mamahafner Member


  • Thank you everyone for all of the input. I appreciate it. ;)
    in P90X Comment by mamahafner January 2015
  • Well first I want to say great job!! You look amazing and I bet you feel even better! Second can you please explain the (9 stone) thing. I just don't understand it. LOL. Keep up the great work! You will get to the person you feel like you should be very soon.
  • Way to go!! Just cutting out the soda everyday you will lose a ton of weight. My husband and brother go on soda binges and they gain a ton of weight. Then when they stop they lose it all again. I love water myself. People think I am crazy but I am a water snob. LOL Enjoy. : D
  • I found this on line. It makes sense to me. Assuming you are in good health, shaking due to muscle exertion is called physiological tremor, and it is a normal phenomenon that occurs when muscles become fatigued or when limbs are used beyond their typical range of motion. The process is complex and not fully understood. Its…
    in Shaking? Comment by mamahafner June 2011
  • I am so ready for a good challenge!! I need to challenge to kick my but in gear. : D Thanks.
  • a massage therapist and a massage junkie don't ever feel like you can't enjoy a massage just because of how you look. You are there for healing not for the therapist to judge what you look like. And if you still feel like the person is there to judge you then you need a different therapist. Think of…
  • For me it is all about celebrating my goals just by patting myself on the back. Just being able to feel confident in myself is my reward. I set a goal every 2 weeks and if I reach that goal then I celebrate by feeling acomplished and like I have worked hard. I feel confident. The kicker is that I celebrate even if I didn't…
  • Sorry this is a long one. But when I was in school for Massage therapy I was told about the Aspartame that is in Diet soda and it isn't good for you. Here is a thing I found on it when I googled it. Good luck. Is Diet Coke bad for you? » Oct 26, 2002 - 14:08 UTC » Health and Medicine Gosuke sent me this interesting link.…
  • The 5k is my goal for next Sunday. I wanted to make sure I did 3 miles before the race so when I get tired durring the race I can't say that I can't do it because I already have. : ) I feel on top of the world. This is a huge step for me. I have never really believed in myself and now that I have accomplished the 3 miles I…
  • I was in your shoes about 3 weeks ago. When I first started this I lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks and then went back to my old habbits and then gained back the 2 pounds and then some. :explode: Then I realized that the only person that was getting in my way was myself. :blushing: So I started back up and gave myself a goal. My…
  • I use the wii for a scale. That is the one I have access to everyday so that is what I use. : )
  • I have really been working hard to watch what I eat and very dedicated to my running. Running burns so many calories and you burn fat everywhere. I was reading a magazine yesterday that running is one of the fastest ways to lose belly fat. Stay focused on what you want. I set a goal to lose 5 pounds in 2 weeks. So start…
  • First off congratulations on the new addition to your family! :happy: Second I know how you are feeling! :frown: First thing you need to do is to find someone you trust and know that they will be honest or just listen to you when you are needing a friend. That is key to getting through this. Now I don't know where you live…
  • Yes I am new to all of this. I am doing a 5K on April 3rd and then a half marathon on May 7th. The 5K isn't as scary for me but the half marathon is almost all hills! :grumble: So I am dreading it a bit. I want to at least finish it. Then when I finish it I can say well I finished it so why not run the next one. We will…
  • Making substitutes for the unhealthy foods we love is so hard! I commend you!! And finding the pants you got at Christmas not fitting you because you are too small!! AWESOME!!! Congratulations and keep up the good work! : )
  • And thank you all for the great comments! It is so nice to have all the support! : )
  • dancingnancies Congratulations to you on the 2 pounds lost! It is so rewarding! : ) Keep up the great work.
  • Wow Congratulations you look amazing. Keep up the great work!
  • Thank you all so much. I will make sure I eat at least 1200 calories each day. It is so great to have this community to help me thought my weight loss. :happy:
  • I don't know about the auditions either but I will say that I watch it all the time and I hope you get on! That show really changes lives! Good luck girl!
  • Thank you. The mid section is one of my targeted areas. This is a great routine and I think if I can do if everyday for a few weeks I can get into that bathing suit I want for the summe. : ) Good luck.