forest98520 Member


  • Awesome job on self control!!! Yesterday I didn't calculate any of my food but I know I didn't do horrible. As far as weighing myself, I would do it every day, I have issues lol. So I actually a couple of weeks ago put my scale away. I have to go get it to weigh in so that has helped me a lot to stay away from it. I still…
  • I totally get taking a break and the break turns into a year thing. Why do we do that? We know how much better we feel when we eat right but we still do it. The brain is strange thing. Today I weighed and measured all my food and stayed within my range!! That's my success for the day. Oh and I cleaned out from under the…
  • Good morning! I'm also sipping on coffee :) Todays goal is to get my protein in and stay away from processed sugar. Yesterday was a success! Have a great day everyone, we got this thing!! Janice Upstate NY
  • Thanks everyone for your welcomes! I'm Janice. My tag name comes from leaving WA state almost 30 years ago and moving to northern Minnesota. I just started hanging out in yahoo games and needed a nickname. I really missed the PNW trees so I chose forest98520. The numbers are my hometown zip code :) I'm currently in upstate…
  • Hi everyone, new here. Not new to MFP but new to this thread. I'm not sure what the topic is but I like the title. I'm 56 and forever on a trying to get rid of this weight. I've been doing keto/low carb for a few years now but not consistently. I've decided to focus more on getting good proteins in each meal verses giving…
  • You got this!! Finish that mile!!!!!
  • Sounds delish!! I just made 2 egg scramble with tomatilo (sp?) salsa. It was very good.
  • .
  • False but sounds interesting. TNP: has jumped out of a plane
  • You Can't Touch This- MC Hammer B)
  • I'm looking at the one in Albany NY!! The dates here are not correct at least for the Albany one. It's in Sept.
  • My husband has had two surgeries on his neck having two different discs replaced and he is not able to lift heavy items. So I am the one hauling the bags of cat food etc while he stands there feeling like a jerk knowing that people are thinking exactly what you described. I feel bad for him but it is what it is so yes we…
  • I just started a upstate ny group if anyone would like to join :glasses:
  • I say whatever exercise you do regularly just stick to it. I think the 17 min thing is for people just starting out and they want people to be successful on this diet so they make it pretty hard to fail kwim?
  • C1D3 here and down 6 pds! My biggest problem is getting in enough calories. It's really difficult to get to 1200 with this diet and I am not hungry at all. Day 1 I was just over 900 and yesterday I was just over 700. Today I am going to just make myself eat more....
  • I understand your reservation about seeing the doctor again so soon. I also think not being able to swallow correctly after you eat should not be taken lightly. Most likely it's nothing but heaven forbid it should be something and you choose to wait. Sorry if I am coming across harsh, I don't mean too but I have had a…