

  • I run by myself. It would be cool to run with a group of people, but my schedule is so hectic already!! I do have a lot of friends that run and we are all very supportive of each other.
  • I went from a size 16 to a size 6, but I really want pants that fit!!! My waist would rather be in a 7 or 8 and my butt wants to be in a size 5. So...baggy butt pants for me!!
  • Feel free to add me!! I have been working on the last 6 - 8 for several months.
  • Ha Ha, I have been at a plateua for 6 MONTHS! It's silly, because I have this number in my head of how much I want to weigh and I still have 6 pounds to go. But, like someone said, take measurements. You may be building muscle. The number on the scale isn't everything!!!
    in PLATEAU Comment by LyneaS August 2011
  • I am training for a 15K in November and I have done 3 5Ks and have another coming up in September. I have also been stuck at the same weight since March. Running makes me hungry!!!
  • It sounds like you need to eat more!!!!
  • I have been doing some 5Ks with a goal to work up to a 10K on Thanksgiving. Well, now I'm doing a 15K on November 4th. I use Hal Higdon's training schedules and the 10K for beginners doesn't look too bad since I was doing the 5K intermediate one before. 70 + minutes seems like a realistic goal and would be something I…
  • LOL I was putting on make-up before a 5K that I did and my husband asked me why, because I was just going to sweat it off. I told him I wanted to look good for when he took pictures!! In general, I don't wear make-up when I work out, but I do wear sunscreen if I'm running outside.
    in makeup? Comment by LyneaS August 2011
  • I have been doing Hal Higdon's Intermediate 5K training. It has tempo runs, long runs, etc.
  • I love this post! About 6 years ago I lost weight and was 148 pounds and a size 12. (Gained it all back.) This time, I've exercised and built muscle and I weight 147 and I'm a size 6.
  • I just wanted to add that I use 5 pound weights instead of resistance bands. I am on the Wii and sometimes it makes your hold the Wii remote and the weights at the same time. Very difficult. Love the step aerobics too!
  • I completed the 9 week challenge on Intermediate a couple of weeks ago. It gets intense! I hate the mountain climbers too but I found I got a lot better at them as the weeks went. I had a few times where it wouldn't register my movements too. I really, really hate the running ones where you have to race people.…
  • First of all, you are doing great so far!!! 42 minutes is very respectable! Try Hal Higdon's Novice 5K running plan. Good luck to you!!
  • Start slow!!! Alternate running and walking and add more running as you get more comforable. I agree that shoes are important. I have Asics that I love for running, but they give me blisters if I use them for walking. I know from experience that it does get easier! A lot of it for me was mental. I thought I had to stop to…
  • I did South Beach about 6 years ago. I lost about 50 pounds over about 9 or 10 months. Then I gained all the weight back!!! It was too difficult to cook meals for myself and separate meals for my family. Now I just count my calories and I use some of the South Beach ideas like only eating whole grains and limiting my…
  • #1 It burns a lot of calories. #2 It gives me alone time to listen to music and think about stuff without interruptions. #3 It is really addictive once you get more experienced. I signed up for a 5K months in advance so that I would have to keep myself on track. It really kept me motivated. I also started out by walking…
  • I am a runner too. I started with walking last year and did 3 5K walks. I even came in 1st in my age group in one! This March I started running. I have done 2 5Ks so far and now my goal is to do one in 30 minutes or less! Next year I have a goal to do a 10K. I also chew gum and carry water. I have a water bottle that also…
  • Well, so far this week I've been trying Zumba inside my air-conditioned house! No running or walking. We are under a heat advisory until Friday night and today and tomorrow are ozone action days. Very humid here and I have trouble even breathing when I go outside. I am hoping to put in a good long run on Saturday morning…
  • Thanks for all the tips! I wake up at 4:30 every day to get a workout in. I have been thinking about switching to running in the mornings but it's still dark out by the time I need to start getting ready for work. I do live in a fairly safe area though, so we'll see!! :)
  • I get up at 4:30 am to work out. I started out with Wii Fit and then EA Sports Active. Now I am doing EA Sports Active 2 and it really gets me sweating. Good Luck!!