RunningActor Member


  • It'll be hard work regardless, but a couple suggestions to ease the pain: 1. Hydration - Higher altitudes tend to be drier and dehydration can sneak up on you, if you don't normally run with a water bottle, do so, and if you do, hydrate more. 2. Slow down - There's just less oxygen in the air for you to breathe, so your…
  • I go sock-less in my VFF Bikilas but although I feel like I'd be fine sockless in my Nike Free 3.0s I tend to use socks with them.
  • Yes it was! We ran together with the 3:40 pacer (Terry I think), right?
  • When it comes to doing your first, pick a race in March or April of next year, pay for it ASAP (it's cheaper, and keeps you committed), and start working on building your mileage base (I tend to follow the +10% a week rule, with the occasional step back week for recovery (usually every 3rd or 4th week). When the time comes…
  • I'm always looking for new running pals, I'm on as "The_Geb" and on here. I ran my first marathon in Fall 2011, 2 more in 2012 and I've done 3 so far this year (planning for a 4th in December). I'm currently in progress of dropping 30lbs to get down to a weight were I might BQ (I'm 30 so that'd be a 3:05:00…
  • Recent studies have shown that lifting higher weight at lower reps (4 sets of 4 reps of 4 rep max weight) is better for your strength and running economy than lower weight/higher rep (3 sets of 10-12 reps of lighter weight), but any lifting is going to be beneficial for injury prevention. Here's a synopsis of one of the…
  • As long as you've got a calorie deficit you're gonna lose weight. Alcohol does take liver priority away from fat burning, so don't over do it. Came across this article/blog post yesterday with some of the benefits and negatives of alcohol when it comes to fitness: The…
  • Welcome back. You made the step of coming back to the tool that helped you do it the first time. You can do this!
  • The 1000+ miles were in Nike Air Max Moto +, I did that in 3 or 4 pairs of them, then the same in a pair of Nike Free TR2s as I transitioned to more minimalist shoes. Now I'm in a brand new pair of Nike Free 3.0s for most of my miles and Vibram FF Bikilas for shorter runs (I'll probably switch to using them on a regular…
  • Well, nothing but running is going to give you running related cardio training, but if you don't have access to a treadmill, something like those workouts On Demand is better than nothing.
  • I tend to get way more than I should out of them, general consensus is that the shoe starts to fail at around 250-500 miles but I've taken a few pairs well over 1000 miles (I'm a 50-80 mile a week runner)
  • As of today I'm down 7.6 lbs since 7/21 (17 days ago) so I'm at about .45 a day. Most of this is water weight I dropped within the first couple days though.
  • I always eat a morning meal with a decent amount of carbs and high in protein. Usually this is after my morning run (7-10 miles on weekdays). I find that I need the satiation that protein provides to keep me from being a bottomless pit for snacks until lunch. I am still a heavy snacker (3 100-300 calorie snacks a day along…
  • I'd say this group is unique on MFP though, it's filled with people who are distance runners. By our nature we're going to be going out for longer runs, and because we run more than the majority of people, we're going to usually be faster. This group is far more likely to pull off the 1000 calories in an hour of running…
  • I'm big (6'1" 211.8 lbs as of this morning) and relatively fast (Easy runs are 7'45" - 8'15"/mi, Slow for me is ~8'30' on my long training runs/recovery runs) and the way I have to work hard to eat enough calories to meet my goal most days. I'm not losing weight as fast as I'd expect, but I'm also not concerned because I'm…
  • Hi Folks, I'm Geb, I've been running for about 12 years on and off and started running marathons in 2011. My 2013 goal is to run 4 marathons and BQ. I'm 3 marathons in (Yakima River Canyon Marathon, Tacoma City Marathon and the Green River Marathon) and nowhere near the BQ for my age group (I'm turning 30 tomorrow). I'm…
  • Thanks for sharing it, I came across it on /r/running a couple weeks ago and it hit really close to home.
  • I agree, you need to figure out what you like and what effect it has on your stomach. I like most of GU's flavors (even the super caffeinated "Roctane" ones. I'd also suggest you start running with whatever electrolyte beverage your race uses, just to make sure there's no Gastro-intestinal issues there. Now, I tend to go…
  • It's hard to say specifically how long it will take to shed the water weight. Sometimes it's a few days for me when it happens
  • Today I ate what I eat (almost) every morning after my run, My morning smoothie: Generic - Lowfat Milk- 1%, 8 oz 110 Cal Trader Joe's Own - Golden Roasted Flax Seed Whole Seeds 2tbsp (15g), 2 Tbsp 90 Cal Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein - Chocolate Protein Powder, 2 Scoop (38g) 280 Cal Trader Joe's - Mixed Berry…
  • Male 29 (30 on Thursday) 6'0" 212.4 lbs on my last weigh in. Net daily goal = 1480 C to theoretically lose 2lbs a week (980C deficit per day) I workout between 6 and 7 days a week, burning on average 1500+ calories from exercise (distance runner) Intake usually around 3000C My diary is open so feel free to take a look
  • First, I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with the loss of a child, no one should have to go through that. When it comes to your question, 6-pack abs are just a matter of bodyfat percentage and where you're carrying it. If you have muscular abs and a low Bf% you will have a 6 pack, it just might take a while if your skin is…
  • As long as you are still under your net goal, go for it. I don't eat (much) after 9 because I feel groggy in the morning if I do, but that's me.
  • My Diary is always open.
  • Get back into your normal eating pattern for a few days, and odds are you'll be fine. You may have eaten saltier foods and are retaining water, or a multitude of other possibilities. Edit: Forgot to include this, for a little perspective, I was at a calorie deficit on Saturday, but I also had to eat 4300 calories to meet…
  • You certainly haven't failed yourself! You dropped 112lbs! Everyone has rough patches where they have trouble motivating their exercise. Your body wants to be healthy. Look at how far you've come, you only have 16lbs to go... you can do this!
  • There's science behind the energizing! By exercising you're training your increasing the number and efficiency of your mitochondria (the part of your cells that actually process glucose into adenosine triphosphate [ATP] the fuel that powers every individual cell).
  • Although it's not the be-all end all, exercise makes weight loss easier because it helps you achieve a calorie deficit. For "looking good" exercise is even more important, resistance/strength training helps build/retain muscle mass, which a) burns moderately more calories than fat and b) looks better than fat. Cardio is…
  • Hi Rinafil, Well, the woman who holds the female World Record for the Marathon, Paula Radcliff, has asthma, so it can be done. I don't have any first hand experience working with asthmatic runners, but checking some of my favorite resources (Runners World, among others) I've got a few suggestions: 1st (and most…