GKSTcoach Member


  • September Goals: 1. Stick within my caloric limit 2. Lose 4 pounds (start slow) 3. Swim 3 times a week and bike once each weekend 4. Stay positive if this plan stumbles
  • My NSV is in swimming. At the beginning of June I only made a couple days a week to the pool and could only swim 200 meters before I needed to stop for a min of rest. I am now swimming almost every day and can swim at least a mile before stopping. I have also agreed to be a part of a relay triathlon where I do the…
  • My goals: 1. Drop 2 inches off my waist (Hopefully swimming will help trim that down) 2. Drop 8 lbs. (unless I build muscle due to swimming) ~~ or a combination of the two~~ 3. Log MFP each day HONESTLY 4. Stick to SBD guidelines 5. Drink 6-9 glasses of water daily! 6. Enjoy each day! :-) :flowerforyou:
  • During the week I got down to -4, now I'm back up to -2. Decided to take a day off from working out and give my body a rest...see if that helps any.
  • Thanks! I had heard that too much can actually damage muscles, but I love to swim and being out in the sun during summer when I have winter blues in the blustery cold months may help to build up some good vitamins!
  • June 1 SW:--- June 8 goal: -2 actual: -3.4 Goal met and more. June 15 readjusted goal: -5.4 from starting weight
  • Down 2.8 which gives me a cushion for next week as I'm already 1/2 way to next week's goal.
  • Thanks for the welcome, Summer! :smile:
  • Avoid the sweets at the graduation open houses I have to attend...and log everything on mfp! :tongue:
  • Hi, I'm 41 (will be 42 by end of summer), and I've been heavy all my life. I don't have "baby weight" as I'm not a mom, but right now I look pregnant due to the weight I just gained. I'm pear-shaped, so I have a big butt and thighs, but I also have "swimmers' shoulders" due to swimming butterfly as a kid. I'm only…
  • I usually weigh in twice a week...Sunday and Thursday...so if it is OK with you, I'll give you Thursday's weight as my "June 1 starting weight" if that's OK (unless tomorrow is different). I'm beginning at 252 (Yes, I have a ways to go). I gained 17 pounds the last 3 months (I lost my mom). Before that I had lost 40 lbs.…
  • When my dietician got me on MFP, she warned me that they do overestimate the calories burned. I use a watch when I swim that estimates based on my heart rate. It automatically uploads for me when I login after a swim. It's usually 100 - 200 calories less than MFP.
  • Finally lost another pound...not to goal yet, but lost a pound!
  • Still stuck...
  • 2/6 goal weight: 231 Actual weight: 236 But I did lose 2 lbs. from last week (I was not actually going for all 7 lbs in one week, but my goals got off-track a few weeks back, so I'm trying to end where I originally intended: 222. Six weeks and 14 lbs...it may be possible.) :smile:
  • This week has been nuts! I'm sure I gained weight, but for some reason the scale says I'm at the same weight. This time of year is hard to stick to a "healthy" meal plan. I'm 5 pounds behind where I wanted to be on Feb 1st. *sigh*. Time to kick it in gear! Week of 1/30 loss: 0 lbs.
  • So far I've dropped 5 lbs, but my goal was for 10 by this Saturday. Don't think it will happen, but as long as I'm still slowly losing, it's still a win!
  • No joy on meeting the goal, but I did lose a pound. SW: 275 Previous goal: 237 CW: 239 Next goal: 235 Overall goal: 200 Hoping that me being sick is the hold-up.
  • I've exercised more than I had before and added strengthening/stretches some mornings.
  • Still didn't get my goal for the week, but I met last week's goal this week...:smile: SW: 275 Previous goal: 240 CW: 240 Next goal: 237 Overall goal: 200
  • I didn't hit my goal, but I did drop weight, so I'm happy. SW: 275 Previous goal: 240 CW: 241 Next goal: 239 Overall goal: 200
  • Love your goals, especially the last few...be comfortable in clothes, be happy with how I look, and keep improving health and fitness...awesome!:happy:
  • Nine steps to a healthier me...(my 2014 goals/resolutions) 1. continue swimming 3 times a week 2. add light weights/arm reps in mornings 3 times a week 3. ride expresso bike/eliptical at least twice a week 4. continue logging in mfp 5. continue South Beach plan (no sugar, low artificial sugar, no potatoes *cries*, and no…
  • I have stopped eating candy, desserts, etc. I also took out potatoes and white bread. You are right...the more junk I ate, the junkier I felt. Eating right has been so much better! Not sure if I could stay under 2g, but I will pick up the challenge of continuing to avoid junk food (sugar and chips), desserts, soda, etc...,…
  • I agree with Jennegan about overestimating calories burned. MFP would say I burned 400+ calories swimming, but when I invested in a watch that regulates distance swam, time, pulse, etc..., it showed me about 150 calories fewer, so I started logging by that. Also, make sure calorie deficit isn't all the way to starvation…
  • My regular lunch (this may sound gross, but it is good) includes granola in Greek yogurt with some blackberries thrown in for added fiber. I have 4 mini-meals and 2 bigger meals a day to keep the metabolism up during the day: a breakfast shake for bkfst as I hate getting up early enough to make something; a snack or meal…
  • I went to a dietician beginning in August. We found out I was eating too few calories and putting myself in starvation mode. She upped my net calories to 1750 and put me on mfp, and I started losing! I couldn't believe it! So net calories between 1600 - 1800 calories. My losing window is between 1600 - 1950. Anything below…
  • Starting weight: 275 Group starting weight: 243 Current weight: 243 Weekly goal weight: 241 - 240 Overall goal weight: 200 by August 1, 2014 Glad to have found a group with weekly check-ins! I'm stuck on a plateau and need a shove to get losing again!
  • Hi all! I began changing my lifestyle in August. Family has a history of weight/diet-related illnesses, and I want to do what I can to prolong/avoid the onset of those. For the past month I've been stuck on a plateau of 32 pounds lost, even though I am still in my calorie range, so I'm looking for some support, advice,…