

  • Thanks, that all sounds very sensible. :) I love the total body exercises. My relatives are over this weekend, but I'm about to go to the park and I'm going to mess around on the monkey bars. :)
  • It's really rude to make comments about other people's weight and appearance. Perhaps you could try calling them out on it? Maybe they don't realise they are being rude and need you to point it out to them. ;-)
  • Does anyone else find that friends and family almost seem to get offended when you don't want to eat the same unhealthy food as them? Also, people always seem to want to force food on people who are on diets, but then when you have that one bit of cake you also get remarks. People are funny.
  • We'll support you. :) Just have a vent if things are getting to you. Stay strong.
  • Another person here who is built the same way. I can get super skinny and still have no waist. :( I'd love to have a shapely figure. I'm losing weight at the moment and I have a belly and love handles at the moment, but my legs are looking good. I feel like an egg on stilts. :( Got a good bust though!
  • Just don't tell them you're dieting and just carry on. If they are being unsupportive, you just need to be single minded and focus on your goal. Don't discuss it with them, just be firm, but not rude. You need to be stubborn and if they don't like it, they can jog on. This is what I'm doing btw. Them "Have a slice of…
  • Well, you're certainly looking good on it waldo. I'm also going for that kind of look, but a woman's version. People say that women can't get bulky lifting heavy weights, but I can and have done in the past and the female bodybuilder/fitness model just isn't a look I aspire too, although it is pretty impressive. Even the…
  • It must be lonely being a set of scales and have everyone hating you. No sympathy from me however! Weight loss isn't always linear. Some people drop a pound or two a week, whilst others will stall and then lose 5 pounds over the course of a week. I'm no expert, but it seems like people respond diffrently to losing weigh…
  • I did Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No more Trouble Zones (each are 55 minutes) by Jillian Michaels yesterday, plus random bursts of burpees throughout the day. I cut out the warm up and cool down times and it calculated a burn of over 700 cals. They are pretty intense and one has a lot of plyo moves. Still, 700 cals…
  • That's a great idea. I'm going to check out my local health food store this morning as they sell those kinds of products. Yup, my hungry time of the month is in full swing. I usually watch carbs, but I've just discovered fresh pasta made with chickpea flour. It's proper tasty and at least it's nourishing and it's low GI.…
  • Yes, don't worry about the water retention. I just stepped up the amount I'm doing and added new stuff. It's bloated me out and I weigh a couple of pounds heavier. It should settle down in a couple of weeks. It can be a bit of a freak out, especially when you have weight loss as a goal, but it's a great thing in the long…
  • Thanks to the people who've recommended books such as Convict Conditioning. I shall check those out. Even though I'm a woman, I find that I do pack on muscle fairly easily, even with bodyweight exercises, but I'm considering joining the loca; fitness centre - even though you have to go though a ridiculously long induction…
  • I'm glad other people do this too.
  • Definitely agree about the water retention, but then it can literally vanish overnight and you realise you have lost serious poundage. It will happen again if/when you increase the intensity. I find that adding intense cardio intervals seems to blunt my appetite. I wouldn't call it HIIT though. I've been doing some Jillian…
  • Maybe count both? I gained weight on a low carb diet, foolishly thinking it was OK to be a greedy little scoffer. You can still gain weight eating low carb if you consume too many cals. Butter & coconut oil in my coffee wasn't a good plan. I don't get on with high carb diets. Wheat especially makes me feel crappy. Low GI…
  • Wellbutrin is the only one I've heard of that doesn't cause weight gain and it's meant to blunt appetite. It's not generally available as an antidepressant in the UK. I was given a course of it to stop smoking. I've taken a few of them over the years and each one has made me gain weight. Lots of medication does. You just…
  • I have heard lots of good things about insanity and I enjoy circuit training. I might also give that a go.
  • Thanks to everyone who has answered. :) I've always been into martial arts and gymnastics when I was younger and think bodyweight training is ultimately functional and it seems to recruit all of your muscles. I'm not really looking to work on developing my biceps etc, but do want to be fit, strong and have good mobility.…
  • I forgot about peanut butter. :) I'm doing some extra exercise today and plan to drink more water. The hot feet thing is so annoying.
  • Sorry I can't help you out there, but I wish I had taken a before picture. I don't think I'll ever have my perky bum back, but it's so much better. My thighs are pretty solid now. I think I could crack walnuts between them. :D In fact, I think I'll do a lunch time Killer Buns session shortly!
  • I'm personally a bit dubious about all these fat burner supplements. It's probably better to stay away from them.
  • It's not as though you are taking anything dodgy. I can't see how that is like taking speed. I have to have 2 strong cups of filter coffee in the morning.
  • Sorry, managed to double post.
  • I used to suffer terribly from kidney stones. At one point the urologist told me to drink 4 litres of water day day. The habit of drinking loads of water has stuck and I'll drink about 6 pints a day, which I just found out is nearly 3,5 litres.
  • I just did some googling and think I've found out why I can't tolerate it. Apparently it doesn't mix well with caffeine. Do you drink coffee on it? Seriously, I tried Rhodiola after hearing so many things about it, but was so on edge and couldn't sit still for more than five mins.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. :) I am in the countryside, so it's a real faff to get to a decent gym. By the time you get there, you have wasted 40 mins. So, you get the picture. There is a council run fitness centre, so I may sign up with that to use the weights, but you have to do a lengthy induction. They have some very…
  • He said it has made so much difference to his quality of life.
  • My dad just got a CPAP. He feels like a new man. Hope you get it!
  • Have you been spying on me? :D