New mommy!

Hi everyone, I had a baby girl 3 months ago and absolutely hate the way I feel about myself. Are there another moms out there who can give me pointers on how to stay on track and continue to breast feed my little girl!


  • Blakemore1229
    my little one is now 10 months but i really didnt start dieting till she was 6 months and my milk was way better...there is a thing u can add to ur journal to give u breastfeeding calories just search for breastfeeding mom...or something along those lines. I am allowed an extra 300 calories and have not seen any change in my milk but she is a bit older and doesnt need as much...i think u need at least an extra 500 for her age...also if u workout eat ur calories back cause if u dont ur milk with become low...if u need any help just let me know...

  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    not a very new mummy here - my baby is two in couple of weeks but l wish l'd got onto losing weight earlier so good on you for doing something about the way you feel.

    2 months isn't long after having a bub and your body will still be adjusting to not being pregnant so l'd recomend talking to someone about setting up an eating and exercise plan and about setting realistic goals for you like a trainer?? Remember to drink heaps when breastfeeding and you do need to eat well.

    There will probably be someone on here that can advise you - good luck
  • jessicajoy87
    Start slow and schedule it. If you have to pump for the time to work out do it. Also try to plan your meals ahead of time. Being a new mommy is tough. Let me know if you need anything. Congratulations!
  • mamahafner
    mamahafner Posts: 38 Member
    First off congratulations on the new addition to your family! :happy: Second I know how you are feeling! :frown: First thing you need to do is to find someone you trust and know that they will be honest or just listen to you when you are needing a friend. That is key to getting through this. Now I don't know where you live but if you are anywhere where it is warm or there isn't any snow left on the ground take a look at your babys schedual and when she naps put her in her stroller and go for a walk. Make sure that you are eating plenty of healthy calories and just try to keep yourself moving. Some days that is harder then others I know but just try to keep moving. Good luck. And don't forget support is key! :happy:
  • butterflyinamber78
    butterflyinamber78 Posts: 49 Member
    Don't set a weight loss goal, set a matenece (bad spelling) goal. If you don't lose while your nursing, well, that happens. Its all about the nutrition of your milk for your baby. Change your eating habits, with your Dr. to something healthier, and make sure you have the quality and calories for her. Healthy habits will stick with you and help you take it off after, if it doesn't come off with the diet change. I gained while I nursed, but it came off when I quit real easy, so don't panic. and hugs tot he baby... I miss mine being that little. Nursing is like no other bond. My littlest is almost four, and she still occasionally sucks her thumb..With her little tounge sticking out in the nursing position. Absolutely melts me.
  • seearainbow
    seearainbow Posts: 57 Member

    First off, I cannot stress how important it is to listen to what Blakemore said! You HAVE to keep you calorie intake adequate, or your milk supply WILL drop and it will cause stress and will be bad for both you and your new baby! I tried to diet about the same time as you (my baby is 8 months old now), but wasn't eating enough calories, and my milk supply tanked. I quit watching my diet again until just recently. Also, keep in mind that your body needs three basic things to make milk: first--water! , second--protein, and third--fats. You need to really watch your protein and water intake, and can't completely cut out fats either. If your milk supply starts dropping, try adding more calories. You may have been underestimating your calorie needs or the site may underestimate. Either way, eat more and just realize you have to lose weight differently now that you are responsible for feeding your baby too.

    Good luck!!!