kwoww9797 Member


  • I really like the Zone Block eating. It is what works for me best, but I find it difficult to stick to. I'm about 60% Zone Block eating right now. It's most difficult for me in the evenings. I like to eat big dinners and dessert. I too like Shaypearl am doing lots of stress eating the past few months. It's difficult to get…
  • I get that ALL the time!!! And it's so frustrating! Maybe it's because I'm pushing too much into my lower back. It's very unpleasant and my husband makes fun of me. Thanks for your post! I'll be investing in some glide soon.
  • I think it is all about listening to your body. I plan to hit the box five days a week, but if I pushed hard early in the week, and I am sore, I will stay home and rest. You could also take some active rest days and see how that makes you feel. I have learned that everyone is different, and you have to do what is best for…
  • Man! That totally sucks! I don't know what I would do! Great job running though!!! I would have sat on the couch after a warm bath with a TUB of ice cream! LOL! Take time next week and let your coach know you want to do the WOD. Or go in on Saturday/Sunday if your box is open and do it then. That does look like a fun…
  • I'm still debating if I will participate. LOL! I'm celebrating my bachelorette party this weekend.... :neutral:
  • Crossfit will be good for your goals and prepare you for the obstacle race. I've been doing Crossfit for over a year, and have not bulked, and ran my first Spartan Sprint a few weeks ago. Without Crossfit, I would have NEVER done Spartan. It is amazing how strong you are; and you don't even know it. My legs, arms, and…
  • One of the things I love about Crossfit is the community! I couldn't live without it and hate when people are not friendly. I've done some drop-ins and at one place the coach didn't even make an effort to learn my name. I also tend to talk about Crossfit all the time. My friends have adjusted to listening to me and then…
  • There are also tons of yoga videos on YouTube.
    in Yoga Comment by kwoww9797 March 2015
  • Great Job Everyone! I completed scaled and got 55. I am still working on lifting heavy weights and just started cleaning 75# and push pressing 65# a week or two ago. I wish I was stronger and could do better, but I'm okay now with what I got. I was crying after the WOD; not from pain, but from disappointment in myself. I…
    in 15.4 Comment by kwoww9797 March 2015
  • Hi Ahslando, thanks for sharing (and everyone else). I too have experienced some of these same feelings. I started Cross Fit around 7 months ago, along with other girls at my box. Granted they are all 10 years my junior, they progress a lot faster than me. At first, this was really upsetting. I didn't understand why I…
  • Hi Rachel! Congratulations on taking the first step to the rest of your life! Eating healthy and staying motivated to workout is HARD WORK! It does not come easy and it can sometimes be a S__L__O__W process, but it all pays off in the end. Just take your time and celebrate the little accomplishments, like showing up, or…
  • Have you tried any pre-workout supplement? Something with a little caffeine?
  • Thanks. I think the recomp is what I would do since I don't really NEED to lose weight, but want to lose fat.
  • I think BCAAs are awesome! I usually take some before walking in the box, and immediately after the WOD. There are some people at my box that drink BCAA throughout the warm up, strength, and WOD; it has been known to help. If you think it helps you after burning your muscles after the strength before the WOD, I say why…
  • I've only been doing CF since June 2014. I registered, but am a little nervous. I'm doing it to prove to myself that I can do it and I like the feel of competition; I always push myself harder. And having something to work towards makes me train harder. Super Excited!
  • So I just read the article and it makes sense. A friend of a friend expressed how he lifts regularly, and is probably less than 5% body fat, and he never does crunches or sit ups, but has a full six pack! I was actually surprised when I started crossfit a few months ago that ab mat sit ups are a typical crossfit workout.…
  • I have been doing crossfit for about two months now. And it never gets easier, you just get stronger. It does take time for your body to adjust to this type of workout. I'm continuously sore everyday! LOL! And I go about 4-5 days a week to get my money's worth. I do not RX because I am not interested in competition. I am…
  • Some people are rude... I live in San Antonio, TX, and a friend of mine orders Naked Coconut Eats. It is a local food delivery place here in San Antonio that is Palio inspired. I tried some food he ordered, but didn't really like it. If you don't like cooking I see nothing wrong with ordering your food, I would if I could…
  • HELLO! I have been doing crossfit for about 7 weeks! I love the challange, but feel you about the grip stuff! I have super sensitive hands, and remember when I first started, it wasn't that I couldn't do the movements, but my hands hurt so bad I couldn't hang on!!! LOL When I went in to learn the cleans and jerks and…
  • Hello, I have to agree with ashlando on many of her points. To add to it... I have been doing crossfit for about 6 weeks now. In my opinion it is all about knowing your body AND trusting your coaches. If you don't trust your coaches to do what is best for you, try another box. It is also about form. I don't think your…
  • Thank you everyone for the info. I WANTto have a better diet, it's just difficult for me becuase I don't like to cook, because I don't cook very well, and I can't find any recipies that I enjoy consistently. I like lots of differet kinds of fruits and veggies and salads and chicken and fish, I just get bored with the same…
  • I feel the same way. And the book warns not to add to the workouts because of it's special design which I have been struggling with because I have to just walk away! LOL I would like to hear of other woman's experiences who lifted regularly before starting this program and what results they saw after the completion this…
  • THANK YOU! I couldn't find the 40/30/30 anywhere.