GoBanana76 Member


  • I gained a pound this moning too :(
  • Im on day 5. Is anyone else doing this?!?!?
  • BUMP! BUMP! BUMP! I just got the book - my boss lent me hers and i read it and i cant wait to start. I just hope it doesnt kill my wallet :/ im a dieting guru and i have to say the only diet i was ever on that caused me to lose the belly was Jenny Craig. Then after reading this book i realized that the food in this book is…
  • Im sorry about that. I should have specified. Burn The Fat is the name of the book. I thought it was quite popular so i didn't think to be mose specific lol Sorry about that!
  • Upon my research of anabolic and catabolic i found this: http://www.muscleandstrength.com/forum/diet-nutrition/558-am-i-anabolic-catabolic.html so now im confused you say stay away from catabolic but in this explanation catabolic means you will lose...confusion!
  • I have this very same problem. Its normal to feel how you are feeling. the only thing you can do is just DO IT. stop thinking about it and just do it. You will find that the good healthy habits will come back right away....
  • It all comes down to the millions of voices in my head.....seriously..i mean im constantly feeling all these feelings. my bf tells me to take the feelings and emotions out and just do it but its not that easy for me. @mbrotnitsky: i totally understand about being in the moment. sometimes i do but its hard for me to…
    in Anxiety Comment by GoBanana76 March 2011
  • Thank you for responding. Basically, I was going to go to a new gym today - not a real gym it is more like a bootcamp with just personal trainers. very intimate setting. I got up at 5 got there and sat in my car and i was too afraid to go in. I dont know why i do this to myself. i yo yo back and forth. Im motivated im not…
    in Anxiety Comment by GoBanana76 March 2011
  • i dont mind the chest strap but i would prefer without but if those arent as accurate id rather just deal with it then.
  • I am an avid spinner. I lost ALOT of weight in only 4 months spinning for a half hour 5 days a week. and my legs were stealth :) it takes some getting used to but it is an incredible workout if you have the right instructor. Let me know how you like it!
  • Try Quaker Old Fashioned Oats...They are super easy and quick - just pop in the microwave....
  • i do eat some of them just not all - its weird thats all i can say!! lol
  • Well, i dont count them because im not eating pounds upon pounds of them daily. Like right now for a lunch snack - I have some carrots celery and cucumbers with veggie dip - the dip i am counting though lol
  • I am sitting here as we speak eating ben and jerrys fish food. I googled "addicted to ice cream" and this is the first thing that came up...i have this very same problem. i love ice cream. my boyfriend does too. its evil!!
  • sorry for the triple post. my computer is going in slowwwwwww overload.
  • its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i…
  • its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i…
  • its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i…
  • i do and i feel like its taking me forever!!!
  • i was never a big yplait lover because they always had higher calories than others but seriously - ive never tasted something so gooooood!!
  • mix a dry ranch dip packet in with it and use it as a veggie dip!!
  • I always have a combination of carbs and protein. its so weird because when i was unhealthy i would never combine and i always felt fine. now that im being healthy this is happening. i find it to be so odd
  • This happens to me CONSTANTLY. Powerade and candy bar big no no. stick to something between 2 and 3 grams of sugar and it will stabilize.Fruit or 4 oz of regular cola are excellant choices. Give yourself 5-10 minutes and if you still feel bad drink a little more accordingly. too much will spike and then plummet. you want…
  • Thanks everyone. I definitely am excited to start over. My next step is to try getting up in the morning at 5 am to workout - im not sure that will be happening but at least i go after work LOL
  • I beg to differ...Long Island has the best :)
  • Oh, LOL Sometimes I forget! In NY we have restaurants called diners lol you can get anything from pancakes to cheese burgers to shrimp scampi LOL and you can have it anyway you want it...and they are open 24 hours lol but my boyfriend just called me and told me we are going to the chinese buffet...so now im freaking out
  • We are going to the diner. I can pretty much have ANYTHING LOL
  • I read the Atkins book and did give it a conscious effort. However, it did not work for me and it just made me feel gross eating so much fat. But thats me. And I feel that if you found something that works for you and you can stick with it for the rest of your life, then that is all that counts. When I was on it, I…
  • I hate jeans!!! All my weight is in my mid section. I have relatively smaller legs andno booty at all! but when i buy jeans that fit my legs i have a muffin top and if i buy jeans that fit my waist they are gigantic on my legs and hang off my butt! I cant win either way...are most peoples bodies like that? I think im going…
  • Well, I went. I didnt spin though. I did the elliptical for a half hour. It wasnt my best workout. I had no energy but i still did it so thats what counts. But i was so hungry when i was one my way home, i felt like i was going to throw up :( I had a banana though and all is well!