bingefreeaubree Member


  • Really? :huh: Pretty sure if someone eats 1000 calories one day and 1400 the next it averages out to 1200 and is no big deal.
  • I can't believe it's not butter (or Olivio) buttery spray! About a calorie per squirt, and it coats the popcorn nicely so that you can add salt or sugar or whatever you please and it'll stick! :smile: Umm oh gosh I've had so many disasters with food. I don't even know where to begin. :laugh:
  • I had a problem similar to yours in high school and I was told to eat 2800 calories per day to gain, so I'm just seconding that the 1500-2000 calories per day is wayy off. Even eating 2800 calories per day to gain, the gain was pretty slow and very healthy. Don't worry about eating more than 3000 calories today. Try to…
  • 1. How I Met Your Mother 2. Pretty Little Liars 3. Gilmore Girls 4. Alf 5. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (haha this used to be on every afternoon when I got off the bus in high school)
  • Hahahaha do itttt. :laugh: The Chest Crevice The Chest Cranny (Or instead of chest you can use the word cleavage) The Boob Blocker (since your boobs block the camera haha)
  • Liquid calories aren't that filling. Maybe a glass of milk, orange juice, V8 etc. would help you get closer to your daily goal when you're under, without filling you up too much. Anything that's a fat is pretty calorie dense and can help you get closer to your goal without filling you up too much. A tablespoon or two of…
  • I like working out barefoot, and have been doing so lately, but I probably shouldn't. I tend to do my workouts inside, since I do things like Insanity, P90X, and Focus T25. They're all workout videos. I feel less clumsy when I'm barefoot, but at the same time, towards the end of my workout my arches kill me!! I have to…
  • Yeah, I'm so excited!! I'd been eating Danon Light & Fit for 80 calories, but it's full of so many chemicals that I started eating Chobani. And then I found this, and it's the perfect product!
  • Hey Alyson!! Congrats on that huge weight loss; that's amazing!!! I'm looking to lose about 15 pounds so it seems like we have a similar goal. I'd love to be one of your mfp friends and support you with eating less junk and getting to your ultimate goal weight! (My UGW is actually 120 as well haha!!) Feel free to send a FR…
  • Maybe you do smell then hahaha well I'll send a FR your way; I don't mind smelly people :laugh:
  • That may be it. I know that when I accept a request from a new member and see they already have a high number of friends I realize that I probably won't be getting much support from this person and that they're just adding everybody and anybody. Unless they make an effort to introduce themselves to me and then it's fine.…
  • Posts like this make me feel so much better about myself. I gained a couple pounds too and it's comforting to know so many others are in the same boat. :laugh:
  • If anything he should be prouder to be seen with you now that you did lose weight. =) I don't think it's that he's ashamed. Those are all environments in which you'd probably be tempted to drink a lot and eat a lot and he probably just didn't think you'd be into that since watching what you're eating? It wouldn't hurt to…
  • Bump!!! I've always wondered the same thing, like how to upload pictures to blogs, to message board posts etc. :glasses:
  • I feel really satisfied when I have a lot of vegetables. I'm gluten free and vegetarian so when I'm at a guest's house usually all there is for me to eat are loads of vegetables. I recently had a dinner composed of a lot of spinach and a big bowl of steamed broccoli, and though the meal itself isn't well rounded all those…
  • Doesn't it like vibrate or something to work your abs? I saw an infomercial for it a few years ago before I'd started being a workout junkie, and I was totally tempted to buy it. Then a friend gave me a workout video for Christmas and now I've never regretted my choice to put down the phone and not buy the belt. You're…
  • Agreed!!! I like the fitness model better. I guess I'd be fine with a mix between the two, but if I had to pick one I say the first guy. (:
  • Have you not heard of shop til you drop? :happy:
  • Yeah yeah yeah I agree with everyone else about personality and charm and such but if there are two guys that are completely alike in terms of personality etc. and one of them has muscle and the other is scrawny, I'm going with the muscular one. I like muscular guys. No, I do not find huge bodybuilders that attractive, but…
  • You can get a pretty flat stomach but your rib cage will still always be the same. Mine always has stuck out a lot, and I really couldn't stand it. A few years ago I was super self conscious about it. My cousin had told me it was just upper stomach/under boob fat fat, and I listened to her, so I went crazy trying to lose…
  • I had a couple cups of lentil bean soup last night with a couple servings of broccoli and I felt SO full for about 400 calories. They say fiber and protein packed foods fill you up. Pretty sure what I ate last night was packed with protein (the lentil beans) and fiber (in both the beans and broccoli.) So I highly suggest…
  • I had this problem before, too. I had a couple of friends who would eat like 700 calories a day and I was in awe at all the comments people left saying"great work!" "way to go!" "keep it up!!" Seriously? Keep it up? Keep it up??!! Do you really know what keeping up a 700 calorie daily lifestyle is going to lead to? MAJOR…
  • Hm I don't freeze stuff too often to know of any particular recipes that work great, but I read this article on skinnytaste the other day and thought I'd share it to help you out :smile: And there's this!…
  • Then came the explosive diarrhea
  • I can't stand people who constantly post their exercise routine on Facebook or Twitter. Especially when it's the same thing every day. "Gym time!" "Ran 3 miles today!" "Ran 4 miles today!" "Ran 5 miles today!" Likee we get it; you're running and exercising. I understand maybe making statuses once you reach big goals you…
  • I'd eat one grape to bring my daily total to 1201 calories, just to save me from the wrath that occurs if I eat one calorie too little. :wink: This thread has made my day. :laugh:
  • Definitely not wrong in seeing that. That's the female way. Women can be jealous britches and can get huffy about almost anything. :laugh:
  • You already look skinny to me. :smile: But one protein powder I use that I believe Walmart sells is called Designer Whey. There's a chocolate flavor. (As well as vanilla and strawberry.) It's 100 calories a scoop and gives you 18 grams of protein. Not sure about the added sugars thing though.
  • I feel like it's absurd to weigh yourself the morning after a huge meal, since it's going to be pretty inaccurate. :glasses: Soo I did not weigh myself, but my room-mate did and "gained" 3 pounds. She was about to cry and I was just like girlll, unless you ate 10,700 calories yesterday, you did not gain 3 pounds of fat. Go…