Antidepressants & weight gain?

Hi all,

Currently I have reactive anxiety & depression and recently I have been put on an antidepressant to help balance everything out. Not that the reasons behind this matter, but just for some insight, in January I split up with my ex boyfriend of 9 years and all my plans and life have been thrown up into the air and I have been feeling very lost.

Since antidepressants are widely used as many experience/go through anxiety and depression, I was wondering if the medication has impacted on anyone's weightless journey. Over the past 5 months I may have put on approx 4-5kg (I have always continued exercising - maybe not as intensely) but have unfortunately enjoyed some emotional eating here and there (damn you Nutella!!!!). I have been on this medication now for approx 5 weeks and just had it adjusted and a side effect has weight gain on the paperwork! AHH!

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance x


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...I have heard nothing positive about antidepressants and weight. There seems to be a strong correlation between significant weight gain and anti-depressants, which would make me even more depressed.

    I hope you are planning to take the medications temporarily, and do not suddenly stop the meds, but perhaps you can read up more self-help books on anxiety/depression and/or see a counsellor to help. I personally find medications just cover up the true issues which could cause someone to depend on them. (IMO)
  • SleepKoala
    SleepKoala Posts: 26
    Hi ya.. I been put on anti depressants and there are some that do make you feel a bit hungrier. I can tell you from experience there was some gain. Other times (ive tried more then just 1 med) other times the side effect says weight gain and instead I lose. It really depends on you.. your personality and body.

    I tend to think black and white. All or nothing. So if I mess up with say.. a piece of cake.. then I say Forget it im terrible ill just have more now! So.. weight gain. Ya get me?

    Other people gain because the medicine is actually helping. They have a feel good mood so they are comfortable with having an extra plate or slice or treating themselves etc.. since depression for some gives them a "not hungry" attitude.

    Hope this kinda helps.. are you feeling better? And sry ab the heartache I know what that's like.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Some antidepressants increase your appetite some decrease it. Ask your doctor about your specific medicine, especially if you think you are experiencing side effects.
  • I don't know what you are taking, but yes, some are known to have that affect for some people. I have been taking Effexor, which I LOVE. It not only increases seratonin but also nuereperine (don't know how to spell it), which increases your drive and motivation. It's like having a cup of coffee--being more alert, focused, energized. Some say they gain weight on it. I have been energized by it to get off my butt, workout and lose weight successfully. My daughter suffers from the same condition as I, and was just prescribed Effexor too last Friday, because it has worked so well for me. I am anxious to see how she does. Anytime you read reviews on these meds, they're usually by the people who were unhappy with them. Everyone reacts uniquely to their med. Also, you can ask your doctor if weight gain is commonly associated with your med.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    It's so nice knowing there are people out there listening in and helping me! So thank you to everyone who has responded to me. So it appears that it could go either way, depending on my body. I am taking Lexapro and recently got the dosage put up as it didn't seem to be helping, so still finding a balance. I definitely do not want to gain any weight from the medication as I am currently battling with self worth issues as well. I am seeing my GP regularly and speaking with a psychologist also.

    I'll get there. I am lucky to have really supportive family and friends. :smile:
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    The side effect of some antidepressants can be weight gain. I take Zoloft and havn't gained but did gain on Celexa and Abilify. Talk it over with your Dr. Don't suddenly stop your medication b/c it can cause discontinuation syndrome and make you feel sick. (nausea, vomiting, and dizzines are some of the side effects of suddenly stopping antidepressants. It depends on the individual related to what antidepressant is right for you. Hope this helps!!!
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I've been taking different antidepressants for years. Two that I took had me feel hungry, two had the opposite effect. Honestly though, I don't know where I'd be without them. My weight gain has had more to do with stress and injury than the antidepressants. Had they not been there to add a little assistance when necessary, the road would have been just that much harder. And you can adjust your dosage when you are feeling stronger, with your doctor's guidance. If you do find that the one you are taking has a side effect you dislike, do some research and ask your doctor about switching to one that may work better with your body. If you are feeling fine, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • TLContheGulfCoast
    TLContheGulfCoast Posts: 36 Member
    I wish the best for you. I have had my own struggles too and am currently on wellbutrin, which has worked very well for me in the past. It is known to have the positive of effect of losing weight - it balances the dopamine, it is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, different from most of the anti-depressants that are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs. Read about it, it is all fascinating, at least to me, lol! you may find WB helps you better. Don't be afraid to use the right medicine your brain needs - not all of our brains work the same, some of us are missing, or have a depletion of some neurotransmitters bc of things like stress or traumatic events. Don't let stigmas keep you from getting well and taking care of yourself. :-). It also helps me feel more motivated to exercise, and exercise, sunshine, adequate,quality sleep, and a good diet and stress relief (yoga/meditation) are some of the best antidepressants out there. But sometimes medicine is what it takes to get going. Don't short change yourself. :-)
    good luck and hugs.
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    "weight gain" actually means "appetite gain", it doesn't physically put weight on you. As long as you eat within your limits you won't gain weight.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    I take citalopram and it has not caused me to gain any weight at all, in fact it actually killls my appetite so I have to remind myself to eat!
  • JasonKnight85
    JasonKnight85 Posts: 67 Member
    I was put on a medication for other reasons (quit smoking and sleep), that was also commonly used as an anti-depressant, and didn't really change any eating habits I was aware of even though I must've, but boy did it seem to make me gain weight. In the end it didn't work for either reason it was prescribed for, and my doctor took me off it... the weight stayed though. Working on that last part. Down 46lbs, 71lbs to go. Oh and by using a 0 nicotine e-cig at first I was able to quit and haven't smoked in 112 days! Take that Wellbutrin.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Oh my goodness, I am overwhelmed with the amount of people who've reached out to me! Thank you all so much for contributing! I'm glad to know that there are many who've gone through a similar situation or at least ended up on similar medication as me and know a little bit of how I would be feeling - although I would never wish these on anybody. I will definitely not stop my medication. It seems to be okay in terms of side effects - I wish it was a lack of appetite though haha! But nevertheless I don't think the medication at this point is the reason I have gained these few extra pounds in terms of making me more hungry - more just eating comfort foods I think! I think I will definitely use MFP again in order to at least control/see my intake, so I don't go out of control or at least not go out of control quite so often! Food is not the answer as I just feel worse after sometimes!

    Thank you all again so much :smile:
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I've gained before from medicines. None of the prescribing doctors would admit that it was the medication, but as soon as they were out of my system, I would start dropping weight like crazy.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I've only taken Wellbutrin (which has both loss and gain as potential side effects, as well as a host of other non-weight-related possible side effects) and didn't have any weight-related issues. The key thing to remember is that only a small percentage of people experience any one potential side effect of any medication. It's more likely that you won't have any weight-related issues than that you will. In fact, if you can get the anxiety and depression under control, you may have an easier time losing the last few pounds. Good luck!
  • Briggs1516
    Briggs1516 Posts: 8 Member
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Wellbutrin is the only one I've heard of that doesn't cause weight gain and it's meant to blunt appetite. It's not generally available as an antidepressant in the UK. I was given a course of it to stop smoking.

    I've taken a few of them over the years and each one has made me gain weight. Lots of medication does. You just have to go low carb, eat less and exercise more.
  • AshwinA7
    AshwinA7 Posts: 102 Member
    Initially, when I had been on Paxil for only a couple months (years ago), I put on a solid 20 lbs. After that, I was under the assumption that ADs magically put on weight for people.

    After strictly counting calories while on an AD, I found that I did not put on weight and was able to lose normally. For most people, it seems to be the increase in appetite that increases the weight, some people gain inexorably and then lose when they come off the medication.

    Many people will swear that they changed absolutely nothing and then magically gained weight on ADs which I think is suspect because they didn't actually count their calories. I did that in the past.