Fallin' off the wagon

So I'm embarassed to say this; but I've fallin' WAY off the wagon. So far that I'm not sure how to get back on =( . I was doing so well Jan., Feb. and then March hit and I'm off. I think I was frustrated because I noticed how fast everyone else was dropping - and here I was working out, eating right and wasn't losing a thing. Now more than ever I'm frustrated. I think I've eaten fast food every day for like 3 weeks. It's all bad. I havent even logged it in myfitnesspal because it's gross. In addition, I've just been really tired. I have minor medical issue that hopefully is being worked out with new medications. But still, really sleepy.

I just signed up for a Pole class as a workout - something fun! But I need help friends. How do I get back on track?! Where do I start?


  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    You've already started by admitting that you need to get back on and signing up for a class!! :) I take it one meal at a time..I always have the power to make better choices at each meal! You already know what to do and you will get back there. I have been on this journey for awhile having lost 80 lbs and I still slip up. It's hard! But it can be done!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    same here
    I'm guessing I've put back on 7/8 and haven't been on the scale in weeks
    I keep telling myself tomorrow, but this time I really mean it
    Let's get back on the saddle and hold ourselves accountable and forgive ourselves for our screw ups!
  • Daisygurl7
    Daisygurl7 Posts: 129 Member
    Everyone feels like this at times.. You have to be accountable!! Whether or not you want to log your food, do it anyways!! When you look and see everything you are actually eating...it really helps!! Don't Give up!! You're WORTH a lifestyle change, right?!? YES YOU ARE!! Just get back on it. Start over!! As for seeing everyone drop in weight and you don't....DON'T SWEAT IT!! Some of us are a lot bigger than you are, and have alot more lose, and comes off easier in the beginning. Just cause You're not losing weight, doesn't mean you're not losing inches! :) You can do it!!! Just start fresh. Don't beat yourself up, cause that's not gonna help matter at all! Let's do this!! GOOD LUCK!!
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Just keep getting back on the wagon. You still weigh less than when you started. So just readjust and get back on track. WE ALL have bumps. I have been having my own. We generally don't change a lifetime of habits quickly.
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Glad you are back at it...I agree with what has already been said...feel free to add me if you need a friend
  • aimgirl
    aimgirl Posts: 50 Member
    I joined 1 month ago and I've lost 9 lbs..have been under my calories everyday and exercising a few times per week. However, my birthday was this past Saturday and I blew it big time. I logged my calories anyway and ended up going over by THOUSANDS. You know what brought me back into reality? When you hit the 'complete this day' button at the bottom of your food journal it told me 'if every day were like today you would weigh 182 pounds in 5 weeks" 182 pounds is MORE than what I started this journey at so it was a huge reality check. Good luck getting back on the wagon, admitting it was the first and probably hardest step.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Everyone feels like this at times.. You have to be accountable!! Whether or not you want to log your food, do it anyways!! When you look and see everything you are actually eating...it really helps!! Don't Give up!! You're WORTH a lifestyle change, right?!? YES YOU ARE!! Just get back on it. Start over!! As for seeing everyone drop in weight and you don't....DON'T SWEAT IT!! Some of us are a lot bigger than you are, and have alot more lose, and comes off easier in the beginning. Just cause You're not losing weight, doesn't mean you're not losing inches! :) You can do it!!! Just start fresh. Don't beat yourself up, cause that's not gonna help matter at all! Let's do this!! GOOD LUCK!!

    Ditto! I completely agree. The main thing that sticks out to me is how much you want to lose. You will not lose as fast as those of us that have a lot more to lose. Concentrate on how good you feel when you eat healthy and exercise. It's clear from your post that you feel bad when you do the opposite. Keep your head up and keep moving forward! Slowly but surely moving forward is much better than going backwards at all. :smile:
  • JeffK627
    JeffK627 Posts: 11 Member
    You start just like you started the first time. Take today as your starting point and do it as if this is your first day. We all fall off from time to time, beating yourself up for it just perpetuates a bad pattern and may even give you an excuse to continue eating poorly and not exercising.

    Signing up for the class was a great move! Now just get your diet back on track and you'll make up those 3 "lost" weeks in no time!
  • dkiles
    dkiles Posts: 45
    The past is the past you can't do anything about yesterday. Just ask yourself what you can do better today even if it's something small. I hit a slump for a couple weeks and I'm back on it. If you keep at it long enough the weight is going to come off. Slow is better than fast fixes. It's a long term life style change. Just try to stay positive any way you can, listen to uplifting music, positive reading or movies. I know I have this committee in my head some times that goes on the critical negative self talk and I have to do everything I can to drown that out.
  • ande2994
    ande2994 Posts: 136
    I skipped myfitnesspal for four days for a family funeral and it was amazing that just those four days could get me out of the habit! I got home, got busy at work, didn't feel like I had the time to track was I was eating. I didn't get back on for weeks.

    Just started myfitnesspal again this week. I'd forgotten how much better I feel when I'm eating right! I feel better physically and emotionally -- myfitnesspal did a good job of instilling an enduring sense of guilt over bad food!

    Seeing the numbers go down is a great motivator, but regardless of the weight, eating right and exercising will make you healthier. Keep with it and the numbers will follow. :)
  • skyle954
    skyle954 Posts: 27 Member
    don't get discouraged by looking back..you know you have made the mistake so no move on, get back on track, go back and put all those bad calories in there so you can see the full picture of when you fall off the wagon and when you stay on. Take your pole dancing class and get a movin. Put a smile on that face cause you know those calories will be melting off you soon enough....Happy Losing!
  • mamahafner
    mamahafner Posts: 38 Member
    I was in your shoes about 3 weeks ago. When I first started this I lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks and then went back to my old habbits and then gained back the 2 pounds and then some. :explode: Then I realized that the only person that was getting in my way was myself. :blushing: So I started back up and gave myself a goal. My goal is to lose 5 pounds every 2 weeks and by the time summer comes around I will be looking fantastic. :wink: Give yourself little goals and dont get discuraged if you don't always meet that goal. Just remember that each day is a new day and you cant change yesterday. Remind yourself when you want to get a cheese burger and fries that it isn't going to help you get to your goal and it will take just as much time to get a salad instead. Healthy choices are important and remind yourself that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Just start back up again and keep going. Someone once told me that it takes 21 days to form a habbit. So today is day one. Good luck. :happy:
  • Cbeth80
    Cbeth80 Posts: 49
    You have recognized your error and now you will be just fine. Everyone falls off. What helped me to get back on track and get my mind back on eating healthy was the 7 day heart healthy diet. I was able to shed about 8lbs and it helped me to focus back on eating healthy. It's not for everybody, but it worked for me. You can go to www.my7daydiet.com and click on the enter bottom at the button. Then on the left hand side under "let's get started", you have your 7 day meals planned out for you. It is all fruits and veggies and a great way to detox and build back your energy. The fast food has gotten you in a slump and you will appreciate the other side effects of having more energy as well as losing a considerable amount of weight. Good luck, if you try it, let me know how it worked for you!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    There is no wagon. Just you living as healthy a life as you can, day by day. A bad day doesn't undo anything, or mean failure. It's just that, a bad day. We all have them.
  • misshenn78
    It's in your heart to do the right thing - now you just need to make it happen. All that training the first couple months didn't go unnoticed, and your body I bet was very happy with you!! Just fall back into place - and it will even just be more natural!! And pole dancing?!? Sounds SOO MUCH FUN!!! :)
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    It's ok! We all fall off sometimes. It took my months upon months to really start consistently losing. I have found that when I have a bad day if I log anyways I am MUCH more motivated to have a good day the next day! I get into trouble when I just don't log.
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member
    Also, you don't have that much to lose! Any damage you have done is totally reversible : )