AbbeyDove Member


  • This is just a small suggestion, not a big one, but dry roasted edamame have been helpful for me. I don't know if this brand is available near you, but Eden Foods makes this. It's around 20 grams of protein for 1/3 cup.
  • Same question! Kind of aggravating that this is challenging!
  • I would love to hear an answer to this, since mine only synchs if I disconnect and then reconnect the apps.
  • I know this is an old question, but I'm posting for anyone who is looking for info, since I've worked through a few services so far. I loved Les Mills on demand, but it didn't work for my knee and hip issues. They're not serious about showing a modifier for their main fitness programs. When there is one you can barely see…
  • Whoops! I see now that the initial thread is from 2012. Not sure if this is still active +
  • Hi all, I'm in! I'm 49, and my goal is to be more fit and at a non-overweight bmi by 50. I'm a high school social studies teacher with a kid and husband for whom I'd like to stick around, y'know? I come from short lived people. I like WERQ and Zumba for exercise, and I'm pondering the rowing machine.
  • I thought I'd post this link to the Consumer Reports article about heavy metal contamination in some protein powders. It might be something to consider in the search for a great protein powder.
  • Hi everybody, Thanks for the suggestions! I generally eat dinner with my kid around 6. I can try pushing it a little later, but probably not much more than a half hour. I'll try the cottage cheese, string cheese & lunchmeat approach. I might give the oatmeal a shot too-- it looks like it's around 150 calories for a serving!
  • It means that the diet doesn't require a low carb approach or a low fat approach, just whatever works for the person!
  • Hi there, I'm with DawnEmbers on the extra day to rest. High intensity sprinting is, well, intense, and likely requires more recovery than you appear to be getting. Maybe try some lower-intensity days, and an extra rest day. How's your sleep?
  • Great job! You've lost years off your face!
  • Good for you! :)
  • Wow! That is just remarkable! Congratulations to you!!
  • Mine seem to turn out either too crunchy (if I don't cook them and only mix them with sauce), or too soggy if I microwave them. Has anyone discovered a perfect cooking time? I love the idea of putting a "laughing cow" sauce over them--I never thought of that! We don't eat a lot of dairy, but that might be worth it!
  • I have to say that I feel *less* anxious or guilty when I'm logging food than when I'm not, even if I'm not eating so beautifully. It takes the unknown element out, and I can just incorporate whatever it was into the general plan.
  • Thanks. I didn't know that, and had equated the two. Do you have any websites you'd suggest that people check out regarding this?
  • Take a look at either You Are Your Own Gym, or Body by You. You don't even need the dumbbells.
  • I was wondering-could you talk a little about how you did this? Did you have a calorie deficit or did you focus solely on building muscle? You had just such a remarkable transformation!
  • I asked the trainer who set up my program about this. The answer was complex, something about the ratio of the length of my thigh vs my calf (I've never really noticed this--I've tended to think of myself as proportionate!), and the point at which there is greatest downward pressure on my elbow. He assured me that machines…
  • That is hard. I suspect they may feel guilty and maybe a little envious of your determination, and therefore have this exaggerated kind of response when they're around you. That way instead of feeling embarrassed, they can feel "naughty," which is less uncomfortable. You could test this out by just smiling, shrugging, and…
    in Hard. Comment by AbbeyDove June 2015
  • I'm with the Firefly peeps.
  • Actually, a lot of folks who are doing the autoimmune protocol give up eggs temporarily. It definitely would be a drag to have to give them up permanently. Is it possible that you're eating your eggs with something else that may be upsetting your stomach, like coffee? By the way, there are lots of good paleo egg-free…
  • Hi knitapeace, Once you can complete the reps with good form, you should move on to the next exercise in the series. Did you do the test run that he recommends to determine where you should start? For example, I started with very little upper body strength, but lots of leg strength (I think that pattern is common for…
  • Iodine is often added to table salt, in the same way that vitamins are added to/sprayed on breakfast cereals. Iodine is a mineral that that body needs to make thyroid hormone. If you have Hashimoto's disease (where the thyroid is sometimes overactive and sometimes underactive) you want to be mindful of not getting too much…
  • Hi DragonWolf, The resource that I'm using is "The Paleo Approach," by Sarah Ballantyne (a medical biophysicist). If I understand her correctly, she says that for people who are hypothyroid, very low carbohydrate diets may tend to keep insulin levels too low, which is an issue because insulin "supports the conversion of T4…
  • I was able to find this--it's Myalgic Encephalopathy, sometimes also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I have issues with my thyroid, and while they're certainly not as severe, it does get depressing not having much energy when my numbers are really low. If I'm really…
  • Check out the book "Body By You" by Mark Lauren. It has all kinds of exercises at many, many different levels, all body weight and with very little equipment required. (and you'd be amazed at how strong metal door hinges are. I was!)
  • Hi there, Some folks find that they're eating foods like nuts and cheese (if you're primal) a little too much. Because they can have hormonal effects, those can stall weight loss. I took a look at your diary--that might be something to consider. But if you feel strong, healthy and able to exercise, that's the most…