know there is something psychologically wrong with that, but I want to try to right it. I think if I embrace a healthy lifestyle it will bring my stress down, and in turn I won't have the urge to binge eat anymore. I just wanted to join a place like this to keep myself accountable. It's always embarrassing to tell friends about my plans to diet and then I feel like more of a failure when it doesn't work out. I don't have the money for a gym membership but will be exercising in my room and I do a lot of walking anyway. I'm feeling pretty depressed about my actions and attitude towards's gone from an object of pleasure to an addiction, and I need to change that drastically.

Otherwise, I'm 21, female, and actually pretty pleasant despite the desperation in this post :P


  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi you are not alone. Sometimes I force myself to drink cold water to supress that binge.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Realizing you have a problem and working to fix it is a BIG step.Little steps and changes will get you to eating healthier.Try to focus on having healthier foods available for you.Like might be a place to start.Try drinking more water.
    Being honest about what you eat,log everything.You can do it.! day at a time.Find friends for support,so you don`t feel alone.i know I wan tot eat when I`m stressed,it has helped to reach out for support during those times.
    Good luck!!
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I think you've made an excellent first step by finding this site and asking for help. Use the tools provided and start logging in everything you eat. You'll be amazed some of the food's high caloric count and may find yourself just turning away from the junk food. I've been there and done exactly what you describe. Spend some time searching this site and find what helps you. All the best.
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    Honey food is an addiction! There are days I have to totaly leave and take a book to the park to get away from it. I'm not hungry just loooove to eat and cook. I'm my own worst enemy. Good luck. If you need a friend feel free to add me:flowerforyou:
  • I'm also a binge eater when I get stressed. I've found that going to the grocery store after I've just eaten is helpful- and then I force myself to stay the perimeter (produce, canned goods, frozens) as to not be tempted to pick up some treats. Once I'm in the routine of eating well and taking care of myself, it gets much, much easier.

    Good luck. It's tough, but you can do it.
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    Binge eating is a tough thing to break free from. I've come a long way, and binge eating is something I still struggle with all the time. But acknowledging it is an important step. Try above all else to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself. I've found that being hard on myself for my binge eating only pushes me into it more. Congratulations on moving toward a healthier life! :flowerforyou:
  • sheetsofheaven
    sheetsofheaven Posts: 57 Member
    it must have been really hard for you to confess, so Im going to step up and join you! I also binge eat! my situation is different and maybe the extent of it as well, but binging is binging. I do great all day long, I work out a ton but then in the evenings i cant seem to help myself and just devour as much junk as possible until i feel sick. Ice creame, cookies, anything sweet i can get my hands on. I dont do it every night but often enough that it keeps me from getting to my goal weight. My problem is my boyfriend lives half way across the country and the evenings are really hard for me. I wish i had something helpful to say but all i can say is i know how you feel and it is so hard to controll! I wish you the best of luck and if you find something that works keep me posted. Until then just do everything else you possibly can to get healthy!
  • Mahlissa
    Mahlissa Posts: 128
    MFP is a great place to make yourself accountable for and get support. I know a lot of my binge eating is stress triggered.

    I agree, recognizing you have a problem is a HUGE step. I too was a big time binge eater in my 20's and I still tend to have binge sesssions. But i pull myself thru and look at each day as a new beginning and a healthier way to live.

    Good luck and you can overcome this!!:flowerforyou:
  • I feel better reading your 'confession'. I do the same, its a lonely place to be. You are spot on when you say stress is triggering the binges. Its all about emotions. Staying calm and rational helps me. I tell myself to put as much effort into planning my food and sharing my thoughts on this site as i do into worrying and beating myself up.:smile:
  • dalzinho
    dalzinho Posts: 52
    May I ask where in Europe you're studying? Because if you're doing it properly, you should be too drunk to eat most of the time :)
  • rizorw
    rizorw Posts: 67 Member
    I have noticed a support group on here for Binge eating. You may want to look around for it. They all had great advice and supported each other in their efforts. I think if you found others out ther like you it may help.

    I have found myself bingeing from time to tiome and i know it is not a good feeling. Log everything you eat and that may help you to see how quickly things add up.
    Good luck!
  • kladams1
    kladams1 Posts: 12
    Things will get better. I am really bad when I get stressed, right now I am studying for nursing boards. Every time I think about binge eating I try to grab somewhat healthy stuff. It was hard at first, and it is still hard. My problem is cake batter. ANY time I get stressed that is what I make, and then eat on the cake all week, but I love this website and once you start seeing the weight come off or how your clothes fit it will be easier to control. Best of luck.
  • saralou74
    saralou74 Posts: 5 Member
    Having been anorexic and bulimic and now 3 stone over weight, I feel your pain. Its an old saying but you wont go forward untill you love your self and pin point what triggers you to " eat your emotions". Maybe your putting your self under a lot of stress which if remover would be better for your emotional wellbeing. Love yourself honey and believe me the rest will follow. xxxxx
  • Bsloop45
    Bsloop45 Posts: 28 Member
    I know how you feel, though I am not study abroad, I am in college and sometimes struggle with binge eating. This site has made it better! I have only been a member for like 17 days or something, but it has seemed to help a lot.
    I am 21 as well, and am really looking forward to feeling confident in my on body again soon.
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Food has become less of a very good friend and more of an addiction for me as well. Admitting is the first step. I am proud of you. I have changed my habits after logging my foods on here. This is a great place to start. It has been a journey for me but I am very very proud to say that I have lost 31lbs and have changed my relationship with food. I still have bad days...everybody does. And to think that I won't or you won't is unrealistic. Yesterday I binged on movie theater popcorn then added ice cream and 2 chips ahoy cookies. But the great thing is...TODAY IS A NEW DAY!!! :wink:

    So find a few friends on here that you can talk to if you are feeling the urge. Go here first and if that doesn't work get away from the food. Like another poster said go the park, go work out, go for a walk...just go. You can do this and you have made a huge step towards your success. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will do all I can to help you on your journey!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I just did a little binge eating myself last night! And that's exactly what I did - I logged everything the next morning and it was annoying to have to look up each thing I ate so I think next time it will put me off from eating so much. Binge eating is also my problem - I find I especially like to eat when I'm watching movies or any kind of TV. Therefore I try to watch as little TV as possible. It also helps me to make sure I get enough food during the day and then I'm not as hungry at night. I also allow myself to have one small sweet thing such as a pudding or Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich because then I am less likely to consume so much food late at night.
  • Wow I am amazed!! I didn't expect to get this many replies in a week, let alone an hour :) It's really great to not feel alone...sometimes when I binge I feel almost insane for my lack of self-control. I lost weight in high school (around 50 lbs and I'm pretty much at my starting weight now) by hardly eating at all...and I kept to a very strict diet until around a year ago so the weight has come back on quickly. It's hard for me to just take a small piece of chocolate and save the rest for another day. Either I don't have any or I eat the whole bar. So now my goal is moderation. Anyway, I feel much better now, and anyone feel free to message me that wants to talk!!

    Oh and as for the alcohol question...yes, I have to admit I can't attribute all my gain to bingeing, I have a tendency to enjoy the beer here a bit too much one or two nights a week :P
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    I am such a binge eater, and yesterday was the FIRST TIME in 26 years that I had a "cheat meal" instead of a "cheat day", and believe me it was a STRUGGLE not to eat more once I already surpassed my daily caloric intake!! MFP has helped me become more aware of the things I'm eating (you have to track your food, it's a real eye opener!) and aware of the choices I'm making.

    THe smartphone apps really really help. If you'd like to add me as a friend, I'd love to support you!
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