struggling due to M.E

I started on here at the end of October last yr and at first things were going great but over the last few months my M.E has got quite bad and I am housebound most of the time and unable to do more than a few bits of housework a day. my weight loss has slowed down so much to the point i'm only losing about half a pound a week, if that. it's so frustrating. I also suffer from mental illnesses and being so ill with M.E is really starting to affect my mental health and I am increasingly very depressed and feeling disheartened by the whole thing. I am not giving up, I have lost just over 64lbs in total (53lbs since starting on here) and have just under 18lbs to go. I will get back to my target weight but it is taking so long to get there. I am usually an active person and hate not being able to do things. I just feel so down and useless. I hate being like this and feel very alone.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    What is ME?
  • meganeileenmc
    meganeileenmc Posts: 37 Member
    Could you tell me what ME is? I am a nurse but I can't quite put together what that is. I have several family member struggling with depression themselves and I see how difficult it can be. You are in a wonderful place with your large 50+ plus weight loss. Continuing on this track should help with you MH issues as I am sure you have been told. I have gotten to points as well where I am losing .5LBs a week and it is frustrating, but a friend reminded me that a half a lb loss is better than no lb loss. DO not get down on yourself you are almost at your target weight and you will be THRILLED when you get there. You are definitely in the right place for motivation!
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    it's chronic fatigue syndrome, I cant spell the official term for it. I get extreme tiredness, headaches, migraines, tinnitus, aches, pains, sore throat, severe lack of energy, fainting, dizziness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, my lymph nodes and muscles ache, to name a few symptoms.
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    Could you tell me what ME is? I am a nurse but I can't quite put together what that is. I have several family member struggling with depression themselves and I see how difficult it can be. You are in a wonderful place with your large 50+ plus weight loss. Continuing on this track should help with you MH issues as I am sure you have been told. I have gotten to points as well where I am losing .5LBs a week and it is frustrating, but a friend reminded me that a half a lb loss is better than no lb loss. DO not get down on yourself you are almost at your target weight and you will be THRILLED when you get there. You are definitely in the right place for motivation!

    thank you
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I'm sorry you're suffering through all that. :(

    Congrats on your weight loss. Hang in there.

  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm sorry you're suffering through all that. :(

    Congrats on your weight loss. Hang in there.


    thank you
  • AbbeyDove
    AbbeyDove Posts: 317 Member
    I was able to find this--it's Myalgic Encephalopathy, sometimes also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

    I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with this. I have issues with my thyroid, and while they're certainly not as severe, it does get depressing not having much energy when my numbers are really low.

    If I'm really having a bad time I tend to distract myself for a little relief (hello tv) or sit outside in the sunshine with a book, or make a plan to have coffee with friends. A lot of what shapes our experience is what goes on in our heads, so I try to get myself 'out of my head' if that makes sense. I also try to be a little skeptical of the negative thinking in my head. Sometimes when I don't feel well I think life will always be the way it is right then, but that's never really the case because things always change, and often even for the better. It sounds like ME tends to fluctuate, so maybe keeping in mind that it won't always be as bad as it is now might be helpful.

    I hope you feel better soon.
  • t_suski
    t_suski Posts: 5 Member
    I would LOVE to be losing a half-pound a week! At my best I was usually averaging .25 pounds/week. Try to keep your chin up, and remember that you'll still be down to your target weight within a year at that rate!
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    thank you. I have to keep in my head that it the attacks will get better for a few days. that's all I ever have when they go then they come back worse and it takes me longer to recover. I miss how active I used to be, I miss riding. I cant go that often now. I miss just being able to go out and walk the dog and meet my son halfway home from school. my home is my prison 90% of the time
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    I would LOVE to be losing a half-pound a week! At my best I was usually averaging .25 pounds/week. Try to keep your chin up, and remember that you'll still be down to your target weight within a year at that rate!

    I hope I will get to my target weight!!! seems like a long way away
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    thank you. I have to keep in my head that it the attacks will get better for a few days. that's all I ever have when they go then they come back worse and it takes me longer to recover. I miss how active I used to be, I miss riding. I cant go that often now. I miss just being able to go out and walk the dog and meet my son halfway home from school. my home is my prison 90% of the time

    I was diagnosed with MS in 2011. I took a really hard hit to my ego when I had to modify my activity. It's easy to get discouraged when the thing that keeps your from being active isn't a lack of motivation, you just physically can't move as much as you want to. Progress is progress. You are still losing, you are still trying, and you haven't given up. Sometimes getting out of bed is a challenge worth being proud of. Any motion you are capable of is better than no motion at all. When my fatigue is at it's worst I'm damn proud if I find the energy to stretch for 5 minutes.
    If I'm really having a bad time I tend to distract myself for a little relief (hello tv) or sit outside in the sunshine with a book, or make a plan to have coffee with friends. A lot of what shapes our experience is what goes on in our heads, so I try to get myself 'out of my head' if that makes sense. I also try to be a little skeptical of the negative thinking in my head. Sometimes when I don't feel well I think life will always be the way it is right then, but that's never really the case because things always change, and often even for the better. It sounds like ME tends to fluctuate, so maybe keeping in mind that it won't always be as bad as it is now might be helpful.

    ^ this is the best advice you will get in your entire life.
  • DeeGreen1978
    DeeGreen1978 Posts: 57 Member
    thank you. ive just managed to pick the hens coops and runs for the first time in about a week. my husband and son have had to do it. my husband has to get the girls up every morning as I just cannot get up that early to do it. I feel happy ive been able to do that
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    thank you. ive just managed to pick the hens coops and runs for the first time in about a week. my husband and son have had to do it. my husband has to get the girls up every morning as I just cannot get up that early to do it. I feel happy ive been able to do that

    :happy: Be proud of that.