kgeiger141 Member


  • Hey! I'm a 2016 Bride-to-be as well! Looking to lose 40 pounds by my September 2016 wedding! Feel free to add me! I love giving (and receiving) support! :)
  • That's my story too! I gained it all back plus ten pounds. :/ but the good thing is we can do it again!!! Go ahead and send me a request! I like to motivate my MFP friends! :)
  • I'm Kristina and 21 years old! I have about 42 pounds to lose as of now :) feel free to add me!
  • Hey!! My name is Kristina :) I'm 21! Three years ago I lost 35+lbs and was in super good shape, then met my now-fiancé and let myself go! I'm trying to get back into a healthy lifestyle because I've had so many issues from gaining the weight back! I do much better with motivators too :) feel free to send me a request!
  • I'm having a similar problem. Fluctuations of 3-6 pounds. Nothing like 10 pounds, but still, a lot of factors play into that. It's hard not to get disappointed, but a lot of factors play into it: what you ate before, bowel movements, water weight, women's menstrual cycles, workouts, etc. My problem is not getting…
  • I'm having the same issue right now, but I just started my weight loss journey, so I anticipated it. Right now I'm focusing on just staying within my calorie limit the best I can, trying to eat more low-calorie foods and drinking more water before and after I eat or when I do get hungry.
  • I'm 5'9.5" and looking to get back to 160-155 so I can fit into size 8 again! I'm medium to large size boned, depending on your scale, but I do currently have quite a bit of weight to lose to get back to that size 8. I'm guessing I could probably get to 150, but then I would start gaining muscle which would overtake any…
  • Set goals for running and biking, so why not walking! :) My goal for the remainder of July is to walk 25 miles!
  • Ours is September 2016! :smiley:
  • Not a huge cyclist, more of a runner, but I want to do both! My goal is to run 20 miles for the rest of the month and bike 25 miles for the rest of the month!
  • I had a similar issue with a friend (with her it was telling me to not work out though) and it contributed to a further weight gain. Sometimes it's best to not talk to them until you get in your routine and then not mention the new routine at all! There is lots of other stuff you can talk about, I'm sure! Also, if you want…
  • A little late to the party, but I'm going to set my goal for 20 miles for the rest of the month!
  • I want to do this!! But it's near the end of the month. So, with 6 days left, I will make my goal to run 10 miles!
  • I'm your woman! ;) Friend request sent!
  • I was sort of in the same boat!! I started myfitnesspal and dropped 30 pounds! Then I gained about 20 back. If you want anyone to support or encourage you, feel free to add me!! I'm on the market for new myfitnesspal friends! :smile:
  • The walking seems pretty accurate! If you think about it, on average, a person burns 120 calories an hour just from standing (I read it on a fitness website once!), so walking for four and a half hours probably burns more than you think! I always use a tracker on my phone where you can enter your weight and the type of…
  • It's all about attitude! I used to be a non-runner too, hated it in fact, but as soon as you lace up your shoes and go on a run, you ARE a runner. Stop considering yourself as a non-runner now, because you've already done what many people can't do no matter how hard they try! It took me two times through the c25k before I…
  • :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I never insulted your intelligence, so there's no reason to insult mine. Unless you feel the need to compliment my vocab more, than go right ahead. I love the compliments! :smooched: I'm just trying to say that women have enough going against them already, why do we need to be against each other on something trivial such…
  • I never insulted your intelligence, so there's no reason to insult mine. Unless you feel the need to compliment my vocab more, than go right ahead. I love the compliments! :smooched: I'm just trying to say that women have enough going against them already, why do we need to be against each other on something trivial such…
  • literally snorted reading this comment. Why do we have to generalize based on hair color when 75% of American women dye their hair anyways? This argument seems rather trivial and based on a case-by-case correlation, not causation.....I think all people have certain things where they do "it" better, regardless of hair…
  • Thanks for all the amazing feedback guys!!! Knowing that there are other people out there who are just as busy (or busier!) as me, but still find time to work out really makes it seem more possible and motivates me! The only problem with adapting to it is that I really really REALLY enjoy running! I dont really lift or do…
  • This is exactly what I needed!! We have a step competition at work, but it doesn't start until May 28th, so I need motivation!! My goal will be 12,000 per day! :)
  • First, you HAVE had progress. You have lost weight. And just becuase you might not see it, you already mentioned that other people have! THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!! Second, use this pictures as progress pictures for yourself. Like someone above me said, put them in an envelope, seal it, and keep it hidden away while you…
  • The same thing happened to me and I felt like a failure and was full of shame, up until I just read this post above. Thank you for that, because I think I really needed to hear that and it helped me!!
  • Looking for people to motivate that can return the favor to me, too! :) I am sort of in the same situation, where I worked out and got in really good shape last year, but over the fall and winter I went back and gained 12 pounds (heavy classload, long/cold winter and new relationship). I want to get back in shape too and…
  • Don't go running outside in the middle of the night and come across a skunk.......I have never ran backwards as fast as I did that night.....
  • I lost 32 pounds before meeting my current boyfriend and maintained for about six months into our relationship. It was in winter I faultered and over the fall/winter I had gained back 14 pounds. Since then, I have started back up and lost three, but it made me really think about why I reverted back and gained so much…
  • Even if you didn't do as much as you would have hoped for, you still have to give yourself a pat on the back for working out at all rather than not doing anything!! The hardest thing to do is get on your workout shoes and actually start the workout when you first start working out (thats what I'm going through now! lol)…