Foods that are really filling

So, I noticed I'm never hungry during the day. I eat just to hit my calories (fruits, veggies, grains) and then night comes. I'm on the sofa, watching Netflix and BAM, STARVATION! Then I totally blow my calories by about 500 which happens to be okay for me to maintain, but I'm trying to lose weight here lol. What are some REALLY filling foods? I want to make my dinners later and larger but with satisfying stuff in it so the pregnancy-like-hunger subsides (not pregnant, but that's the kind of dire hunger I feel).


  • bingefreeaubree
    bingefreeaubree Posts: 220 Member
    I had a couple cups of lentil bean soup last night with a couple servings of broccoli and I felt SO full for about 400 calories.
    They say fiber and protein packed foods fill you up. Pretty sure what I ate last night was packed with protein (the lentil beans) and fiber (in both the beans and broccoli.) So I highly suggest finding a meal that's high in both those macros! Fiber devoid carbs are lovely things, but they're not all that filling; I can eat cups of cereal and feel no satiety.
  • Personally I add a ton of vegetables to whatever I'm eating. Most of the dishes I make can be modified that way- and it allows you to eat more without eating more calories (since you're increasing the volume of the dish, not the calories). I also cut up celery and put it in a Tupperware container with water in my fridge, and if I feel that I'm hungry I force myself to go to that first. The water will suck out the bitter taste and make the celery crunchy, so it's a lot more appetizing.

    Light salads help me as well - at least it'll curb the hunger while only adding a few calories. Just be sure to measure the dressing, and don't add croutons! I add some Parmesan cheese for the extra taste if I need to spice it up a bit.

    I've also found soups to be REALLY filling and low on calories. My favorite is called "Healing Cabbage Soup Recipe" on allrecipes. Check out the comments for additions to the recipe but it is DELICIOUS and really filling!
  • Whiskeytub
    Whiskeytub Posts: 96 Member
    Chicken and Tuna salads have been great lunch foods for me. They're low in calories as long as you don't use too much mayonnaise, and eaten over a bed of spinach rather than in sandwich form. Keeps me full until just before dinner. As others have said, for dinner fullness I've had great results with lentils. Cook them in chicken or beef broth and a can of cocunut milk for great flavor. I also add chicken or beef to them and have a little rice with it for the complex carbohydrates. Stews are also very fulling and low on calories. Also, adding an egg to certain dishes (like beans and rice or polenta with tomato sauce) instantly adds fullness factor without adding a huge amount of calories.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    chicken tuna wild rice anything high in fiber; protein or fat but I would go for lean meats personally. Hope that helps :)
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    chicken tuna wild rice anything high in fiber; protein or fat but I would go for lean meats personally. Hope that helps :)

    Yes. #1) Protein. #2) Fat. #3) Fiber. I love a homemade chicken bowl with grilled chicken, beans, and avocado (and a huge bowl of steamed broccoli/cauliflower on the side). I'm good to go for hours after that.

    For snacks in the evening I'll eat tuna, string cheese, or hard-boiled eggs. Keeps me from mindless munching before dinner.
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Foods high in water, protein, and fibre.
    And potatoes.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member

    I also add lots of low calorie veggies like cabbage, spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, and bell peppers.

    This^ I also add celery. It turns out to be a lot of food for not a lot of calories. Soups, stews and chili can all be bumped up into huge portions with extra veggies.
  • protein, oatmeal and cream of wheat
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    chicken tuna wild rice anything high in fiber; protein or fat but I would go for lean meats personally. Hope that helps :)

    Yes. #1) Protein. #2) Fat. #3) Fiber. I love a homemade chicken bowl with grilled chicken, beans, and avocado (and a huge bowl of steamed broccoli/cauliflower on the side). I'm good to go for hours after that.

    For snacks in the evening I'll eat tuna, string cheese, or hard-boiled eggs. Keeps me from mindless munching before dinner.

    That bowl sounds great! I need more of these things in my life!

  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    I have a similar problem of feeling "hungry" while I'm watching TV. I have found that on the days that I make a concerted effort to eat huge amounts of protein for breakfast, lunch and snacks, are the nights that I don't feel hungry again after dinner (also protein packed). If even after a super high protein day I feel like I'm going to have an issue with self-control I will eat 1/2 cup of low fat cottage cheese before dinner and a 1/2 cup after dinner. Yeah, it's an extra 200 calories, but that blast of extra protein will help me avoid eating an extra 500-1000 in whatever junk I feel like I need to eat while watching TV. If you can't tell, I believe protein is the answer!
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Having protein at every meal keeps me from getting hungry when there is idle time.

    If I do feel like I need something I'll have a glass of water just to see if that helps.

    Usually does if I've hit my macros properly.
  • ....

    What I do is look at all the food I ate, and I say, "there is no way, after 2500 calories of solid food, half of that being all protein, that I am hungry. I'm just not."

    And, then I sit down and eat a bag of chips, a pint of ice cream, about 6 cookies, and a bowl of lucky charms.

  • peanut butter in some yogurt is my go-to lowish calorie snack that is super filling... i have it for breakfast and don't get hungry for hours!
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I think the best thing you can do is try to make sure your whole day is filled with nutrient rich food that gives the body what it needs.
    Try something like maybe:

    lemon water
    green smoothie (Mine is 1 cup water, 2 cups baby spinach and baby kale or other greens, 1/2 banana, 1/3 cup blueberries, I also add 1/3 cup fage yogurt or 1 tbl peanutbutter for protein-I don't like protein powders, a few mint leaves, cilantro leaves, a tiny bit of ginger)
    2 boiled eggs with salt, pepper, paprika, and a little extra virgin olive oil

    1/4 cup raw unsalted almonds or other nuts

    lean chicken or fish
    lots of veggies (especially green)

    1 gala apple or other fruits/veggies

    lean chicken of fish
    lots of veggies (especially green)
    sweet potato

    LOTS of water, add lemon, cucumber, mint if you want

    After dinner "tea":
    1/4 lemon juice
    few mint leaves
    few cilantro leaves
    tiny bit of fresh ginger
    add boiling hot water, drink after a few minutes

    Some form of activity as often as possible every day. (cardio 3x, strength 3x, walking whenever possible)

    Medjool dates for any sweet cravings. Mix up the fruit and veggies and it can have tons of variety. A high quality multi-vitamin might be worth adding as well. The idea here is to work towards a healthier lifestyle that involves foods that nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals, not just empty calories. I really hope this helps.
  • After a full day of proper portions, lots of veggies and protein etc its very rare im hungry but if I am I drink lots of water. Someone told me if you've eaten plenty and your body says you're still hungry you're actually thirsty. It works well for me.
  • sosmerc
    sosmerc Posts: 13 Member
    Why not try a low sodium V-8? Make it a virgin bloody mary and add a celery stick, or a pickled bean or asparagus or a coctail onion or two. Spice it up with mrs. dash no salt seasoning. I've found it to be pretty filling....but then again, I do like to add a jigger of Burnett's Lime flavored least on the first one :)......
  • GymPoet
    GymPoet Posts: 107 Member
    The more water in the food, the more filling it is. Fruit, vegetables, and soup are high volume (filling) for the calories because of this.
    Good luck!!
  • A large cup of hot tea, either herbal or not, with or without milk/cream goes a long way to fill the tummy! I try this first. If I'm still hungry afterward I'll eat something as I know I can't sleep well if I am hungry.
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    You're not hungry, you're bored.

    Do you know why you're bored?

    Because, TV is stupid and boring. Even the good shows.

    You're not really hungry.

    Learn to understand the signals of hunger vs boredom.

    What I do is look at all the food I ate, and I say, "there is no way, after 2500 calories of solid food, half of that being all protein, that I am hungry. I'm just not."

    And, then I sit down and eat a bag of chips, a pint of ice cream, about 6 cookies, and a bowl of lucky charms.

    Jerry is more right than he thinks! I always "do something' while watching TV...crochet, play solitaire on my laptop, make a grocery list, search for recipes, etc. Nights when I JUST sit and watch I EAT! Try to do something while watching...even fold laundry...for me, it is the best way to not snack -
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    What fills me up is fats and proteins. There is a limit to how much I can eat, and they provide satiety. If a eat a bowl of oatmeal, I'm starving a couple of hours later. If I eat bacon and eggs, I'm good all day, and can easily skip lunch without thinking about it. If I eat a plate of spaghetti for dinner, I want more pasta and dessert included. If I eat ribeye steak with a side of salad with creamy dressing, I'm full, and no dessert wanted. This works for me. I hope you find what works for you.