Early A.M. Exercise

Does anyone do this? I used to but couldnt keep it up for long. Im trying to get back into it but I just CANNOT get up!!! Anyone have any tips?


  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I set my alarm 30 min before I want to get up. I snooze a few times to give myself time to slowly wake up. I have gotten my body to adjust to getting up earlier now and I am more awake. Today was my first day to workout in the AM, but I am glad I did. It was just some Wii Just Dance, so I can do my more intense workouts in the evening, but I am glad to be getting in the extra workout a few days a week!
  • ricnrac
    ricnrac Posts: 95 Member
    bump! I can't make myself get up either. Guess it would help if I went to bed before midnight :)
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i just want to do TAE BO in the morning and then go to the gym after work. I need to do something to get my *kitten* out of my cozy comforter!!!!!
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i just want to do TAE BO in the morning and then go to the gym after work. I need to do something to get my *kitten* out of my cozy comforter!!!!!
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    its so strange bc my boyfriend gets up everyday at 5 am and goes and i am in such a deep sleep i dont even hear his alarm. and it is LOUD. i go to bed early too. i dont know what my problem is. maybe once we change the clocks next weekend and it starts to get warmer?? what do you think? its not like im going anywhere...i just want to do TAE BO in the morning and then go to the gym after work. I need to do something to get my *kitten* out of my cozy comforter!!!!!
  • GoBanana76
    GoBanana76 Posts: 76 Member
    sorry for the triple post. my computer is going in slowwwwwww overload.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    I am NOT a morning person, but I had to change. I started doing my exercise after work, but found I wasn't sleeping well at night. This is when I used to always exercise, in the past, so I don't know what has changed. Anyway, I figured I'd rather have that energy during the day, so I made the switch. I have to make sure I get to sleep by 9:45-10:45 in order to be able to get up at 5:40. I give myself 20 minutes, so I'm out of bed by 6.

    Yes, there have been many mornings where I think: I'm tired, cozy and warm, I just want to stay in bed. And then I think: but there's no point since I have to be up at 6:45 and it's gonna take me at least 20-30 minutes to get back to sleep anyway, I might as well get up. And, look how far I've come, and remember how I felt before I started -- do I really want to feel those aches and pains again?? No way.....alright, I'm definitely up!

    LOL, yeah, sometimes that's the running commentary I have with myself when my alarm goes off.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    My schedule recently changed to where I work a normal schedule. I used to go in at 3pm and work till 11pm and I would workout whenever I woke up. Last week I woke up at 5:15 four days and did P90X. It felt great! I have fallen off the wagon recently bc of lack of sleep (from a trip to vegas). I want to start doing it again, and I think that setting out my clothes/lunch for the next day really helped. I would get up make coffee and start working out. Alos need to get your-self excited to workout so you can get out of bed. Loved the extra calories it gave me too ;)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I just switched to early AM workouts. I generally get up at 5:40 and get to the gym at 6:00. I love working out, but getting up is definitely the hardest part. I just tell myself that I'll be happy once it is over, and I don't have the time later in the day to do it. It is really important for me to get enough sleep the night before. If I get 7 hours then I know I have no excuses not to go haha.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    When one workouts in the morning, is it usually done on a empty stomach?
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I have started getting up at 4:45am the past two weeks so I can start my workout at 5am! I agree the hardest part is getting out of bed, but I feel great once I am done with my workout.. Some days I will workout after work too, if I have energy! :)
  • midwesthiker
    I have never been a morning person, but started getting up at 5:00 am to do a 30 min workout weeks ago. It has been rough, but trying to get that in after work/before supper was pretty tough and after a bad day at work it was easy to skip. I have only had two mornings where I reset the alarm. At first I had to talk myself out of bed everyday, but now I get up. I won't lie, it is still hard, but I am seeing results & that certainly makes it easier. :)

    I did read that it takes 3 months to form a habit, so I am 1/2 way there. I hope to reach the point where I hop out of bed ready to go.

    Now that spring is on the way I will need my evenings for gardening & yard work, so there will not be time for exercise DVDs.
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    When one workouts in the morning, is it usually done on a empty stomach?

    Yes, on days I work, it's on an empty stomach...and that's because I just can't get up any earlier just so I can eat. I drink a bunch of water before I start so at least I'm hydrated. Within 20 minutes of my workout I have my protein drink, and then eat breakfast when I get to work.

    On my day off and weekends, I have my coffee and breakfast -- usually oatmeal -- an hour or so before my workout. I do feel I have more energy on those days, but oh well.
  • seckler
    seckler Posts: 169 Member
    I get up at 5 am to work out. My husband works second shift, so it was just too hard to come home from work and deal with two kids and all that brings and workout. Obviously working out was low on the priority list and didn't get done. It was definatley hard to do it and the first two weeks were the worst, I didn't make it up every day. Now though after getting used to it, I love having my ME time first thing every morning!
    And I work out on an empty stomach, I refuse to get up any earlier to eat and then have to rest my belly before exercising. I drink some water before and during and then have a protein shake right after.
  • JaredTheGeek
    JaredTheGeek Posts: 26 Member
    I have a slow wake alarm that wakes me up gently. Its much nicer that way. I also talk myself up in the morning because I know I will feel great if I just go work out.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Sleeping is my best talent, but my desire to work out has trumped it (usually). I have three alarm clocks, two in my bedroom and one in another room. They go off for two hours and yes, I have slept thru all 3 on the weekends from time to time. My alarms are set for 5am. I get up anywhere from 5-6ish. That allows me enough time to get in my morning walk/jog before work.

    I know what I will wear and have it at the ready so no thought required.

    Except for Eat Stop Eat fast days I do try to eat a little something before I set out.

    From one night owl to another- you can do it!
  • BoBana2011
    I am going to start in the AM as soon as I am able to get in bed early enough at night. Sleep is soooo important and especially so when you are trying to shed some pounds. Any hoot, good luck and thanks for starting this topic!